FAMU-FSU College of Engineering EEL 3705 / 3705L Digital Logic Design Fall 2006 Instructor: Dr. Michael Frank Module #8: Introduction to Sequential Logic (Thanks to Dr. Perry for the slides)
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Administrivia: This week’s lab: Midterm practical exams Homework assignment #4: Due tonight Midterm Exam #2: Nov. 6 (a week from Monday) – Review on Nov. 1 Plan for today’s lecture: Start coverage of sequential logic
Introduction to Sequential Design
Types of Logic Circuits Logic circuits can be: Combinational Logic Circuits-outputs depend only on current inputs Sequential Logic Circuits-outputs depends not only on current inputs but also on the past sequence of inputs
Sequential Circuit Models
Combinational Logic Delay Shortest delay Longest delay Longest timing delay = 5ns+5ns+5ns+5ns = 20ns Shortest timing delay = 5ns We will use the longest delay to represent the combinational logic (CL) delay, tcl
Combinational Logic (CL) Cloud Model Tcl=20ns
We will add memory (or registers) to our logic circuits. This will allow us to design sequential circuits.
Registers We will represent registers with the following block diagram Clock and reset are control signals Ns and ps are data signals
Sequential Systems Block Diagrams
Sequential Systems General Block Diagram Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path CL= Combinational Logic Cloud Reg= D Registers Clock Reset
Sequential Systems General Block Diagram Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset X is the input data vector Y is the output data vector
Sequential Systems Block Diagram Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset Ns is the next state data vector Ps is the present state data vector
Sequential Systems Block Diagram Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset Notice we have a feedback path which combines the ps data vector with the input vector to generate a new ns data vector.
Sequential Systems Block Diagram Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset Mathematically, we say Or, ns is a function F of X and ps and Y is a function H of ps.
Example Circuit Schematic F LogicRegister H Logic (buffer) X input ns ps Block Diagram
Example Circuit Schematic F LogicRegister H Logic (buffer) X input ns ps State Equations
Finite State Machine (FSM) General Models
Moore FSM General Block Diagram Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path CL= Combinational Logic Cloud Reg= D Registers Clock Reset
Moore FSM State Equations Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset State Equations
Mealy FSM Block Diagram and State Equations Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Output Y is also a function of input X
Mealy-Moore FSM Block Diagram and State Equations Input Vector Next State Present State Mealy Outputs Moore Outputs
State Diagrams
State Bubble
State Bubble Example Unconditional Transition State name = S0 State value = 00 Y = 0 for this state Conditional Transition We leave this state if upn=1, We remain in this state if upn=0
Memory Devices
Data Latch (D-latch) Flip-flops (edge triggered) D-FF, D Register JK-FF T-FF
D-FF Positive Edge Triggered Block Diagram Symbol 4 inputs: D,Clk,Pre,Rst One output: Q D = Data Input Clk = Clock Input Pre = Preset Input Rst = Reset Input
D-FF Truth Table DClk dd100 dd011 d011 d Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table
D-FF Truth Table DClk dd100 dd011 d011 d Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table Pre= Preset Input (active low) Rst = Reset Input (active low) Highest priority
D-FF Truth Table DClk dd100 dd011 d011 d Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table D = Data Input Clk = Clock input Qn = Register Output
FSM Examples
Example– 2-bit Up Counter State Diagram Clock is implied
Example – 2-bit Up Counter State Table psnsy S0S10 S21 S32 S03 S0 = 00 S1 = 01 S2 = 10 S3 = 11 Let Let S0 = reset state State Value Assignment Output Vector
Example – 2-bit Up Counter Truth Table ps1ps0ns1ns0y1y
Example – 2-bit Up Counter Excitation Equations
Moore FSM Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset State Equations
Logic Diagram F Logic H Logic Reg Block Y Vector No X Vector in this Example No H Logic needed
Logic Diagram
Flash Animation
Example 3– 2-bit Down Counter State Diagram Clock is implied
Example – 2-bit Down Counter State Table psnsy S0S30 S23 S12 S01 S0 = 00 S1 = 01 S2 = 10 S3 = 11 Let Let S0 = reset state
Example – 2-bit Down Counter Truth Table ps1ps0ns1ns0y1y
Example – 2-bit Down Counter Excitation Equations
Recall Moore FSM Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset State Equations
Logic Diagram F Logic H Logic Reg Block Y Vector No X Vector in this Example
Logic Diagram
Example 4 – 2-bit Up/Down Counter State Diagram
Example – 2-bit Up/Down Counter State Diagram Shorthand Notation
Example – 2-bit Up/Down Counter State Table psns upn ns upn y S0S1S30 S1S2S01 S2S3S12 S3S0S23 S0 = 00 S1 = 01 S2 = 10 S3 = 11 Let Let S0 = reset state
Example – 2-bit Up/Down Counter Truth Table upnps1ps0ns1ns0y1y
Example – 2-bit Up/Down Counter Excitation Equations
Recall Moore FSM Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset State Equations
Logic Diagram X Vector Y Vector F Logic H Logic Reg Block
Logic Diagram
Example 5– 3-bit Arbitrary Counter Design a 3-bit arbitrary counter that will count in the following sequence 3,2,3,1,2,3 If a state is not used reset it to state zero. How may states do we have? How many registers do we need? How many bits do we need for Y?
Example 5– 3-bit Arbitrary Counter State Diagram
Example – Arbitrary 3-bit Counter State Table psnsy S0S13 S22 S33 S41 S02 S5S00 S6S00 S7S00 S0 = 000 S1 = 001 S2 = 010 S3 = 011 S4 = 100 S5 = 101 S6 = 110 S7 = 111 Let Let S0 = reset state Assign State Values
Develop Truth Table
Example – 2-bit Arbitrary Counter Develop Excitation Equations -- F Logic
Develop Excitation Equations for Y Y1 Y0
Example – 2-bit Arbitrary Counter Excitation Equations -- H Logic
Recall Moore FSM Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset State Equations
Logic Circuit F H REGREG
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Monday, October 30, 2006 Administrivia: This week’s lab: Comparators and arithmetic Homework assignment #5: Will be posted soon (if not already) Midterm Exam #2: Nov. 6 (a week from today) – Review this Thursday Plan for today’s lecture: Continue coverage of sequential logic
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Wednesday, November 1, 2006 Administrivia: This week’s lab: Comparators and arithmetic Homework assignment #5: Will be posted soon (if not already) Midterm exam #2: Postponing to Nov. 13 th – review next Wednesday Plan for today’s lecture: Continue coverage of sequential logic
Example 5– 2-bit Up/Down Counter with Active Low Enable and Synchronous RESET (SRESET) State Diagram Clock is implied
Example – 2-bit Up/Down Counter with Enable and SRESET Functional Table srnenupnFunction 0dd Synchronous Reset (sreset) 11dHold 100Count Up 101Count Down Highest Level of PriorityLowest Level of Priority
State Table SrnEnup n ns 0ddS0 11dps 100ps+1 101ps -1
Truth Table (5 variables!!) Although, we could design this circuit directly from the truth table we will use design partitioning.
Moore FSM Architecture Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path
Partitioned Design Note, with the partitioned design we can “reuse” already designed submodules to create the “new” design. SrnEnns 0dS0 11PS 10Count We have srn en
Top Level Block Diagram
UP/Down Logic Symbol Logic Circuit
Register Block Symbol Logic Circuit
2 Bit 4x1 Mux Symbol Circuit
1-bit 4x1 Mux Symbol Logic Circuit
1-bit 2x1 Mux Symbol Logic Circuit
Top Level Block Diagram
Example 6 – FSM Controller State Diagram
Truth Table for NS Truth Table
Kmaps for NS1 and NS0 NS1 NS0
Truth Table and Equations for Y Truth Table By Inspection Recall, Moore FSM, so Y will Not be a function of T
Logic Circuit F H REGREG
Memory Devices
D-FF Truth Table Qn follows D on Rising Edge of CLK DClk dd100 dd011 d011 d Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table D = Data Input Clk = Clock input Qn = Register Output
T-FF (Toggle) Changes state on every tick of CLK TClk Dd100 Dd011 d011 d Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table
SR-FF Set =>Qn=1 Reset=>Qn=0 SRClk ddd100 ddd011 dd011 dd ??? Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table
JK-FF JKClk ddd100 ddd011 dd011 dd Symbol Equation (rising clock) Truth Table
Example: Design a JK-FF using only Logic and a D-FF JKClk ddd100 ddd011 dd011 dd Symbol Truth Table
Example State Diagram State Table Let s0=0 and s1=1
JK-FF Truth TableLogic Equations
Recall Moore FSM State Equations Input Vector Output Vector Next State Present State Feedback Path Clock Reset State Equations
JK Example Circuit Schematic F LogicD-Register H Logic (buffer) X input ns ps Block Diagram
JK Example Circuit Schematic Simulation
D-Latch Block Diagram Symbol 4 inputs: D,E,Pre,Rst One output: Q D = Data Input E = Enable Input Pre = Preset Input Rst = Reset Input
D-Latch Truth Table DE dd100 dd011 d Symbol Truth Table
D-Latch State Equations DE dd100 dd011 d Symbol Equation (level clock) Truth Table
SR-Latch State Equations SR dd100 dd ??? Symbol Equation (level clock) Truth Table
Example T-FF D-FF D-Latch
Modular Sequential Logic
Shift Registers Logic Design which manipulates the bit position of binary data by shifting it to the left or right. Major application Serial Data to Parallel Data converters
Example Design a three-bit shift register with the following functions S1S0Function 00 Synchronous Reset (sreset) 01Shift Right 10Shift Left 11No Shift
Partitioned Design
No Shift Equations and Circuit
Shift Left Equations and Circuit
Shift Right Equations and Circuit
Synchronous Reset Module
Total Design