Composition: A tool for Artists Artists have many different goals. Some tell stories with their art. Others use their art to make a point or express a.


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Presentation transcript:

Composition: A tool for Artists Artists have many different goals. Some tell stories with their art. Others use their art to make a point or express a belief. They share a unique view of the world, helping us to see things differently. But all artists use composition to accomplish their goals. Artists have many different goals. Some tell stories with their art. Others use their art to make a point or express a belief. They share a unique view of the world, helping us to see things differently. But all artists use composition to accomplish their goals. Composition is simply the way that art elements and principles are used to express emotions and ideas. Composition organizes the space and guides the viewer's eye. Composition is simply the way that art elements and principles are used to express emotions and ideas. Composition organizes the space and guides the viewer's elements and principlesart elements and principles Regardless of style, subject or purpose, composition is used by all artists. Regardless of style, subject or purpose, composition is used by all artists.

Composition "Composition" is a term that can relate to several areas of study. The meaning may vary a little in the different usages, but generally, composition refers to how things are "put together." We will feature composition as it pertains to the visual arts. "Composition" is a term that can relate to several areas of study. The meaning may vary a little in the different usages, but generally, composition refers to how things are "put together." We will feature composition as it pertains to the visual arts. The Tattoo Artist, by Norman Rockwell

Artists, like Carl Rungius, used a complex system of lines to determine his use of space. Notice, in the photograph to the right, the small study in the left lower corner showing his plan for the composition of Rams on the Alert (1953). Artists, like Carl Rungius, used a complex system of lines to determine his use of space. Notice, in the photograph to the right, the small study in the left lower corner showing his plan for the composition of Rams on the Alert (1953).Carl RungiusCarl Rungius

There is no set order to approaching composition. It’s one of those things where you just keep adjusting and tweaking all the parts until you get it right. Many artists make dozens of sketches and studies before they begin the final piece. There is no set order to approaching composition. It’s one of those things where you just keep adjusting and tweaking all the parts until you get it right. Many artists make dozens of sketches and studies before they begin the final piece. Carl Rungius, for example, made many studies of the scene before painting the final Lord of the Canyon. Carl Rungius, for example, made many studies of the scene before painting the final Lord of the Canyon. Study for Lord of the Canyon, by Carl Rungius Final painting of Lord of the Canyon, by Carl Rungius

Not tricks. Tools! There are several tools artists use in composing their works of art. Some are more complex than others. As you become more proficient at composition, you may wish to utilize those more advanced techniques, but to start you out, one of the ‘never fail’ recipes for good composition is the ‘Rule of Thirds’. There are several tools artists use in composing their works of art. Some are more complex than others. As you become more proficient at composition, you may wish to utilize those more advanced techniques, but to start you out, one of the ‘never fail’ recipes for good composition is the ‘Rule of Thirds’.

‘The Rule of Thirds’ The Rule of Thirds is simply dividing the picture plane into equal sections of ‘thirds’. (Horizontally and Vertically) Then, choosing one of the intersecting points as an area of interest in which to place the Emphasis. 1/3 The Tattoo Artist, by Norman Rockwell, (A visual joke) It is not the only place of interesting area, but the interesting area where the Emphasis is placed. A sort of Eye catcher, like the punch line of a joke.

What is Emphasis? Emphasis incomposition: Emphasis incomposition: The term emphasis also can be called "dominance" or dominant. A feature may be dominant owing to its size, its color, or some other device which the artist uses to draw attention to the point of focus or main interest. The term emphasis also can be called "dominance" or dominant. A feature may be dominant owing to its size, its color, or some other device which the artist uses to draw attention to the point of focus or main interest. One reliable way to create a good placement of Emphasis or interest is the ‘Rule of Thirds’

Now, can you find the emphasis? American Artist, Norman Rockwell, was a Master Composer in the Visual Arts, often utilizing the ‘Rule of Thirds’ to a poignant perfection in the Narration of his visual story. American Artist, Norman Rockwell, was a Master Composer in the Visual Arts, often utilizing the ‘Rule of Thirds’ to a poignant perfection in the Narration of his visual story. Is Emphasis different than the dominant area? Is Emphasis different than the dominant area? What is dominance? What is dominance? The Runaway, by Norman Rockwell

‘Rule of Thirds’ 1. Divide the picture plane into thirds, both horizontally and vertically. 2. Place the area of interest or emphasis in one of the intersecting areas (thirds). Where is the area of interest? Who is dominant? Who is the most Emphasis placed on? The Runaway, by Norman Rockwell

What would make it Visually more interesting? What would make it Visually more interesting? The Challenge of an Artist, is to see beyond the subject matter into the basic composition itself, to create a work that will withstand the test of criticism and last as a visual work that is pleasing to view and gratifying to create. The Challenge of an Artist, is to see beyond the subject matter into the basic composition itself, to create a work that will withstand the test of criticism and last as a visual work that is pleasing to view and gratifying to create.

How has Rockwell changed the reference picture (scrap) on the left to make it more visually interesting in the final on the right? How has Rockwell changed the reference picture (scrap) on the left to make it more visually interesting in the final on the right? What principles of design has he used? What principles of design has he used? Can you name them? Can you name them?

Identify the Principles of composition used in the following Norman Rockwell paintings. Repetition / Pattern Repetition / Pattern Emphasis Emphasis Balance Balance Contrast Contrast Unity Unity Movement Movement Proportion Proportion Freedom from want

Now this piece. Repetition / Pattern Repetition / Pattern Emphasis Emphasis Balance Balance Contrast Contrast Unity Unity Movement Movement Proportion Proportion Shuffleton's Barber Shop