Acknowledgements: This work was partially supported by the ASTRI Flagship Project financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR) and led by the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF). We also acknowledge partial support by the MIUR Bando PRIN 2009 and 2014 Special Grants. We gratefully acknowledge support from the agencies and organizations listed in this page: ASTRI SST-2M Title ………………………………. OPC-UA is an industry standard interface platform independent. It was adopted in the project as an interface between the ACS environment and the ASTRI hardware layer. In particular, in Catania we are dealing with the development of the OPC-UA servers for interfacing with the following ASTRI subsystems: auxiliary for environmental monitoring: Weather Station, Sky Quality Meter, Pludix, All Sky Monitor, Electric Field Meter, Rain Sensor; auxiliary for calibration: UVScope, UVSiPM; control and monitoring of infrastructure (ICT: Information and Communication Technology); interface with PMC (Pointing Model Camera); camera and its ancillary: Lid, Fiber Optic Calibration, Thermal Control, GPS, CCD Alignment Cameras. The software is developed by means of Prosys Java SDK Pietro Bruno – Alessandro Grillo for t he ASTRI Collaboration 1 and the CTA Consortium 2 OPC UA Control Software in the ASTRI Project ASTRI SST-2M ASTRI Camera OPC-UA Control Software For testing purposes, an OPC-UA client from UA-Expert was used. In the next step an engineering GUI will be integrated to the OPC-UA Java client from Prosys. OPC-UA Server for Test & Simulation The ASTRI_TEST_Server, for each data-type used in ASTRI, provides an OPC-UA variable-node. The server accepts as line argument the name of an ASCII "ServerTable“ file, created from the Excel spreadsheet by a python macro, and generates a new device in the OPC-UA interface. In this way, you may obtain an OPC-UA server in order to test and simulate each ASTRI device. Excel Table ServerTable Python macro Run: Java –jar ASTRI_TEST_Server –c ServerTable.txt ASTRI_TEST_Server VPN An OPC-UA server, named "ASTRI_TEST_Server" for testing and simulation purposes has also been realized. Prosys OPC-UA Client ServerTable.txt Weather Station (WS) - Davis Vantage Pro2 wireless. PLUDIX (PDX) is a small radar able to detect dust particles falling. Rain Sensor (RNS) to detect quickly the presence of rain All Sky Camera (ASC) to measure the percentage of cloud cover Electric Fiel Meter (EFM) to detect the presence of lightning Sky Quality Meter (SQM) to measure the night sky brightness. Pointing Model Camera (PMC) to recognize the field pointed to by ASTRI Environmental Detection Devices UVscope (UVM) to measure the Night Sky Background (NSB) UVSiPM (UVS) is a light detector in the nm range. Calibration Devices Pointing tool List of ASTRI auxiliary instruments In accord with the ASTRI standard, for each instrument, a SW interface between low level systems and ACS, based on OPC-UA technology has been realized. For each auxiliary device, as well as for any other ASTRI subsystem, an Interface Control Document (ICD) was product. ASTRI Auxiliary OPC-UA Control Software From each ICD an Excel spreadsheet that summarizes all commands and configuration of the server OPC-UA has been extracted. OPC-UA Server for ICT control and monitoring This is the OPC-UA server used to interface the ASTRI infrastructure with the ACS world. At the moment only four equipment of the ASTRI network have been configured.