Ergonomic Ultrasound Probe Team Members: Yao Lu Meghan Olson Emily Putzer Heather Waldeck
Advisor: Client: Professor Naomi Chesler Department of Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin Mark Kliewer, M.D. Department of Radiology UW Hospital
Problem Statement During ultrasound procedures, sonographers must apply high levels of force while performing detailed movements, the combination of which increases the number of work-related injuries. Our goal is to develop an ergonomic design to minimize the forces applied and improve the current ultrasound procedure.
Background Information Current Ultrasound Procedures Console and Transducer Procedures Echocardiogram Biopsy
Background Information Musculoskeletal disorders Occur in 80% of sonographers Carpal Tunnel Tendonitis Shoulder Bursitis
Problem Specifications No interference with the collection of data Reduce force applied Reduce strain on joints Still allow for precise movements and adjustments Adaptable Able to maintain a stable position
Design Proposal 1: Handle Redesign Decouple the ‘push’ and ‘pinch’ Force applied by palm Fingers supply precise movements Use splint to support wrist
Design Proposal 1: Handle Redesign Advantages Allows mobility Prevents wrist strain by reducing pinch force Can be used for many procedures Disadvantages Does not prevent strain on shoulder and upper arm Still must apply a large force for a long time Sanitation concern May be uncomfortable
Design Proposal 2: Transducer Redesign Force is applied using entire hand in ‘handle bar’ grip position Transducer movement separate from main handle using elastic material Allows for small movements
Design Proposal 2: Transducer Redesign Advantages Applies force with more natural position of hand No pinch Can be used for many procedures Disadvantages May reduce amount of precision Apply a large force for a long time Does not prevent strain on shoulder
Design Proposal 3: Mechanical Arm Arm is locked into place to apply force Arc design 3 segments attached with ball & socket and hinge joints
Design Proposal 3: Mechanical Arm Advantages Manual force not needed for long durations Allows for many positions without ‘twisting’ arm Disadvantages Not applicable to all ultrasound procedures Does not allow for fast position adjustments Possible stability issue?
Additional Client Requirements Prefer eliminating applied force Currently many ideas for handle redesign Focus on echocardiogram and biopsy procedures Transducer held stable for long period
Evaluation of Designs Handle redesign Transducer redesign Mechanical arm Ability to reduce force 1 3 Ability to make precise movements 2 Comfort Feasibility Ease of use Adaptability to different people Lack of interference with procedures Total 14 12 *18*
Final Design Mechanical arm with adjustments Allow arc to move underneath the bed Size-adjustable arc Allow movement back and forth Allow storage on the side of bed
Future Work Determine maximum force needed to be applied by arm Determine type of material Method to securely lock all arm segments and hinges Allow transducer to be removable