Census 2010 An overview of the 2010 census— what’s new and what can you do with the new data. 0:00
Census in the Constitution The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of Ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of Ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. --U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section II: 3:27
Census 2010 Largest peacetime mobilization Largest peacetime mobilization 1.4 million workers in million workers in 2010 $13 billion dollars $13 billion dollars Usable information from 99.62% of the nation's housing units Usable information from 99.62% of the nation's housing units 3:42
Why Census is important $400 billion in funding annually $400 billion in funding annually Political representation Political representation Census data are used by the private sector as well as state and local governments to determine where new jobs and job development programs are needed. Census data are used by the private sector as well as state and local governments to determine where new jobs and job development programs are needed. Community planners and leaders use census data to decide where such essential facilities like hospitals, schools or fire stations are most needed Community planners and leaders use census data to decide where such essential facilities like hospitals, schools or fire stations are most needed Because of 2000 census undercount, Georgia lost $208.8 million in federal funding through 2012, a loss of about $1,697 per uncounted person, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers Study. Because of 2000 census undercount, Georgia lost $208.8 million in federal funding through 2012, a loss of about $1,697 per uncounted person, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers Study. 4:05
New in Census 2010 Short, Short form—Everyone received the short form Short, Short form—Everyone received the short form questionnaire, which was used to enumerate people and asked only a few basic questions. No Long form—A sample of people were randomly No Long form—A sample of people were randomly selected to receive the long form. The long form included not only all short form questions, but also solicited a wide range of information about individuals’ demographic, economic, social, and housing characteristics. In Census 2000, approximately 1 in 6 individuals were enumerated on the long form. Census 2010 is the first decennial census that will not use a long form. 5:40
10 Questions in 10 Minutes Name. Name. Sex. Sex. Age/birth date. Age/birth date. Hispanic ethnicity. Hispanic ethnicity. Race. Race. Relationship to the person filling out the form. Relationship to the person filling out the form. Housing question—house, apartment or mobile home. Housing question—house, apartment or mobile home. Other residence, for example, military or college residence, if they sometimes live at another address. Other residence, for example, military or college residence, if they sometimes live at another address. 7:00
No Religion Question 1976 prohibition against any mandatory question concerning a person’s “religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.” 1976 prohibition against any mandatory question concerning a person’s “religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.” 8:10
The Data Population counts Population counts Redistricting data Redistricting data Summary File 1 Summary File 1 Summary File 2 Summary File 2 Public Use Microdata Public Use Microdata Other data sets Other data sets 8:56
No Long Form in 2010 Given to 1 in 6 people Given to 1 in 6 people Where were you born Where were you born Country of birth Country of birth Language spoken at home Language spoken at home Arrival in the United States Arrival in the United States Ancestry Ancestry All this data now in the American Community Survey All this data now in the American Community Survey 11:01
Issues Response rates Response rates Undercounts Undercounts Detroit challenges undercount of city Detroit challenges undercount of city New York city challenges undercounts in Queens and Brooklyn New York city challenges undercounts in Queens and Brooklyn Negro Negro Prison population Prison population Immigration status Immigration status Race question (Arab, Hispanics, etc) Race question (Arab, Hispanics, etc) 11:47
What’s out now Population counts Population counts Redistricting data Redistricting data Demographic Profiles Demographic Profiles kits/demographic-profiles.html kits/demographic-profiles.html kits/demographic-profiles.html kits/demographic-profiles.html Summary File 1 –Alabama and Hawaii Summary File 1 –Alabama and Hawaii kits/summary-file-1.html kits/summary-file-1.html kits/summary-file-1.html kits/summary-file-1.html 16:40
Summary File 1 Single year of age by sex Single year of age by sex More detail on children, including adopted, stepchildren and grandchildren More detail on children, including adopted, stepchildren and grandchildren Race and Hispanic origin of householder Race and Hispanic origin of householder More detail on household relationships More detail on household relationships Group quarters population by sex, age and group quarters type Group quarters population by sex, age and group quarters type Housing tenure (rented or owned) by age, household type, race and Hispanic origin of householder Housing tenure (rented or owned) by age, household type, race and Hispanic origin of householder Mortgage status of owned housing units Mortgage status of owned housing units 17:26
Summary File 1 cont’ American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings, such as Cheyenne, Navajo and Yup'ik American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings, such as Cheyenne, Navajo and Yup'ik Asian groups, such as Bangladeshi, Hmong and Pakistani Asian groups, such as Bangladeshi, Hmong and Pakistani Hispanic origin groups, such as Argentinean, Colombian and Guatemalan Hispanic origin groups, such as Argentinean, Colombian and Guatemalan Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander groups, such as Fijian, Marshallese and Tongan Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander groups, such as Fijian, Marshallese and Tongan 19:32
Number of People In Household 20:04
Housing Question 20:36
Race Question 21:10
OMB race White White Black or African American Black or African American American Indian or Alaskan Native American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Some other race (Not official) Some other race (Not official) 57 different combinations of race 57 different combinations of race 22:55
The Race and Ancestry Issue 23:19
Check it right, You ain’t White Qt4 Qt4 Qt4 Qt4 25:28
Hispanic question 25:38
The Hispanic and Race Issue 27:28
Hispanic and Race cont’ 2010 census more clearly distinguish Hispanic ethnicity as not being a race: 2010 census more clearly distinguish Hispanic ethnicity as not being a race: "For this census, Hispanic origins are not races." Additionally, the Hispanic terms are modified from "Hispanic or Latino" to "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin" "For this census, Hispanic origins are not races." Additionally, the Hispanic terms are modified from "Hispanic or Latino" to "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin" 28:13
Other Groups Want category West Indians West Indians Iranians Iranians Africans-(Igbo, Tutsi, Zulu, Tswana, Wolof) Africans-(Igbo, Tutsi, Zulu, Tswana, Wolof) 28:54
Do Away with Race? American Anthropological Association recommendation: American Anthropological Association recommendation: "race" and "ethnicity" categories into one question to appear as "race/ethnicity“ "race" and "ethnicity" categories into one question to appear as "race/ethnicity“ Eliminate race from 2010 Census Eliminate race from 2010 Census Census declined to make changes to race question for 2000 or Census declined to make changes to race question for 2000 or :25
Relationship 31:28
Relationship Part 2 33:06
New In Relationship Same sex marriage allowed to self identify on Census Same sex marriage allowed to self identify on Census Second Census with adoptive child as choice. Second Census with adoptive child as choice. 34:00
Summary File 1 data 34:25
More Dogs than kids? 35:08
Missed me?? 35:25
Housing and Census 35:50
Household size Census 36:08
Same Sex marriage 36:23
Gay Couples Adoption 36:44
Family matters Data: National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect at Cornell University, the Department of Health and Human Services, Census Bureau Story: More white couples are pushing past long- time cultural resistance to adopt black children. In 2004, 26 percent of black children adopted from foster care were adopted transracially, nearly all by whites, compared with 14 percent in Aug. 17, 2006, Page One 37:00
A wee bit of Irish Data: U.S. Census figures for ancestry Story: Fewer New Yorkers are claiming Irish ancestry, but that may be because more residents are identifying themselves as simply American. March 18, 2006, B2 37:15
Census Bureau website 37:30
IRE Census 37:42