WHY MIGRATE? Mailbox size (quota) will increase from 500mb to 25 GB. This is a 50-fold increase in capacity. The web interface (webmail.umb.edu) will be significantly improved. Mac users will now be able to use Outlook, which is the client in Office You will have access to Word, Excel and other Office applications online. Your address and password will not change.
MIGRATION PROCESS About 400 users have already been moved, including all of the IT staff. We are working to schedule other departments to migrate. We try to migrate departments together. The migration takes one night, approximately 6PM to 6 AM. A whole department may take three nights, but each user will only be down one night. Our goal is to migrate everyone by the end of the calendar year.
WHAT TO EXPECT Upgrade to Outlook 2007 or Microsoft is phasing out support for Outlook Desktop support can help with that. Clean up your mailbox. It should be less than 100 MG to facilitate a smooth migration. Save files to a personal folder (PST). We are working with department IT people and the desktop staff to assist with the mailbox prep. We are offering classes to show people how to create PST’s. We will send a SWAT team to the department before and after migration to troubleshoot.
OFFICE 365 WEB CLIENT Webmail.umb.edu
MORE INFORMATION Office 365 Classes Friday October 19th in P2 from 10:00 am - 11:00 am Friday October 26th in P2 from 10:00 am - 11:00 am More to come Salina Allen-Sharpp is coordinating scheduling.