Juliet is the character that develops most in the play. She changes from a naïve girl into a mature women who has to make big decisions. Throughout the play her love for Romeo becomes stronger and each time she sees him her love deepens. She is faced with difficult choices but her love for Romeo is so strong, she is willing to give up anything. “Farewell!—God knows when we shall meet again.” (4.3.14)
Juliet is quite different from Romeo in the way she thinks. She thinks things trough unlike Romeo who is very rash. She is also stronger than Romeo because she has to make, what seem like bigger decisions than Romeo and she has no one to support her. Another difference between them is their freedom, Romeo is often roaming the streets of Verona whereas Juliet is not allowed to leave the house very much.
Juliet unlike her mother wants to find true love, hence not marrying Paris. Her mother wants her to Marry for money like she did but Juliet thinks differently. When Juliet Refuses to marry Paris her father threatens to through her out and her mother disowns her, “Or never after look me in the face. Speak not. Reply not. Do not answer me.” ( )
Juliet and the Nurse start off to have a mother daughter relationship but once the Nurse says to Juliet that she should forget about Romeo Juliet realises that she can no longer trust her and they become more distant. When Romeo and Juliet first see each at the ball Romeo compares her to “ a snowy dove trooping with crows” ( ) he also refers her as a “ bright angel” (2.2.27)