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Pure Mathematics Honors Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Actuarial Mathematics and Finance and Risk Management Teaching Certificate And…Don’t Forget our Math Minor!
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigan is consistently ranked as one of the top Math Departments in the country. Our student body consists of approximately 435 Concentrators and 219 Minors.
Graduates from our program have gone on to successful careers in law, medicine, politics, and business, as well as every aspect of science, computer science, technology and, of course, mathematics. Math majors are consistently ranked first or second* on GMAT/LSAT/MCAT/GRE performance. Percentages above the mean for math majors: ◦ LSAT - 4.4% (2003/2004) ◦ GMAT -10.8%( ) ◦ MCAT -7.4%(2008) ◦ GRE %(2002) *Math Majors rank second only occasionally to Physics Majors, a good compliment to a Math degree!
Biology Linguistics Chemistry Physics Economics Romance Languages Political Science Just to name a few…
College of Engineering School of Music Business School
CColloquiums CCompetitions - Putnam Mathematical Competition - (UM)2C25 - Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Competition RResearch Experience for Undergraduates IInternships CConferences SStudent Actuaries at Michigan AAnd…
Thursdays at 4:00pm, Nesbitt Commons Room, East Hall Engaging speakers Free pizza and pop
Find information on ◦ Math Majors ◦ Math Minors ◦ Math Placement ◦ Career Paths ◦ Course Selection Appointments are available online!
“Gov. Jennifer Granholm maintains that the new companies she wants to attract – alternative energy, life sciences and advanced, manufacturing firms – won’t move to the state unless it has skilled workers, particularly those with a strong foundation in math.” (Detroit News and Free Press, October 23, 2005) “Math factors into well-paying jobs in state.” (Detroit News and Free Press, October 23, 2005) University of Michigan Mathematics Center for Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) The University of Michigan is one of five universities that have been funded by the Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF), with help from certain key individuals, and substantial “in-kind” support from each of the four universities. The Center Project is based at five of the leading US departments of mathematics: the University of Michigan, Harvard University, the University of California Santa Barbara, the University of Chicago, and the University of Texas. These Centers have been chosen both for their enthusiasm for furthering the principles of IBL, but also for the influential role they play in American education.