Angle Gabriel came to tell Joseph that he and his wife were going to have a baby boy and they must call him Jesus. You must call your Baby boy Jesus ok
Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem to register,they also stayed at an inn, they travel on a donkey. We will be there soon Mary.
Mary gave birth to a baby boy call Jesus and they Stayed in a stable.
You must follow a bright star. An angle told the Sheppard to follow a bright star and He would find Jesus. ok We will. You must follow a bright star. An angel came to tell the wise men that they will follow a bright star and they will find baby Jesus in a manger.
The Sheppard and the wise men came to visit Mary, Joseph and Jesus.The wise men had gifts for Jesus they had brought gold frankincense and Myrrh. we have brought You gold,frankincense and myrrh.