Box Plots Calculator Commands 12/1/10. CA Stats Standard 3.02 Locating the 5-Number Summary on TI83/84 A box plot is a graph of the 5-# Summary for a.


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Presentation transcript:

Box Plots Calculator Commands 12/1/10

CA Stats Standard 3.02 Locating the 5-Number Summary on TI83/84 A box plot is a graph of the 5-# Summary for a set of data. You can find the 5-Number Summary on your TI83/84: 1.Enter your data in L1 2.Quit from the screen using 2 nd Mode 3.Go to STAT: CALC 4.Highlight 1: 1-Var Stats 5.Hit ENTER. The words 1-Var Stats appear on your home screen 6.Type L1; Hit ENTER 7.At the bottom of your screen you should see n = ___. Scroll down with the down arrow key: MinX; Q 1 ;Med; Q 3 ;MaxX should appear. These are the 5-# Summary 8.Use them to construct your box plot

CA Stats Standard 3.03 Drawing Modified Box Plot on TI83/84 Your calculator will draw the box plot for you: 1.Enter your data in L1 2.Quit from the screen using 2 nd Mode (home screen) 3.Go to 2 nd : Y= (at the top of your keyboard, left side) 4.Highlight 1: Plot one. Hit ENTER 5.Turn Plot ON with ENTER key. Arrow down to next row. 6.Select 4 th choice (use arrow right key) Modified Box Plot. Hit ENTER. 7.Arrow down to Xlist should say L1 or type it. FREQ = 1 8.Zoom key (top row in middle). Go to 9: ZoomStat to make the box fit the screen. Hit ENTER. Box plot appears. 9.Use TRACE key (top row 2 nd from right) & right arrow to read the values from the box plot. 5-# Summary appears at the bottom of your screen.