Physical Development of Toddlers
Motor Development Large-muscle development refers to the development of trunk, arm, and leg muscles Large-muscle development walking running jumping climbing throwing and catching
Small-Muscle Development Small-muscle development refers to the development of small muscles, especially those in hands and fingers Small-muscle development fine-motor skills depend on a child’s level of eye-hand coordination Eye-hand coordination is the ability to coordinate what a person sees with the way the person moves his or her hands Eye-hand coordination
Small-Muscle Development End of first year: Hold object with thumb and index finger By 12–18 months: Hold spoon in fist By 15 months: Fill empty containers and hold a pencil or crayon in fist
Small-Muscle Development By 15 months, most toddlers can remove hat and socks insert rather large objects into holes turn pages of a book several at a time begin to fit objects together build a tower of two to three soft blocks
Small-Muscle Development Fine-motor skills improve even more between 18 months and 2 years string large beads on string turn pages of book one at a time turn doorknobs hit pegs with hammer better hold of crayon
Think About It Learning Through Play pg. 297 Is the son normal??
Intellectual Development of Toddlers
How and What Toddlers Learn Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development infants complete first four substages of sensorimotor stage (birth to two years) substages 1 and 2 involve baby’s own body substages 3 and 4 involve people and objects
How and What Toddlers Learn Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Toddlers complete last two substages of sensorimotor stage Older toddlers may enter the preoperational stage
How and What Toddlers Learn Substage 5 – (12-18 months) experiment with objects to receive various results notice some attributes of objects (sometimes color, sometimes size) use physical trial/error to solve problems imitate behaviors they have never done before; imitate only in presence of a model look for hidden objects in last place seen
How and What Toddlers Learn Substage 6 – (18-24 months) think about ways to solve problems without using physical actions in trial/error think through sequence of a few steps to solve problem do some deferred imitation know all objects and people are someplace; hunt for objects in every possible place Done with the first stage of cognitive development – The Sensorimotor Stage = )
Social Emotional Development of Toddlers
Toddlers Find out more about the world, and about themselves as individuals Find out the world is not solely devoted to their needs
Achieving Autonomy Erikson’s Stages of Personality Development First stage of personality development is called Trust versus Mistrust Second stage of personality development is called Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt begins for most children sometime between 12 and 18 months completed about 3 years of age
Achieving Autonomy Children who successfully complete this stage (reach autonomy) feel secure and confident, while those who do not are left with a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt. feature=related feature=related
Achieving Autonomy Autonomy is a form of self-control in which a toddler seeks to do his or her own will Autonomy builds on the toddler’s expanding motor and mental skills Toddlers are proud of new skills and feel very independent Easily misjudge skills
Achieving Autonomy Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt Seek some autonomy Seek control Autonomy leads to self-pride Failure leads to shame and doubt
Promoting Autonomy Provide safe, simple choices red or blue shoes Offer choices that will be honored Redirect before negative or unsafe actions begin What is redirecting? How can you redirect someone?
Self-Esteem Toddlers feel good about themselves Toddlers receive a positive response Toddlers feel confident interacting with others
Temper Tantrums When goals are not met, toddlers react with anger Temper tantrums are common during second year Temper tantrums meant to attract attention, not directed at anyone ignoring behavior may make it stop give reassurance and love after episode