Holistic medicine By: Carissa Mazzeo & Veronica Cuomo
What is holistic medicine? Holistic Medicine is also known as alternative medicine. There is no clear and consistent definition for either alternative or complementary medicine The term 'alternative medicine' is generally used to describe practices used independently or in place of conventional medicine. Alternative medicine methods are diverse in their foundations and methodologies. Methods may incorporate or base themselves on traditional medicine, folk knowledge, spiritual beliefs, or newly conceived approaches to healing.
Principals of holistic medicine Holistic medicine is also based on the belief that unconditional love and support is the most powerful healer and a person is ultimately responsible for his or her own health and well-being. Other principles of holistic medicine include the following: All people have innate healing powers. The patient is a person not a disease. Healing takes a team approach involving the patient and doctor, and addresses all aspects of a person's life using a variety of health care practices. Treatment involves fixing the cause of the condition, and not just alleviating the symptoms.
Types of treatment Aromatherapy Natural diet Exercise Spiritual counseling Vibrational medicine Homeopathy Acupuncture Energy based therapy Chinese medicine
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is the treatment or prevention of disease by use of oils. Stated uses include pain and anxiety reduction, enhancement of energy and short-term memory, relaxation, hair loss prevention, and reduction of eczema-induced itching. Some benefits that have been linked to aromatherapy, such as relaxation and clarity of mind, may arise from the placebo effect rather than from any actual physiological effect.
Spiritual Counseling Spiritual counseling is a process by which a counselor and a client sit down together and have an enlightening and strengthening conversation about God. It helps one learn how to handle the challenges of everyday life while embracing a relationship with God. The client begins to understand the reality of God and the concept of never being alone. During challenges and difficult times, that aspect of God shines through. - Aspects affected: Soul, emotion, mind and spirit ect.
Vibrational medicine Vibrational medicine is used as a living remedy. This incorporates chi energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones, crystals, water and sunlight. Also in use for a balance of chi energies. This invites stuck energy to move or vibrate again. Overtime, the system finds balance. This is an experience of not only health but expansion, transformation of consciousness, and transcendence.
Homeopathy Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating an individual with highly diluted substances. The intention of this treatment is to trigger the body’s natural system of healing. Based on specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient. This is based on a principle that you can treat ‘”Like with like,” that is, a substance which causes symptoms when taking in large doses, also can be used in small amounts to treat the same symptoms.
Acupuncture Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles throughout the patients epidermis at specific points. The needles are inserted in various depths of the body. The benefits of this treatment are pain relief and alleviation from nausea caused by chemotherapy. This treatment is generally prescribed for several weekly applications. Before going to an Acupuncturist, patients need exams and an assessment of their condition.
Energy-based Therapy Energy based therapy is a collective used to encompass a variety of alternative and complementary treatments. These treatments are based upon modifications or manipulation of energy fields. The purpose of these energy therapies are used to help heal the mental and physical disorders by rebalancing the energy fields in the human body. Some energy therapies include detoxification or release of trauma related memories.
Natural (Holistic) Diet The goal of a holistic diet is to achieve and address good digestion, adequacy, balance and moderation. One of the fundamental principles of a holistic diet is an individual's need for a certain balance of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Making the right food choices can help prevent future health problems.
Exercise Exercise is perhaps the most influential holistic treatment of all Supporters of holistic medicine contend that appropriate exercise routines can help prevent a plethora of conditions and diseases. Exercise of specific body parts and exercises involving breathing, stretching, etc. can help treat more specific conditions.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Traditional Chinese medicine, which encompasses many different aforementioned practices, is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism and dates back more than 5,000 years. Today, TCM is practiced side by side with Western medicine in many of China’s hospitals and clinics. TCM is widely used in the United States.
Summary As opposed to Western Medicine, Holistic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine use a more natural approach to treating patients. Such treatments include: Aromatherapy, Natural diet, Exercise, Spiritual counseling, Vibrational medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, and Energy based therapy. Although Traditional Chinese Medicine is partially based in superstition it’s effectiveness is evident as it is still globally used to treat illness. TCM offers a different perspective on treatment and can be employed to treat illnesses that western medicine may not be able to.