It Begins with Prevention Preventing vehicle issues is a team effort. Your mechanics should be a part of your safety training programs. The more driver and mechanic communicate, the less mechanical surprises you will have throughout the school year. Teach an effective Pre-trip inspection as well as Post trip. Train your drivers to hear, smell and feel trouble “starting”. Never just assume you can “wait” to point out trouble.
Amy Tiedens Emergency Evacuation Plan for students with special needs USE CAUTION, BE PREPARED!
What should be on the bus? 1. Students Individual Transportation Plan *If your district does not provide these “ASK” 2. A written Evacuation Plan including layout of bus and seating chart 3. All required emergency equipment and then some!
Individualized Transportation Plans ● Describe their physical capabilities ● Describe their cognitive abilities ● Describe their communication abilities ● Use language student can understand; clear, consise commands ● Describe behavioral concerns
Emergency Equipment *First Aid Kit *Bodily Fluid Cleanup Kit *Flares/Emergency triangles *Fire Extinguisher *Seat Belt cutter(s) *Blanket (What type would best suit your needs)
Emergency Evacuation plan ● Note on plan students that are able to help younger or disabled student to exit bus ● Note what students need assistance and how you will evacuate the students ● Order/sequence of evacuation plan ● Seating plans
Who can help?
Discuss plan with parents and teachers ●Ask parents and teachers if you are able to discuss evacuation plan with student ●Remember, Talking about the plan could cause stress and anxiety for some students
Know the students! What needs and abilities do they have? ● Physical concerns? ● Can student get to exit independently? ● Does the student need assistance or supervision?
What are the students abilites? ● Are they able to walk off of the bus? ● Will you need to carry them? ● Do you know how to safely take them out of their wheelchair or seating system? And is it appropriate to do so?
Medical Concerns ● Oxygen ● Shunt ● Ostomy Tubes ● Allergies ● Dependent on Ventilator
Physical ability Of students ● Would a drag blanket be used? ● Operate the two- way radio? ● Could a student lead other students to a safe location?
Understand the Students Disabilities ● Learning Disabilities ● DCD- Developmental Cognitive Disabilities ● Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ● EBD- Emotionally & Behaviorally Disturbed ● ASD- Autism Spectrum Disorder ● ODD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder ● Hearing Impaired or Vision Impaired
Communication Concerns ● Is the student non-verbal? ● How are they able to communicate? ● Are they able to understand simple instructions? ● Would student benefit from alternate mode of communication?
Use tools to help to communicate ● Ask school staff what works for the student in the classroom? ● Use simple phrases to direct the student what you need them to do. ● Use cards, picture stories to communicate.
Pre-School Age Students ● Length of attention span? ● What Seating systems are being used? ● Do you need an extra pair of hands?
In the event of an evacuation ● If you need to evacuate the bus and are able to use the lift ● Call 911 to direct traffic ● Direct students to door ● Open lift door ● Tell students to stay by you
Stay calm & students will stay calm ● Use bus aide to assist with students ● If you need to evacuate students from one wheelchair bus to another wheelchair bus ● Pull up 2nd bus near stalled bus ● Leave room to take down both lifts ● Angle bus to protect passengers
Stay positive and directive ● If students see you are calm and stay positive, they will stay calm ● Treat the evacuation like an adventure! ● We are getting off bus #1 and then we will get back on to bus #2, then we will go back to school ● Students will not know that it was an emergency evacuation if you stay calm
Route Specific Evacuation Plans ● Although it is difficult to decide the order of evacuation, the emphasis must be on evacuating the most students in the shortest period of time ● Discuss the importance of extensive planning with driver/bus assistant teams ● Location of student emergency information
Driver should observe students behavior or disabilities ● Important for the driver to communicate with dispatch if they observe that the student is unable to communicate or they notice a medical condition because of the student’s disability that was not noted on the Individual Transportation Plan
Don’t forget! ● State Law: You must have phone numbers of student’s parent, either on the bus or available through dispatch ● Don’t leave information on bus overnight ● Follow your districts procedures regarding confidentiality
Resources ● Internet search ● Google bus evacuation for images ● Get examples of other district’s in the area evacuation plan ● Attend national conferences to get current evacuation plans and procedures
helpful persons! *MAPT is a great resource for you. Attend the monthly meeting in person or online! * your local State School bus safety inspectors. Duane Bartles and Paul Davis as well as their peers are at your service. (remember, it starts with prevention) *Parents & school staff are a part of the safety team, if you are stumped on a student's specific needs they may have just what you need
Our s Feel free to questions to Amy Tiedens: Jennifer Christianson: Sergeant Paul Davis:
Time for Action!