Products you want, business you need Phase 2 - Launch Pad
The LAUNCH PAD - Introduction Welcome to The Launch Pad where the destination is high rewards, high profits, constant fun and life long prosperity. This journey of simple steps will lead you to quick gratifications towards life long prosperity and living the dreams that you have always envisioned. The key word here is “vision” so lets go to the first step of this fun, rewarding and profitable journey. The path to your dreams is as simple as A-B-C-D so lets launch in to the prosperity journey.
Simple as A – B – C – D Lets start by completing the A section of this journey. You are now on the Launch Pad and before you take off you must identify the fastest way to your prosperity destination. For most people earning a six figure income provides prosperity and freedom as they can quit their jobs, upgrade their lifestyle and spend more quality time with their loved ones.
The LAUNCH PAD – 10K Plan In GWT we call this the 10K plan. The Launch Pad is designed to provide fun and simple directions to work towards your 10K plan with lightning speed. Most of the following targets are designed to be achieved within 90 days or less. However there are significant bonuses and incentives for those high achievers who reach the following targets within 30 days.
Let’s get ready for TAKE OFF!
A – Become a Diamond Maximize your earning potential and buying buyer HOW? 4 ways to achieve this target
1 st Way Start as a Diamond LC ($2999) Diamond
2 nd Way OR Start as a Gold LC ($1499) and refer 2 new LC’s Diamond
3 rd Way OR Start as a Plangsten LC ($699) and refer 4 new LC’s Diamond
4 th Way OR Start as a Silver LC ($399) and refer 6 new LC’s Diamond
Congratulations you have just MAXIMIZED your earning potentials by as much as 10 times as well as increasing your buying power by as much as 40%. Diamond
DOUBLE IA bonus!!! Achieve Diamond within 30 days from your join date and we will DOUBLE the products of the package you started with. The Diamond Challenge
Package purchased Products included Bonus Product Total Products Diamond$ FFA$2250 $ FFA Gold$750 + FFA$750 $ FFA Plangsten$ FFA$ $375 + FFA SilverFFA$150 $150 + FFA Bonus of up to $4500 of FREE shopping for ALL qualifiers (Retail value)
Our heritage goes back to 1887 supplying jewelry to the retail trade. GWT 2005 – starting where the jewelry stores stop Ramins background B – Become a Diplomat HOW? Help 3 people to do what you just did and achieve the Diamond level
Achieve the Diplomat level and receive… Diplomat Diamond
$2100 in CASH, PRODUCTS BONUSES and INCENTIVES (Upon the right rank criteria, up to $650 in cash, Up to $1350 in products BONUS (Retail), $100 dinning experience voucher, receive the Diplomat international recognition bundle)
The Diplomat Challenge DOUBLE CASH bonus!!! Achieve Diplomat within 30 days from your join date and we will DOUBLE your binary commissions earning (BDB not included, up to $2000) Up to $11,100 in earnings, product bonuses and incentives.
Our heritage goes back to 1887 supplying jewelry to the retail trade. GWT 2005 – starting where the jewelry stores stop Ramins background C – Become a Ambassador HOW? Refer 10 LC’s and help 3 of them to do what you did and become a diplomat
Achieve the Ambassador level and receive… Ambassador Diplomat 7 LC’s
$6400 in CASH, PRODUCTS BONUSES and INCENTIVES (Upon the right rank criteria, Up to $2700 in cash (commissions, BDB, BDB Elite), Up to $2700 in products BONUS (Retail), Receive the Ambassador international recognition bundle, International convention package (free ticket and 2 nights accommodation)
The Ambassador “GET YOUR DREAM FERI” Challenge Achieve Ambassador within 30 days from your join date and receive the DREAM FERI LUX package. What’s the DREAM FERI LUX package?!
DREAM FERI LUX ONE FERI TIMEPIECE AND ONE FERI SHIELD AND ONE FERI HANDBAG Up to $18,400 in earnings, product bonuses and incentives. One FERI TIMEPIECE, one FERI SHIELD, one FERI HANDBAG valued up to $3000 (retail value) Note: You can choose products whose total value is over $3000 by paying the difference. Example: Chosen pieces total is $3500. $3500-$3000 = $500 is the difference to be paid.
Our heritage goes back to 1887 supplying jewelry to the retail trade. GWT 2005 – starting where the jewelry stores stop Ramins background D – The 10K Plan HOW? All you need to do is help 8 people do what you did and become a qualified Ambassador and you will achieve the $10,000/month plan.
Our heritage goes back to 1887 supplying jewelry to the retail trade. GWT 2005 – starting where the jewelry stores stop Ramins background Life Long Residual Income The Power of 2 Based on the level of the active LCs, there are three minimum monthly requirement IA levels (buy or sell products). They are $35, $75, $150/month of auto revenues by the LCs through final sale or even payment plan purchases. GWT average revenue for active LCs is $274/month
Our heritage goes back to 1887 supplying jewelry to the retail trade. GWT 2005 – starting where the jewelry stores stop Ramins background The Power of 2 # of PeopleAverage RevenueResidual Income 64$274 $16,834/year 128$274 $33,669/year 256$274 $67,338.year 512$274 $134,676/year 1024$274 $269,352/year 2048$274 $538,705/year 4096$274 $1,077,411/year You – refer 2 people to GWT Those 2 follow your lead and refer 2 people each to GWT, etc.. (The above figure does not include Retail Profits, Wholesale Profits, BDB and BDB Elite bonuses or incentives)
Our heritage goes back to 1887 supplying jewelry to the retail trade. GWT 2005 – starting where the jewelry stores stop Ramins background The Power of 2 # of PeopleAverage RevenueResidual Income 4096$35$137,625/year Lets assume that the 4096 active people only bought and sold their minimum of $35 per month as apposed to the average $274, your residual income will still be $137,625 /year OR 10K /month!
Skies the Limit! Phase 2 LAUNCH PAD TAKE OFF!