Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Archival Permanence at the J. Paul Getty Trust Getty Institutional Records and Archives ASIDIC, Orlando, March 2007
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust The J. Paul Getty Trust
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust The Getty Villa The J. Paul Getty Trust
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Getty Recordkeeping Environment No uniform policies and procedures at the Getty prior to inception of Records and Archives Department in 2001 Contract with off-site storage vendor Hybrid media records creation and maintenance across the organization
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Getty Institutional Records and Archives Develop, maintain, implement records retention requirements and related records policies –Guidelines for managing active and inactive files, electronic, vital records Transfer historically valuable documentation to the archives for permanent preservation and access
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Choosing What to Keep: Investing resources in the right records for the right users Records management and archival selection Higher than average percentage of archival or permanent records
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Grant Reports San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: Making Sense of Modern Art multimedia program. Public Event Records Business Records Materials to be Preserved
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Publications Object records Field Project Records Materials to be Preserved
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Existing Preservation Practices Managing paper records – Traditional storage, climate controlled conditions Scanning paper or photos – Official v. unofficial, DAM v. Capital Project Audio video reformatting – Tape and CD/DVD; Future WAV
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Managing Electronic and Born-Digital RM staff working with ITS re: active records and records with long-term retention – Exploring the record-keeping functionality of existing systems – Examining need for RM application – Managing
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Managing Electronic and Born-Digital Digital strategy development Ultimate goal Process –6 initial committees –Review of recommendations –4 follow-up committees
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Managing Electronic and Born-Digital Accomplishments –Capture planning –Confluence® based comment system –Sloan digitization project w/ Open Content Alliance Future work –Rights
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Managing Electronic and Born-Digital Challenges –Technical and resource based Storage and bandwidth “Corporate” v. “Academic” solutions –Inclusion of business records
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Electronic/Born-Digital: Access Who gets access Who decides How do they get access In what ways are we allowed to provide access – Rights management
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Electronic/Born-Digital: Disaster and Business Recovery Currently in planning stage Intended for institutional records as well as collection material Virtual recovery
Insitutional Records and Archives - J. Paul Getty Trust Contact Information Nancy Enneking Institutional Archives Manager Getty Research Institute J. Paul Getty Trust