Bill Alexander Highland Pathfinder
principles and values Child at the centre Holistic approach and early intervention Confidentiality and information sharing Safety Promoting opportunities, valuing diversity Partnership with families Building on strengths Bringing help to the child Bringing help together Supporting informed choice Teamwork between professionals and agencies Professional boundaries and standards Individual development Values across all working relationships
the core components Pathway through services Common language Engage and empower children and families Named person and lead professional roles Assessment framework, that builds from birth Assessment determines plan and service delivery Single Child’s Plan Fewer meetings, with single Child’s Plan meeting E-solutions
Child’s Plan considered at Liaison Meeting
stages and milestones New business processes as part of explicit model, with guidance (Inverness and rolling out) Training programmes (Inverness and rolling out) New joint structures (Highland) New information sharing process (Inverness and Police and rolling out) Assessment framework & Child’s Plan (SW and Inverness and rolling out) Single Child ’ s Plan meeting (Highland) Named person and lead professional (Highland)
Lessons learned in implementation The whole children’s services team must pull its weight, to manage change Chief Officer and political leadership is crucial Capacity and systems to manage risk All services must be on board; it’s cross- cutting, but it’s also single agency change You need good coaches Practitioners have to recognise, understand and have ownership Change has to be managed – but when opportunities arise, you go with the flow.
Changed processes improved actions Sharing concerns = earlier intervention SHANARI = holistic interventions Less bureaucracy = better support Common language = focussed action
challenges Implementation at a time of reducing resources Service criteria Equity of early intervention services Shared understanding and tools for adult services Pace of change: too slow or too fast? E-solutions
Bill Alexander Highland Pathfinder