What is HIV and AIDS? HIV: –Human immunodeficiency virus Leads to AIDS: –Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
How much do you already know about HIV infection? 1. Can you get HIV by drinking from a glass that someone with HIV has once used? - NO 2. Can you get HIV by holding hands with a person who is HIV positive? - NO 3. Can you get HIV by having sexual intercourse with a person with HIV? - YES 4. If a restaurant worker with HIV sneezes on your food, could you get HIV? - NO
5. Can a woman with HIV infect her baby during delivery? - YES 6. Can you get HIV by donating blood? - NO 7. Can you tell by looking at someone whether he or she has been infected with HIV? - NO 8. Is there a blood test that shows whether a person has been infected with HIV? - YES
HIV HIV is the virus that causes AIDS Transmitted by 4 fluids: –Semen/Pre-cum –Vaginal secretions –Breast milk –Blood
How HIV Works Among people ages 25-44, AIDS is the leading cause of death in men and the 3 rd leading cause of death in women HIV must enter the blood stream HIV targets the white blood cells called T4 cells (fighter cells, “army cells”) – they fight off infections & keep us healthy
Phases of HIV-infection Phase 1: Infection with no signs or symptoms of illness –Can go undetected for 10 years –They are HIV positive Phase 2: Infection with signs and symptoms of illness –Swollen lymph glands in neck and armpits, extreme tiredness, fever, diarrhea, severe weight loss, excessive sweating during the night, white patches on the inside of the mouth
Continued… Phase 3: AIDS –Normal T-cell count is 800 – 1100 –When the T-Cells count in the body has gone below 200 cells it is full blown AIDS –You do not die from AIDS –You die from Opportunistic Illnesses like: Kaposi’s Sarcoma: rare skin condition Pneumocystis: difficulty breathing
HIV Testing Checks a person’s blood for antibodies to HIV Testing is Anonymous and Confidential If you are sexually active with more than 1 partner, you should be tested for HIV every 3 months. If you are monogamous (sexually active with only 1 person), you & your partner need to be tested every 3 months for nine months, before you can be sure that you & your partner are not HIV positive.
Cocktails A combination of medication taken by people infected with HIV to maintain or increase T-cell count 3 Levels of Cocktails 1.Generic – for those who are uninsured, low income $12,000-$16,000 2.Medium – Approx $40,000 per year 3.Top of Line – over $100,000 per year
You CAN’T get HIV/AIDS from Sharing a bathroom Touching a door knob Kissing Mosquitoes Sharing a locker Living in the same house Using the same drinking fountain Sharing a glass Sharing utensils Being breathed on, coughed on or sneezed on