Welcome to the Careers & Employability Centre Finding Part-Time Work
How to find part-time work Outcomes By attending this session you will: Find out what kind of part time work is available in Brighton Know where to look for advertised part time jobs Discover other strategies for looking for part time work Know your rights as a worker.
Different types of work Part time work Vacation jobs Internships and work experience Placements
What is part time work? Max 15 hours a week during term for undergraduates Max 20 hours for postgraduates International students’ visa restriction is 20 hours
and why do it? To earn some extra cash To develop your skills and experience To make new contacts It’s not all about the money!
What are internships? Internship is the term for structured work experience Typically take place during University vacations
Paid or unpaid? Should be paid Charities and work-shadowing
What are placements? One year professional placements, part of your degree Usually between year 3 and year 4 Range of support available
Find out more about all types of work Also lots of further support available
Brighton & Hove Brighton & Hove is a tourist resort - much of the work available is in service industries such as restaurants and hotels.
Brighton and Hove
Sussex Brighton to Crawley 30 mins Brighton to Worthing 21 mins Brighton to Lewes 15 mins Brighton to Eastbourne 32 mins Brighton to London 51 mins
What could you do? Some examples of part-time work locally could be: -Administration -Bar work / restaurants / cafés -Shop work / supermarkets -Telephone work -Student Ambassadors -Care work -Web design -Tutors
Local Labour Market Creative & Digital Media sector Small / medium sized enterprises Public sector: education, health, local government Service sector Language schools Voluntary and community sector Finance - American Express European HQ, large employer
How to find part time jobs - your university jobs database Jobs advertised our website Jobs in Brighton & Hove, campus and Sussex Sign up for regular job alerts to your
How to find part time jobs jobs working on campus Work on campus is very popular and competitive Sign up for alerts Apply straight away Also see Students’ Union website -
How to find part time jobs strategies Speculative approaches - some shops/ bars will have notices up in windows – we also round up online at Newspapers- The Argus on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Friday Ads, The Leader Government work search site = Recruitment agencies Use your networks if at all possible- lots of jobs are never advertised Careers and Employability events – meet employers
How to find part time jobs useful websites - search for local work - local newspaper online – local jobs – online free press online – free for local employers to advertise so popular Brighton & Hove city council (you could try East and West Sussex councils too) Seasonal Jobs in larger shops & supermarkets often lead to more work
Important things you need to know money £ for workers aged 21 and over £ the 18 to 20 rate from October 1 st 2013 Beware of scam jobs!
Important things you need to know tax and national insurance Bad news - all workers have to pay: Tax & National Insurance Good news – there is an allowance! Give your employer your details - 'Starter Checklist' Get a ‘National Insurance Number’
Important things you need to know health & safety Be safe If in doubt, ask!!
What next? further support Come along to the events – They are all listed on our events page Careers Advisers are available daily. Call us on Sign up for job alerts
How to find work - we’re here for you The Careers & Employability Centre Ground Floor The Library sussxunicareers