Intel Do-It-Yourself Challenge Lab 1: Intel Galileo’s Arduino side Nicolas Vailliet Intel Software
Prerequisites and objectives We assume that: -You are able to download an archive, to unzipped it and run a program under the OS you’re familiar to. -You are able to read pieces of code and comments written in a C-like language. Our objective are: -Given a laptop, a Galileo board, its power supply and USB cable, and the Arduino IDE archive, you’ll be able to plug all these tools together and run a demo which will blink the on-board LED. -Given the previously stated tools, a LED and a simple sensor, you’re able to run a demo program to blink the LED according to the sensor state. In general, Our goal is to provide a simple overview of what you can realize with an Arduino board. It also gives you material to compare Arduino side and Linux side of the Intel Galileo board.
Before you start
What do you need? Desktop OS We assume you’re under Microsoft Windows. Linux and Mac users should not have any problem to do the same. Hardware - An Intel Galileo Development Board. - The box comes with power supply and cable. - USB cable (with a B connector to plug on Galileo and your laptop). - A blue LED and a bi-directional flexible bend sensor, You do not need a microSD card for this practical class. Software Intel Galileo Arduino SW (IDE and drivers) archive unzipped.
Galileo’s Arduino side
Plug – Boot – Connect Step 1 Plug the power supply and wait for the USB green LED to be on. Do not proceed to step 2 until it’s green (booting). Step 2 Connect the USB cable to the USB client port, not the USB host port. Checking step (under Linux only) Try this command: ls –la /dev | grep ACM You’ll see a new Linux device called /dev/ttyACM
Development Environment Installing Galileo drivers for Windows -Tell Windows that drivers are in arduino-1.5.3/drivers. -Once the driver is installed, start the Arduino IDE. -Select the COM port in Tools > Serial Port.
Development Environment Running an Arduino demo -Open the Blink demo: Files>Examples>01.Basics>Blink -A new window is opened, click on Validate and Upload -Look at the LED on the board! It’s blinking!
Does not work? Path too long? Check your IDE is in a short path. For example, more your IDE to C:\ or / (Linux fs root) and try again. Port COM is not in the menu? If you cannot see the serial port, it means Galileo is not installed correctly. Under Windows, go to the device manager (Control panel) to handle the problem. Please not for Linux Under Linux, select ttyACM instead of COM in the menu.
Conclusion Arduino hardware and software compatibility -Arduino library is available for Galileo, except functions that were using directly Atmega assembly language. -Arduino shields can be connected and used on Galileo. Linux is not so far… -On Galileo, a sketch is executed by the firmware or by a Linux service. -It’s all implemented in C and open source.
Booting the board with an embedded Linux We’re going to explain how to install and run Linux on Galileo. Doing the same little project with Linux When you write an Arduino sketch, it’s run by a very tiny Linux, stored on the board. So, with a Linux system on a microSD card, we can do the same thing! Integrating Galileo in bigger projects Galileo is able to use USB, control motors, LED strips. It can also run a server and send/receive orders from anything! (an Android tablet?) Next step
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