New Delhi COP8, October 2002 Katarina Mareckova SHMU, Tinus Pulles TNO IPCC project on Establishment of a Database on GHG Emission Factors.


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Presentation transcript:

New Delhi COP8, October 2002 Katarina Mareckova SHMU, Tinus Pulles TNO IPCC project on Establishment of a Database on GHG Emission Factors

UNFCCC, Kyoto protocol  Countries have to submit inventories on regular bases, which are consistent, complete, comparable, transparent, and accurate  Quality of GHG inventories depends on reliable emission factors and activity data

Emission Factors  Emission factors should reflect national/regional circumstances.  Emission Factors have to be accompanied with appropriate scientific background information  Emission factors should be documented: “easy” to find and “easy” to check / compare

Objective of the EFDB Project  To develop a database of emission factors and underlying information for the purposes of securing and disseminating the most current scientific information on emission factors and assisting in increasing transparency and reliability of national inventories.  Sharing data/information will avoid duplication of research efforts Comparisons of the underlying information will facilitate the selection of the most appropriate parameters.

Why IPCC EFDB  Regional inventory workshops (IPCC,UNDP,UNFCCC,….) Cuba (IPCC/UNFCCC joint expert meeting, Havana, September 1998) Ghana ( UNFCCC expert meeting, Accra, July, 1999) UNDP – ( Capacity building to Improve National GHG Inventories )  An easily accessible public EFDB with supporting scientific information would help improve the quality of GHG inventories in a cost-effective way.  Development of revised IPCC 1996 Guidelines  Development of Good Practice Guidance 2000

Schedule  Phase I : July October 2002 Planning, Design, Construction, Pilot Testing, Population  Phase II : November Dissemination and On-going maintenance, Further Population Dissemination through the internet, CD ROMs ( SBSTA 18) 1) Scoping meeting (New Delhi, July 2000) 2)1st expert meeting for determining functional design, etc. (Paris, July 2001) 3) Development of Prototype Database (October January 2002) 4) Pilot testing (February - April 2002) 5) 2 nd expert meeting revision of DB prototype (Bratislava, April 2002) 6)Finalisation of the EFDB construction, population with default EF (May - October 2002) 7) Presentation of EFDB at COP8 (New Delhi, October 2002)

Users of the EFDB  Inventory compilers (Inventory agencies) in every Party to the UNFCCC  IPCC (for future update of the IPCC Guidelines) Other groups: Inventory expert review teams (ERT) Project developers, involved in e.g. CDM & JI Scientist, Consultants involved in GHG inventories work General public and NGOs

Nature of the EFDB - more of a “Library” than an “Authority” Nature of the EFDB - more of a “Library” than an “Authority”  Users of the EFDB must be able to trust the background information provided with the quantitative value they find. This means that the inclusion/exclusion of new data in/from the database must be controlled.  However, usage of the EFDB information for compiling GHG inventories will always be the full responsibility of the user.

Contents of the EFDB  Structure (categorisation) to be followed  IPCC Source/Sink Categories  IPCC Fuel Categories  Gases to be included  CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF 6 + Some other gases (Indirect GHGs …)  Information to be presented (Data fields)  Administrative information –data provider, date of receipt of the data, etc.  Technical information –descriptive name, value, unit, confidence limit, technical reference, properties, etc.  Usage/Review information –type of EF (Measured/Modelled/…), external QC, etc.

Find EF (Search and get data)  3 options: Search step by step by specifying the IPCC source category and Gas(es) FULLTEXT search using keywords Find EF using unique EF-ID

Find EF  Categorization stage User defines the relevant  Sector  Fuel (only in case of Energy Sector)  Gas (Plural gases can be chosen at a time)  Search stage Output table will appear on the webpage. User screens them out for the optimal choices by - filtering on the webpage, or - exporting to MS-Excel and using its functions.  Acquisition stage User gets detailed information on the selected data. (Export to MS-Excel)

Single, Bulk, Minibatch Input (Population of the database)  Categorization stage User defines the relevant  Sector  Fuel (only in case of Energy Sector)  Gas (Plural gases can be chosen at a time )  Input stage User specifies: - Administrative information - Technical information - Usage/Review information Some standing QC procedures will be applied.

Publishing and distribution  Editorial board (review of the EFs)  Publication on the Internet at COP8 Updates of the database at fixed intervals (2 to 4 times per year)  Distribute copy on CD ROM For experts with limited access to the Internet Updates once or twice a year

And further …  EFDB is meant as an interactive platform for exchange of knowledge on emission factors  EFDB will only be successful if experts not only browse the database but also propose new emission factors