University of Sciences & Technology Ibb Branch, Medical Science Faculty Bachelor of Pharmacy Students ( Level 2 ) Pharmacognosy Lecture No.(4) ( Second semester 2014/2015) Dr. Taha Hussien
Introduction To Medicinal Fruits
Introduction to Medicinal Fruits Definition: They are developed and ripened ovary or ovaries of a single flower or a group of flowers. In false fruits, other floral parts are included with gynaecium. Functions: 1- Protection of seeds. 2- Ensures the distribution of seeds. 3- Nourishment of seeds. Surface: - Smooth (Capsicum), hairy (Anise), ridged (Umbelliferous fruits)…..etc.
Histology: 1- Epicarp: 2- Mesocarp: 3- Endocarp: The fruit wall is called pericarp that divides to: 1- Epicarp: Thin or membranous (Tomato), thick and hard (Colocynth). Formed of a single layer or accompanied by one or more modified hypodermal layers (Colocynth). It may contain ca ox crystals (Coriander). 2- Mesocarp: Parenchymatous containing vascular bundles and secretory structures (Umbelliferous fruits). 3- Endocarp: Thin or thick and hard, formed of either a single layer or accompanied by hypodermal layers.
Fruit Layers 2- Epicarp (Ectocarp or Exocarp). 3- Mesocarp. 4- Endocarp. 5- Placenta. 6- Seed stalk. 7- Seeds.
Kinds of Fruits Fruits are divided according to: 1- Origin. 2- Number of carpels. 3- Nature of the pericarp. True: Originate from gynaecium of a single flower or inflorescence. False: Originate from gynaecium together with other floral parts which modify to form the main part of the fruit (e.g. Apple).
False Fruits
I-True Fruits 3- Composite: Formed from the whole inflorescence 1- Simple: Formed from a single or a syncarpous gynaecium. 2- Aggregate: Developed from apocarpous gynaecium of a single flower e.g. Star-anise 3- Composite: Formed from the whole inflorescence
1- Simple True Fruits A- Succulent: B- Dry: With fleshy pericarp Classified into: 1- Drupe. 2- Berry. B- Dry: With Dry pericarp 1- Dehiscent. 2- Indehiscent. 3- Schizocarpic.
A- Succulent Simple True Fruits 1- Drupe: 1- Fleshy mesocarp. 2- Hard endocarp. 3- One seeded. Examples: Apricot Black pepper. 2- Berry: 2- Leathery endocarp. 3- Many seeded. Example: Capsicum
B- Dry Simple True Fruits 1- Dehiscent: Split open on ripening to disperse seeds i- Follicle. ii- Legume. iii- Siliqua. iv- Capsule 2- Indehiscent: - Don’t split ,open on ripening. i- Achene. ii- Caryopsis. iii- Cypsela. iv- Samara. v- Nut. 3-Schizocarpic: - Many seeded multilocular fruits. - on ripening, split into closed one seeded indehiscent parts.
1- Dehiscent Fruits i- Follicle: 1- From monocarpell- ary ovary. 2- Split along one side (ventral suture) ii- Legume (Pod): both ventral and dorsal sutures. iii- Siliqua: 1- From monocarp., bilocular ovary. 2- Split from base to apex. 3- The seeds are attached to the replum.
iv- Capsule Formed from syncarpous gynaecium. Split into valves by diferent methods: 1- Septicidal (through ventral sutures). 2- Loculicidal (through dorsal sutures). 3- Septifragal (similar to 1 and 2 but seeds are left attached to the central axis. septifragal
2- Insdehiscent Fruits i- Achene: From monocarp., uniloc., sup. Ovary. Membranous pericarp, not fused with testa. ii- Caryopsis: Similar to achene but pericarp is fused with testa.
2- Insdehiscent Fruits v- Nut: iii- Cypsela: From bicarp., uniloc. inf. Ovary. Pericarp and testa are not fused. iv- Samara: * From monocarp., uniloc. Ovary. With membranous wings. v- Nut: From monocarp., With woody pericarp.
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University of Sciences & Technology Ibb Branch, Medical Science Faculty Bachelor of Pharmacy Students ( Level 2 ) Pharmacognosy Lecture No.(5) ( Second semester 2014/2015) Dr. Taha Hussien
Study of Some Important Medicinal Fruits
The Members of Family Umbelliferae 1- Fennel 2- Anise 3- Coriander 4- Caraway 5- Dill 6- Cumin 7- Ammi visnaga 8- Ammi majus
1- Fennel fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Foeniculum vulgare Family; Umbelliferae Pleasant taste and odour Geographical source - Mediterranean countries
Active constituents 1- Volatile oils ( Anethole, Fenchone ) 2- Flavonoids 3- Protein 4- Fixed oils Anethole: distinctive odour & taste. Fenchone: pungent odour & bitter taste. Anethole Fenchone
Therapeutic uses 1- Fennel is used as carminative, Antispasmodic ( in cases of GIT disorder as ( Dyspepsia, Flatulence ), Expectorant ( in cases of productive cough ). - Also used as flavouring agent 2-Fennel Ext. has Antihypertensive action 3- Fennel oil has Antioxidant Effect. 4- Unproven folk-uses: In India, used as Diaphoretic, Emmenagogue, Lactogogue ( to increase the milk secretion)
2- Anise (Aniseed ) fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Bimpinella anisum Family; Umbelliferae - It has Aromatic taste and odour - Fruits with Hairy surface Geographical source - Mediterranean countries .
Active constituents 1- Volatile oils ( 90 % Anethole ) Therapeutic uses 1- Anise is used as Carminative, Antispasmodic ( in cases of GIT disorder as ( Dyspepsia, Flatulence ) 2- Other uses: A- Anise oil is effective in treatment of head-lice due to v.oils action (research, 1996). B- Some folk uses: - Lactagogue, Expectorant, to facilitate birth (unproven effects). Adulterants of Anise - Conium fruits (Hemlock) and Henbane seeds are the major adulterants of Anise.
3- Coriander fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Coriandrum sativum Family; Umbelliferae - It has Aromatic taste and odour Geographical source - Mediterranean countries
Active constituents Therapeutic uses 1- Volatile oils ( Coriandrol, Linalool, Linalool acetate ) Therapeutic uses 1- Coriander is used as Carminative, Antispasmodic ( in cases of GIT disorder as ( Dyspepsia, Flatulence ) 2- It is used in cosmetics industry (perfumes and soap). 3- AS spicy. N.B. 1- Fennel, Anise and Coriander oils have estrogen like compouds, therefore they effective in reliving symptoms which with premenstrual syndrome, menopause and menstrual cycle. 2- Patients with estrogen dependant tumors such as breast or ovarian cancer should not used oils with estrogen like compounds as fennel, anise and coriander oils.
4- Caraway fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Carum carvi Family; Umbelliferae - It has Aromatic taste and odour Geographical source - Mediterranean countries
Active constituents Therapeutic uses 1- Volatile oils ( Carveol, Carvone, Dihydrocarvone) Therapeutic uses 1- Coriander is used as Carminative, Antispasmodic ( in cases of GIT disorder as ( Dyspepsia, Flatulence ) specially with infants 2- Unproven folk uses: a- Lactagogue. b- Emmenagogue ( To induce menstruation in cases of menstrual cycle disorder ). c - For treatment of sore throat. d- As Appetizer For treatment of Anorexia ( appetite loss).
5- Dill fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Anethum graveolens Family; Umbelliferae - Aromatic taste and odour Active constituents - Volatile oils ( Carvone) Therapeutic uses The same uses of Caraway
6- Cumin fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Cuminum cyminum Family; Umbelliferae - Cumin fruits has hairy surface with Aromatic taste and odour Geographical source - Mediterranean countries
Active constituents Therapeutic uses 1- Volatile oils ( Cuminaldehyde) 1- Coriander is used as Carminative, Antispasmodic ( in cases of GIT disorder as ( Dyspepsia, Flatulence ) specially with infants 2- As Spicy
7- Ammi visnaga fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Ammi visnaga Family; Umbelliferae - Odourless with Bitter taste Geographical source - Egyptian plant.
Active constituents - Furanochromones ( Derivative of 5,6-benzo-4-pyrone ( Visnagin, Khellin, Khellol, Khellolglucoside
Therapeutic uses 1- Antispasmodic ( GIT, Renal spasms due to it’s Smooth muscle relaxant 2- Act as Coronary vasodilator so it is used in ttt Angina pectoris attacks 3- Act as Bronchodilator so used in ttt Bronchial asthma attacks 4- Act as Smooth muscle relaxant so, It is used in ttt of Renal calculi ( facilitate the passage of renal calculi from the ureters ) Contraindications of A. visnaga 1- May cause photodermatitis in sensitive individuals. 2- Pregnancy due to emmenagogue and uterine stimulating activity of khellin.
8- Ammi majus fruits Origin: It is the dried ripe fruits of Ammi majus Family; Umbelliferae - Odourless with Pungent taste Geographical source - Egyptian plant..
1- It is used in ttt Leukoderma ( Vitiligo ) Active constituents 1- Furanocoumarine (Derivative of 5,6-benzo-2-pyrone ) ( Psoralen, Bergapten) R= H Psoralen R= OCH3 Bergapten Therapeutic uses 1- It is used in ttt Leukoderma ( Vitiligo ) - This form of therapy based on the joint action of medicine and irradiation is called photochemotherapy
Vitiligo treatment: Before (left), During (middle) & After (right) - A disorder of skin pigmentation characterized by widening areas of depigmented skin. It’s associated with local destruction of melanocytes (cells that produce melanin to darken the skin). There are theories suggesting autoimmune link, hormonal connection, genetic tendencies, etc.
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