The purpose of meditation: is to make the individual free from his existing problems. MEDITATION
Advantages of Meditation: The meditative quality of mind helps in proper utilization of available resources as well as in harnessing the potential of inner capabilities. MEDITATION
The root Cause of all problems : confusion created by the amnesia of identity of real self and its role in human life. This amnesia is, however, a case of mistaken identity. MEDITATION
Which result in : our behaving like the child who, while going towards home to meet the mother, gets so distracted by a carnival on the way, that it forgets not only about the destination but also his own name and address. MEDITATION
There is no other process known to man for changing an imbalanced state of mind into a balanced one than the science of meditation. MEDITATION
Mind is often a helpless victim of various types of turbulence like anger, grief, sensuality, revenge and remorse and this condition is prone to harm one’s own self or others. MEDITATION
Practice of meditation frees the mind from purposeless wanderings and channelises its energy in a focused way. MEDITATION
The aim of meditation is to quieten the mind and purge it of its tendency, controlling the mind by preventing it to fall an easy victim to the onslaughts of lust, grief, blinding rage, undue haste, persistent strong desires for new acquisitions etc. MEDITATION
With mediation one learns the art of single-pointed concentration, which elevates the level of efficiency in any assignment and opens the right avenues for success. MEDITATION
Meditative Posture : Sit with your back erect, both the hands joined in the lap, eyes closed. Objects of meditation : Chosen deity, Early morning rising Sun, Himalayas, Music, Flame etc. MEDITATION
When to meditate : Morning time is the best for meditation, at the time of sun rise other it can be performed at any time and at any place while sitting in a office, moving in a bus, studying in a chamber, Have deep breaths at least for 3 times before sitting for meditation. MEDITATION
Five of the Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra describe the methods and means of achieving tranquility in mind : 1.The mind becomes tranquil by cultivating attitude of (i) friendliness towards the happy, (ii) compassion towards the miserable, (iii) joy towards the virtuous and (iv) indifference towards the evil. MEDITATION
Five of the Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra describe the methods and means of achieving tranquility in mind : 2.The mind also become tranquil by alternately expelling and retaining the breath. 3.When meditation produces extraordinary sense perceptions, the mind gains confidence and this helps perseverance. MEDITATION
Five of the Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra describe the methods and means of achieving tranquility in mind : 4.Meditate on the inner light which is serene and beyond all sorrow. 5. Meditate on one who has attained desirelessness. MEDITATION
Meditate on the early morning rising Sun Contemplation on meaning of Gayatri Mantra Imbibing the sin-destroying TEJ of Savita Praying to God to compel our intellect towards the path of righteousness MEDITATION
Meditation *A cleanser of our mental garbage. *Our day to day necessecity. It gives relief from mental constipation
Meditation Implies giving a bath to your personality of nobel and ideal thoughts.
How to meditate *Sit in a comfortable position. *Classic posture is cross-legged on floor (sukhasana) or a big chair with soft cushion. *Straighten your spine. *Imagine yourself supported by a string hanging from ceiling connected to the top of your head.
How to meditate *Breathe deeply through your nose. *Inhale to full up lungs and then exhale slowly to expel all the air, observing breath all the time.
How to meditate Select something to focus upon: A candle flame, a flower, your deity, Himalayas or ocean. Focus on your breath by counting each inhalation and exhalation.
How to meditate *You can also focus on sound of Aum or Mantra or a meaningful word or phrase. OR *Mentally recite mantra in synchrony with your breathing. Even 20 minutes of inner equipoise is enough to give you inner peace and freshness.
Scientific Basis Meditation affects brain cells specifically in our limbic nervous system (base of brain), which controls : *Metabolism, *Blood pressure, *Respiration, *Heart rate and *Our emotions. Endorphins and Encephalins (pleasure giving hormones) are secreted.
Scientific Basis A Fact: *60% to 80 % of visits to health care professionals are related to stress. *Patients who respond poorly to medication and surgeries respond extremely well to mind body approaches – such as meditation.
Research *Migraine headache sufferer experience a 32% reduction in frequency or severity of migraine. *Psoriasis lesions heal 4 times faster with ultraviolet photo therapy along with meditation. *Chronic pain relaxation techniques are very effective in lessening the suffering. *Cancer treatment : Meditation alleviates the suffering of chronic pain and allows people undergoing chemo to better manage pain and side effects.
Research In surgery : *Prior to it, meditation and relaxation leads to lesser anxiety, patients blood pressure is lowered, they bleed less and surgery takes less time.