Create Your Personal MISSION STATEMENT
BENEFITS OF A MISSION STATEMENT 1.Gives meaning and significance to our actions and our life –At the end of our lives we will be able to say, “ I did what I was created to do. I contributed to this world in a significant manner. ” 2.Clarity for Your Role in Life Circumstances –Provides a singular focus to all of our different roles (parent, employee, friend, spouse, etc.) –Eliminates confusion and emotional conflicts
BENEFITS OF A MISSION STATEMENT 3.A Measuring Stick for Life Decisions –The best tool to measure any large life choices –Ask “ Does it support your mission? ” 4.A Magnet for Staying on Track in Life –Keeps our mission in the front of our minds –Helps to eliminate unproductive activities –Puts first things first.
BENEFITS OF A MISSION STATEMENT 5.Ability To Communicate Clearly What You Bring To Personal and Professional Opportunities –Have a single sentence that states what you are here to do (taken from your mission statement) –Have it memorized –This allows you clearly tell others what you can do for them 6.Motivation to Do Your Best –Keeps one centered on their purpose –Keeps circumstances from distracting us
BENEFITS OF A MISSION STATEMENT 7.Maximize your talents –Calls us to use all of our skills and talents –Requires that we use them for the benefit of others –Talents grow with us 8.Strength to Stand Tall in the Fluctuating Winds of Change –It provides a rock of stability –Provides a forward direction that brings peace and integrity to changing times
BENEFITS OF A MISSION STATEMENT 9.Creates Action Rather than Reaction –Keeps us from letting others take the steering wheel of our lives –Helps us respond with intention –Helps us choose the best course of action 10.Attracts People and Opportunities That Support Your Life –The more you live your mission, the more those around you will respect and support your actions
Steps for Writing Your Own Personal Mission Statement 1. Reflect on the key values and principles you want to use as a guide for your life. Values may vary among us, but correct principles are shared by all people of good will.
Steps for Writing Your Own Personal Mission Statement 2. Ponder questions like: What do you want your life to be about in order to give it purpose and meaning? Think about how much better this world would be if each person were dedicated to lifting the lives of everyone we touch.
Steps for Writing Your Own Personal Mission Statement 3. “ Brainstorm ” with yourself, parents, relatives, teachers, religious leaders, counselors and friends about your strengths, talents, deep-felt values and principles which are most important to you.
Steps for Writing Your Own Personal Mission Statement 4. View your personal Mission Statement as your “ Personal Constitution ” Like the Constitution of a country, your Personal Mission Statement can be amended over time if so inspired. It will always reflect your fundamental values, purposes and principles which will guide you through the thousands of decisions you will make in your lifetime.
Steps for Writing Your Own Personal Mission Statement 5. Find a quiet place, where you can spend some quality uninterrupted time pondering and reflecting in order to write your Personal Mission Statement. It need not be too long - no more than a sentence or two. It should inspire you and cause you to stretch but not break.
Steps for Writing Your Own Personal Mission Statement 6. Ask, “ Does this statement inspire me? ” While it does not totally reflect where you are today, it helps you to stretch to become better and is a guide as you make it difficult decision. Write in the “ present tense ” as if you are doing it. You will enjoy the “ power of purpose ” as a result of getting a vision of what you want your life to be.
Personal Mission Statements VICTOR FRANKL said –Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life –He/she cannot be replaced –Nor can his/her life be repeated –Thus, everyone ’ s task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it. –We detect rather than invent our missions in life Each of us has an internal monitor that gives us an awareness of our own uniqueness and contributions that we can make.
Examples of a Mission Statements Our mission is to foster a safe learning environment that values diversity, honors heritage, and builds on tradition. We are a community dedicated to inspiring all students to achieve academic success while infusing the ideals of democracy and citizenship. –Bellevue East HS Continuous Learning for All. –Bellevue West High School
Examples of a Mission Statements My mission is to make the most of my high school experience by actively learning in all my classes, forming lasting friendships, lettering in basketball and track, and graduating on time with at least a B average.
Utah Education Network lesson plan Bibliography: "7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" by Stephen Covey and various web sites. "Maximum Achievement" by Brian Tracy. "The Psychology of Winning" by Dr. Denis Waitley. Author: WENDY CRAPO WENDY CRAPO WENDY CRAPO Created Date : Jul :40 PM