Ancient Greek Explorations
Why Study Greek Mythology
City-States Final Quiz Myths Main Menu
City-States AthensSparta Delphi
Greek Myths Titans Trojan War Icarus
Athens Ancient Athens was one of the most influential and well-known city-states in all of Ancient Greece. Named after the Greek goddess Athena, the city gave us some of the greatest philosophers of all time and helped shape government today. Athens helped shape the idea of democracy with a system that allowed for men in the city to help run the government. They also had a judicial system with a jury of peers.
Athens Philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle came from Athens. They are said to be the fathers of modern philosophy by telling us to use reason and to question the knowledge that some might think we have. Athens had a great stronghold called the Acropolis, including the Parthenon. The construction made Athens want to build an empire which soon brought tensions between it’s rival state, Sparta. The Peloponnesian War ( BCE) was fought between Athens and the Peloponnesian League which was led by Sparta. Athens was defeated and soon conquered later by Macedon.
Quiz This is a quick review over the section you just read. Answer the following questions.
1. Who is the God/Goddess of Athens? A. Ares B. Artemis C. Athena D. ApolloQuiz
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Name in the city
2. He was a famous philosopher from Athens. Quiz A. Socrates B. Descartes C. Hume D. Spinoza
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Father of Modern Philosophy
3. When did the Peloponnesian War take place? Quiz A. 371 BCE B C D. 431 BCE
Incorrect Try Again Hint: An Early War
Athens Finished Continue to Next Section
Sparta Sparta was a great city-state in Ancient Greece. A militaristic society that tried to build the strongest military in the world by casting out the weak from their society. They worshiped the God Ares, the god of war and their greatest honor was to die in battle. Spartans were unequaled when it came to a land fighting force during the time period. One of the most famous battles was the battle led by King Leonidas.
Sparta He led a small number of 300 Spartans against the Persian armies but was one of the first to die. The Spartans fought hard but died in the end. It let the rest of the world know however that the Persians were not invincible. The Spartans society allowed women to have more rights for the age by taking place in politics and owning property. Their society soon lowered their population and their citizenship was diminished. Sparta never fully recovered
Quiz This is a quick review over the section you just read. Answer the following questions.
Quiz 1. Who were given more rights than the average during the time period? A. Slaves B. Women C. Jews D. Barbarians
Incorrect Try Again Hint: They help property and were in politics.
Quiz 2. King Leonidas led the Spartans into battle against who? A. Persia B. Athens C. Thebes D. Rhodes
Incorrect Try Again Hint: 300 Spartans
Quiz 3. The god of war that was worshiped by the Spartans. A. Athena B. Zeus C. Ares D. Hercules
Incorrect Try Again Hint: The God of War
Sparta Finished Continue to Next Section
Delphi Delphi is a Greek city-state that sits at the bottom of Mt. Parnassus. It played an important part in Greek mythology as home of the nymphs. Delphi was the home of the Oracle, who was said to be the direct line to the Gods. The Oracle would communicate with the Gods to find out what they would want and many citizens traveled to Delphi to speak to the Oracle.
Delphi The city was known as being sacred to the god Apollo. Apollo is the god of light and the sun. The city was named after the story of how Apollo founded the city. It is said that he came to Delphi in the shape of a dolphin. Delphi also has the Pythian Games which led to the creation of the Olympic Games. Delphi was a major site for poetry and the arts. The entire city is known for its myths. Delphi soon became one of the best archeological sites.
Quiz This is a quick review over the section you just read. Answer the following questions.
Quiz 1. Which mountain is Delphi located near? A. Mt. Parnassus B. Mt. Everest C. Mt. Olympus D. Mt. Saint Helens
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Home of the Nymphs
Quiz 2. He is the god of light and the sun. A. Helios B. Hera C. Hermes D. Apollo
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Founder of Delphi
Quiz 3. The Oracle would communicate with who? A. The Gods B. The Muses C. The Titans D. The Oracles
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Olympians
City-States Finished Back to Main Menu
The Titans The Titans are said to be the children of Gaia (mother of the earth) and Uranus (father of the heavens). They ruled during the Golden Age. There were 12 original children which included Cronos and Rhea. During the classical period of Ancient Greece, there were several poems that spoke of a great war between the Titans and the Olympians. The war lasted 10 years and took place in the valley of Thessaly. The battles took place before the existence of man ever came. The Olympians led by Zeus, the son of Cronos, were able to defeat the Titans.
The Titans It is compared to the prior events before the war between the Titans and the Gods. Cronos overthrew his father, Uranus, to rule the Titans. Legend has it that Cronos feared that one of his children would overthrow him like he did his father. So he ate all of them when they were born. Zeus was hidden by Gaia and his mother Rhea and overthrew his father to free his brothers Poseidon and Hades. After Zeus overthrew his father, he sentenced Cronos to be exiled to Tartarus.
Quiz This is a quick review over the section you just read. Answer the following questions.
Quiz 1. She was the mother of the earth. A. Gaia B. Rhea C. Zeus D. Hera
Incorrect Try Again Hint: She helped hide Zeus
Quiz 2. Who is the father of Zeus? A. Gaia B. Rhea C. Uranus D. Cronos
Incorrect Try Again Hint: A planet
Quiz 3. The battle between the Olympians and the Titans took place here? A. Olympus B. Thessaly C. Tartarus D. Hades
Incorrect Try Again Hint: A valley
Titans Finished Continue to Next Section
Icarus The story of Icarus is a Greek myth about a young boy and his ignorance. Icarus was the son of a famous craftsman Daedalus. Daedalus was the designer of the famous labyrinth in Crete that held the Minotaur, half man and half horse that the Greek hero Theseus, the founder of Athens, killed. King Minos had Daedalus locked away in a tower so his knowledge of the labyrinth would not escape to the public. Icarus and his father, in an attempt to escape, tried to fly away on wings constructed with feathers and wax.
Icarus Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun. Icarus,ignoring his father’s warning, flew too close to the sun and the wax began to melt. Icarus crashed into the sea below and drowned. Alternatives suggest that Icarus fell overboard of a boat while King Minos’ men pursued him and his father. Hercules erected a tomb of his fallen friend.
Quiz This is a quick review over the section you just read. Answer the following questions.
Quiz 1. Which city-state were Icarus and Daedalus trying to escape? A. Sparta B. Crete C. Rhodes D. Hawaii
Incorrect Try Again Hint: King Minos
Quiz 2. Icarus was the son of who? A. Daedalus B. Zeus C. Hercules D. Theseus
Incorrect Try Again Hint: A Famous Designer
A. To shopQuiz 3. Why were Daedalus and Icarus being held at Crete? B. To create wax wings C. Keep the labyrinth’s secrets D. Hercules wouldn’t let them leave
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Secret
Icarus Finished Continue to Next Section
The Trojan War
Quiz This is a quick review over the section you just read. Answer the following questions.
Quiz 1. He was the king of Sparta during the Trojan War. A. Menelaus B. Minos C. Leonidas D. Achilles
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Helen’s Husband
Quiz 2. Why did the Trojan War start? A. Adultery B. Greed C. Power D. Security
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Cheating
Quiz 3. What creature did the Greeks use to sneak into Troy? A. Rabbit B. Cow C. Horse D. Dragon
Incorrect Try Again Hint: A Large Farm Animal
Greek Myths Finished Back to Main Menu
Final Quiz This section is to review the entire presentation. Please match the answers with the following questions.
Quiz 1. He was the hero of Troy A. Achilles B. Hector C. Zeus D. Homer
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Brother of Paris
Quiz 2. Where was Achilles shot by the arrow? A. Heel B. Heart C. Eye D. Thigh
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Lower Body
Quiz 3. Which militaristic society was King Leonidas king of? A. Rhodes B. Sparta C. Athens D. Troy
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Fought Persia
Quiz 4. Which Greek city-state was sacred to the God Apollo? A. Delphi B. Athens C. Olympus D. Sparta
Incorrect Try Again Hint: The Oracle
Quiz 5. This city-state gave us great philosophers like Aristotle. A. Troy B. Delphi C. Athens D. Sparta
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Socrates
Quiz 6. He was overthrown by his son, Zeus. A. Cronos B. Uranus C. Poseidon D. Gaia
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Son of Uranus
Quiz 7. What stronghold is in Athens, which includes the Parthenon. A. The Acropolis B. The Temple of Zeus C. The Trojan Horse D. The Temple of Athena
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Stronghold
Quiz 8. This Greek hero killed the Minotaur A. Perseus B. Theseus C. Hercules D. Hermes
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Founder of Athens
Quiz 9. How many original children did Gaia and Uranus have? A. 11 B. 9 C. 16 D. 12
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Dozen
Quiz 10. What animal did Apollo depict as he founded the city-state of Delphi? A. Snake B. Seagull C. Bull D. Dolphin
Incorrect Try Again Hint: Sea Creature
Congrats! You are finished with the presentation. I hope you enjoyed this and it sparked some interest in Ancient Greece.
Author’s Notes All information and images came from