Outline Definition Multi-disciplinary team Key aspects When it’s appropriate Criteria for referral How to start Coverage Resources
Palliative Care Relieves physical and emotional suffering Provides tools for a better quality of life Can be used in combination with curative treatments Much more than end-of life care. It’s appropriate at any age, and any stage, or a serious illness whether it’s chronic or acute.
Multi-disciplinary Team Relationship remains between the primary provider and the patient. It is enhanced through an expanded team of specialists. Team may include: Physicians Nurse practitioners Psychologists Therapists Social workers Pharmacists Nutritionists Spiritual advisors
Key Aspects Open communication Care coordination Pain and symptom management Social, emotional, and spiritual support Support of family members and caregivers Goals of care and advance care planning discussions Grief education and support
When it’s appropriate Any stage or any age in a serious illness It’s never too early to start Things to know: Does not depend on whether your patient’s condition can be cured Improves your patient’s quality of life Helpful for patients with chronic conditions or advanced diseases Part of the continuum of comprehensive patient care
Referral Criteria If your patient has any of the following, consider a referral: Severe illness Chronic or severe physical pain Emotional or spiritual distress Trouble understanding his/her medical situation Conflict among family members regarding patient care Questions about advance directives, durable power of attorney, or living wills Questions about hospice services Questions about the Washington State Death with Dignity Law
How to start Find the closest palliative care team to you If within a hospital systemIf independent Locate the inpatient palliative care team Palliative Care Provider Directory of Hospitals: wa/ wa/
Coverage There are no specific criteria for coverage There are no pre-set limits for: Specific medical interventions Their payments Palliative care is covered by: Most insurance plans Medicare Medicaid Financial assistance
Helpful Resources The Center to Advance Palliative Care: National Cancer Institute — Palliative Care in Cancer: National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care — Clinical Guidelines: To access more resources or to learn more about palliative care efforts in Washington state, go to: