Californium was discovered in 1950 by Glenn T. Seaborg, Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street, and Albert Ghiorso at the University of California Berkely, hence the name of the element. It was discovered by bombarding 242Cm with helium ions during research.
To obtain Californium one must bombard Curium micrograms with Alpha Particles (otherwise known as Helium ions). It should be noted that Californium is the chemical offspring of the element dysprosium, whose Greek Derivative literally translates into “hard to get at”. Californium is indeed very difficult to obtain.
Name: Californium Atomic Symbol: Cf Atomic Number: 98 Atomic Weight: [251] Standard State: Solid at 298 K CAS Registry ID: Group Name: Actinoid Period in Periodic Table: 7 Block in Periodic Table: f-block Classification: Metallic Color: Unknown but most likely a metallic white or grey Properties Melting Point: 1173 [or 900 degrees Celsius (1652 F)]K Density of Solid: kg m-3 Molar volume: cm3 S orbital Radius [/pm]: [/AU] Other Californium 252 is a strong neutron emitter. 1 mg releases 170 million neutrons per minute. Californium’s reaction to halogens is unknown but it is most likely similar to that of dysprosium.
Californium is highly radioactive and only available in limited quantities making it something that only specialists can obtain. Only 63 mgs have been sold to date. Californium is used in gauges for measuring moisture in wells of water and oil. It is a good compact source of neutrons making it an ideal portable neutron source for gold and silver detectors. Some fission fragments used for research are made of Californium foil. One might say that the most noble usage of Californium is in the treatment of cervical cancer using neutrons. Studies show that the neutron treatment was more comfortable and effective (not to mention cost effective) versus the traditional radiation treatment. Future uses include weapons because of the small, light, and highly radioactive properties of Californium.
Fluorides- Californium triflouride. Californium tetra flouride Chlorides- Californium dichloride, Californium triflouride Bromides- Californium tribromide Iodides- Californium diiodide, Californium triiodide Oxides: Californium dioxide, Californium trioxide