1 Organising data in a spreadsheet Module 1 Session 3
2 Contents Where we are: Slides 1-18: Overview of Chapter 1 of the SSC Excel Guide (Practical 1). What is to come: Slides 19-23: Preview of Chapter 2 of the SSC Excel Guide (Practical 1). Slides 24-33: Overview of what has been learnt Slides 34-36: Preview of Chapter 3 of the SSC Excel Guide (Practical 2). Slides 36-41: Overview of what has been learnt Slides 42-48: Introducing Practical 3 Slide 49: Reviewing Practical 3
3 These sessions Outline data organisation So it is ready for analysis This often takes as much time as the analysis itself Excel has tools to help They are introduced here
4 What is assumed: Excel guide Chapter 1. See next slide. Check this is all familiar. The guide can be used as a reference. Review quickly if necessary. If you need a more thorough review this must be done in your own time.
5 Topics assumed The Windows desktop (1.2) Mouse Operations (1.2) Practicing using the mouse (1.2) Windows Help (1.2) A Typical Excel Window (1.3) The Open Files Dialogue (1.4) Open Workbook in Excel (1.4) Popup menu for basic operations on active sheet (1.5) Selecting parts of a worksheet (1.5) Paste and paste Special (1.5) Moving a range of cells (1.5) Linking information across worksheets (1.5) The Save As dialogue (1.5)
6 Handling Data In Excel
7 Chapter 2: Data Manipulation This chapter looks at the features of excel needed to organise data prior to analysis. Data sets are often large and messy, organising them can be a bigger job than analysing the data. Excel has a number of useful tools to make this job as quick and easy as possible.
8 Data Manipulation cont’: Good Practice: You must always try to keep worksheets simple, to give them names and to clearly show what they contain. This will make it much easier when you need to find a particular data set or table of results.
9 What to expect: In chapter 2 you will learn: How to efficiently structure your data. How to create and protect master copies of you data. How to create duplicate working copies. How to sort your data for easier checking. How to select subsets (Filtering). How to name cell ranges.
10 Practical 1: Now go and complete Chapter 2 of the Excel guide. Read each point and complete the exercise below when applicable.
11 How did it go? The next few slides are screen captures taken from the work you have just done. Go through them as a group making sure you understood how to use each tool and its purpose.
12 Data from the CBS survey is in list form (2.2): What are the features of a list? What are the benefits of having your data in a list?
13 Master Sheets and Working Sheets ( ): This is a crucial step in your organisation process and should always be the first thing that you do. Creating your Master Sheet keeps your data SAFE! Creating your Working Sheet gives you FREEDOM to make mistakes!
14 Sort dialogue & Data sorted on household size (2.5):
15 Selected rows Arrow is blue to show it is used in filter. The filtered data (2.6):
16 Applying a custom filter & Options in custom filter dialogue box (2.6)
17 Adding a comment to a cell (2.7):
18 Using the name of an array (2.7):
19 Creating names from a selected array (2.7)
20 Features, queries and concerns What was new, that you liked? What was difficult? What do you need to practice more?
21 Chapter 3:Performing Calculations This chapter outlines how Excel can be used to do simple and complex calculations with small and large set of data, it has 2 parts: 1. How to use excels formula bar to perform simple arithmetic calculations (3.2). 2. How to use excel as a column calculator ( ).
22 What to expect: In Chapter 3 you will learn: How to do basic calculations in the formula bar. How to use excel to do arithmetics and comparisons using cell addresses. How to use excel to do arithmetics and comparisons using column names. How to use excels inbuilt functions, these can save you time and safeguard against human error.
23 Practical 2: Now complete Chapter 3 of the Excel guide. Read each point and complete the exercises when applicable.
24 How did it go? The next few slides are screen captures taken from the work you have just done. Go through them as a class making sure you understood how to use each tool and its purpose.
25 Entering a logical calculation (3.2)
26 Using columns for calculations (3.4):
27 Functions Dialogue Box (3.5): Keep exploring the program. There are a multitude of functions available. If you do not know they exist you will have to do them by hand! It is worth a few minutes.
28 Features, queries and concerns What was new, that you liked? What was difficult? What do you need to practice more?
29 Applying the new tools The new tools in Excel Enable data to be organised ready for the analysis Organising the data is a key step And time must be allowed for this step Once the data are organised The ideas in Sessions 5 and 6 Show how they can be analysed to produce tables And Sessions 7 Shows how to produce graphs
30 Case study – hourly sunshine data The data are needed for a solar cooking project We need to know The proportion of days with sufficient morning sun And afternoon sun For cooking lunch and dinner And for pasteurising water The hourly data were supplied In Excel By the Botswana Met Service And have to be organised for the analysis
31 Hourly data as supplied: Top of data file Almost a list But each year is separate. The year is not included in the list And there are gaps between each year Data in 1/10 of an hour
32 Stages in the organisation process Copy to a new sheet – called data As supplied But in a list With another column giving the year number Make a third sheet – called working Data in fractions of an hour Then totalled to give morning sun And afternoon sun To be ready for the analysis This is what you repeat In practical 3
33 The data as supplied – but in a list With a year column added
34 The data – ready for analysis The key variable for the analysis Sunshine hours from 9am to 1pm If >3hrs then OK for cooking. > 1hr for pasteurising water
35 Practical 3: Now that you have these tools at you disposal try them on these data. Keep your guide for reference. Complete Practical 3. Note the new problems that always occur with real data but not in textbook datasets!
36 Features, queries and concerns What was new that you liked? What concerns did you have? Did you resolve the challenge An IF statement is IF(B3>1,O2,””)
37 Can you now: Explain the importance of a list for statistical uses of Excel. Use special features, like sorting and filtering. Understand how names are used in Excel. Perform simple arithmetic calculations using Excel’s formula bar. Use Excel as a column calculator Explain the data organisation stage that precedes an analysis Use the Excel guide with the demonstrations - for self study
38 Learning Software It is hard to learn software through lectures as practice is the most effective way of developing the necessary skills. Most software will come with a tutorial guide and (possibly) some demonstrations – as you have used here. Use the skills you learnt today to work independently with these type of resources (i.e. the guide and demonstrations).