Library Annex
The Library Annex Opened in 1999 Facility’s design is based on the Harvard high-density storage model Additional storage units (modules) can be added at a fraction of the cost of traditional campus library construction. The depository's offsite location provides a secure yet accessible point from which materials can be retrieved rapidly when needed. The Library Annex and Government Information Department has shared a successful partnership serving our patrons for over 14 years.
Patron and Service Area Two research / reading rooms with media viewing equipment, digital microfilm/fiche reader printer and Wi-Fi 3,700 sq. ft. Processing Area Conference Room
The Module “The Box” High density storage area "The Box" measures 50 ft. wide by 200 ft. long by 38 ft. high. There are 304 shelving units with 9,424 shelves totaling 380,000 cubic feet of shelf space. The capacity of the storage box is approximately 1.5 million volumes. State-of-the-art facility has a climate controlled environment of 50⁰ F and 40% RH. It provides a preservation index of about 180 years.
Annexing Items Items designated for annexing are safely transported via shuttle service All Government Information items sent to the Annex are fully cataloged on the library’s OPAC. The barcode issued during the initial cataloging process also serves as a unique identification number for the item while at the Annex.
Housing Materials The primary goal of the Annex is to house and focus on the long-term preservation of academic/research valuable materials of all formats Items are entered into the Annex LAS using a triple check system which ensures an error free accession process Items are housed in acid-free trays according to size and are issued a permanent location in the box
Requesting Materials Government Information materials for patron use and/or check out can be requested through the library’s catalog.
Efficiency The Library Annex offers two delivery shuttles per day to any of the University’s libraries which provides fast and efficient access to the stored materials Items can be available for pick-up within one business day or less Electronic Desktop Delivery of journal articles or book chapters can be requested through the Scan and Deliver link located on the library’s catalog Articles are delivered directly to the patron’s desktop with turnaround time of just a few hours during the business week
Conclusion The University of South Carolina serves as a US federal depository library and the Annex provides a functional solution to the overcrowding stacks. The Annex makes it possible to open up essential study space in the libraries for our students and maintain the campus libraries’ collection current. Currently the Library Annex successfully houses about 300,000 Government Information items - mainly documents and maps Library Annex items can easily be reinstated back to the library's general collection by the request of the owning library’s department head.
Thank you! Nelson N. Rivera Library Annex Manager University of South Carolina Library Annex and Conservation Facility P.O. Box 801 State Park Columbia, SC (Voice) (Fax) For more information you can visit us at: