Why learn a second language? Edited by Huishan Chang 2/25/2014 Information is summarized from “ Multilingual Children: Beyond Myths and Toward Best Practices “, Comprehension and World Languages Society of Research in Child Development Social Policy Report Volume 27, Number 4, News/spr_27_4.pdf
2/3 of the world population understands two or more languages. Yes, you definitely want to be one of them.
Globalization is the trend. Yes, we learn other people’s languages to be able to communicate with them.
What does this M mean to you? A. Michigan B. University of Michigan C. Money HINT: Learning a second language is an asset that enhances the social and economic prowess of the speaker. The answer is C. Learning second language is considered as an entry to make MONEY. For example, according to current medias, China ‘s economy is booming now. You want to learn Chinese so you can develop your business with China for $$$$$$$$$.
Learning second language leads to increase in metacognitive and metalinguistic skills. Yes, this is true. Your second language knowledge will increase and expand your other knowledge because you know different strategies from other languages.
Learning a language increases brain tissue density in areas related to language, memory, and attention, with the highest level of tissue density when you learn second language. Yes, you need to practice your memory and attention strategies in other languages to enhance your brain.
Displays flexibility in learning novel words or additional labels for previously known objects or actions. Yes, you have been in the context of odd and new words. You will be able to learn novel words easier.
Learning second language increases children’s early literacy skills including phonemic awareness, decoding, and use of words with similar roots. Yes, you will be able to compare and put the words together logically.
Learning second language help to develop higher cognitive functioning and mental health status. Yes, your brain and emotion will reach a healthier condition.
Learning second language helps executive control as early as age two. Yes, learning a second language will aid in earlier brain development.
When speaking more than one language, code- switching, or switching back and forth between languages within an utterance or in the course of a conversation to increase linguistic and cognitive control Yes, your brain functions more than if you were a monolingual.
Learning heritage language facilitates the acquisition of another language. Yes, usually the two languages will share common concepts that you can adopt in leaning either language.
High academic achievement and positive personality adjustment due to learn second language. Yes, a great outcome in leaning second language is having high academic achievement.
Now, tell me how you feel about learning a second language? So yes, you make a good decision to learn a second language. Congratulations! The END