Labor Unions & Major Strikes
Activity: You are workers at a skate factory. Write a letter to your boss listing the changes you want.
Activity 2: Your boss rejects your list! What will you do now?
Problems for Workers Poor work conditions Low Pay Long Hours Unsafe work Children work No sick or vacation pay If hurt on job lose your job
Tactics Used By Management Blacklist: your name goes on a list that is given to other companies so they won’t hire you Yellow Dog Contracts: the company makes you sign a contract that you won’t join a union Scabs: Immigrants who will take the jobs of striking workers
What can the workers do? Form a union! Labor Union: a group that helps workers fight for rights
Tactics Used by Workers Work Slowdown: you go to work but make less so it hurts the profit of the business Picket: hold signs outside so people won’t buy from that business Boycott: don’t buy the goods/services Strike: Don’t work
How do they work together? Collective Bargaining: both sides negotiate pay, hours etc Mediation: a third party helps the two come to an agreement but they don’t have to take the advice Arbitration: a third party gives advice that the sides have to do
First Major Strikes
Railroad Strike of 1877 Company was going to cut wages 10% Militia in Philadelphia kills some workers President Hayes sent out troops
Who Won? Management
Homestead Strike 1892 AFL Iron/Steel Workers against Carnegie His Asst. Frick cuts wages Frick uses Pinkertons to break up strike Deaths and Injuries Both Sides Frick almost gets assassinated Union calls off Strike
Who Won? Management
Pullman Strike 1894 Railroad Pullman started towns for his workers Cut Wages 25 to 40% Strike Affects Mail Pres. Cleveland stops strike and sends troops
Who Won? Management
Effect? Government doesn’t recognize unions Violence/Unrest
Why is it hard for workers to win rights? Because so many new immigrants increase supply of workers! Immigrants will work for less!