Doctrine 2015 Information Briefing The purpose of this briefing is to explain Doctrine 2015 and the categories of doctrine it will provide, along with the timeline for implementation. After 10 years of working primarily off of TTP, the Army knew it had to relook how it presented doctrine and re-establish the importance of doctrine for the Army General Dempsey asked two specific questions of CAC CG in late 2010: What should doctrine look like in 2015 What would FM 3-0 look like if it was only 10 pages long. Then, as part of General Dempsey’s CSA initiatives we were directed to relook doctrine with a view to: Review the categorization of information Make doctrine publications fewer, shorter, faster, more collaborative, more accessible Current doctrine structure evolved over several decades. This is first comprehensive review of our doctrine structure based on evolving operational environment and technological advances in how we collect information, display it, and disseminate it. Over several months, teams at Fort Leavenworth worked with TRADOC CG to refine this approach. Doctrine 2015 is the result. “…a Doctrine 2015 Strategy to categorize our manuals differently, reduce their length and number, and leverage emerging technology to make them more collaborative and accessible….” 37th CSA’s Thoughts on the Future of the Army 1
Doctrine 2015 Overview Tactics and Procedures Fundamental principles ADP 3-0 Unified Land Operations ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leavers ADP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military Symbols ADP 3-07 Stability ADP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities ADP 3-90 Offense And Defense Army Doctrine Publications (ADP) [15 ADPs] ADP 2-0 Intelligence ADP 3-05 Special Operations ADP 3-09 Fires ADP 3-37 Protection ADP 4-0 Sustainment ADP 5-0 The Operations Process ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADP 6-0 Mission Command Fundamental principles ADRP 1 The Army ADRP 3-0 Unified Land Operations ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership ADRP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leavers Army Doctrine Reference Publications (ADRP) [1 per ADP] ADRP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military Symbols ADRP 3-07 Stability ADRP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities ADRP 3-90 Offense And Defense Detailed information on fundamentals ADRP 2-0 Intelligence ADRP 3-05 Special Operations ADRP 3-09 Fires ADRP 3-37 Protection ADRP 4-0 Sustainment ADRP 5-0 The Operations Process ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADRP 6-0 Mission Command Field Manuals (FM) Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual [50 FMs] This shows the overall structure of Doctrine 2015. Prior to this we were transitioning from a body of literature that was captured in only Field Manuals, and had about 550 FMs when we started conversion in 2009 into doctrine reengineering. Doctrine Reengineering broke doctrine down into FMs and ATTP – Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manauls. Doctrine 2015 takes the process even further, by separating out the four major categories of doctrine information into Principles, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, with each category having its own manual, or part of a manual. This is a true hierarchy, in that those manuals at the top drive those below them. If there is a conflict, the higher level manual is authoritative. These manual s also go from general (ADP) down to specific (ATP), with each level getting more and more detailed. This breakout was done to facilitate updating information more rapidly. The lower levels are the ones that change the fastest. By breaking them out into separate manuals we can update these more rapidly without having to change the whole body of information on a specific subject. Finally, this breakout makes it easier to access and understand what each member of the profession is responsible for in doctrine. At the top, the ADP represent the information every professional should be conversant with. As you go down the hierarchy, each level represents a more specialized body of knowledge. What an individual needs to know is based on his or her branch, grade, and assignment. Tactics and Procedures Army Techniques Pubs (ATP) Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques Authenticated version on APD Input through wiki version 2
Army Doctrine Publications (ADP) Leadership ADP 3-0 Unified Land Operations ADP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leavers ADP 3-90 Offense And Defense ADP 3-07 Stability ADP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities ADP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military Symbols ADP 5-0 The Operations Process ADP 2-0 Intelligence ADP 3-05 Special Operations ADP 3-09 Fires ADP 3-37 Protection ADP 4-0 Sustainment ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADP 6-0 Mission Command A Department of the Army Publication that contains the “Fundamental principles by which the military forces or elements thereof guide their actions in support of national objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application (JP 1-02).” Generally limited to approximately 10 pages. Explains the fundamentals of the subject and how these support ADP 3-0, Operations. ADP 1 (The Army), 3-0 (Unified Land Operations), 7-0 (Training), and 6-22 (Army Leadership) are approved by the Chief of Staff of the Army. All other ADPs approved by the CAC CG. Start by clearly defining the essential information, the true fundamentals that guide the employment of forces. Do so by capturing this essential information in a small number of Army Doctrine Publications (ADP), each about 10 pages, focused on the major subjects that guide the force At the top is The Army – ADP 1 – the role of the Army in society. Below that we have the three ADP that lay out the basis what we do as am Army leadership, operations, and training. Below Operations, we have the foundations of Decisive Action – offense, defense, stability, and DSCA, the operations process, and Terms and Graphics. These define the essential components of how we operate in the field. Next we have the warfighting functions, how we group tasks for the conduct of operations. Note that we have added SOF here. Not a warfighting function, but a recognition that we must incorporate SOF into everything we do. Current plan is for the ADPs to have a single video book that visually portrays the key ideas. 3
Army Doctrine Reference Publications (ADRP) The Army ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership ADRP 3-0 Unified Land Operations ADRP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leavers ADRP 3-90 Offense And Defense ADRP 3-07 Stability ADRP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities ADRP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military Symbols ADRP 5-0 The Operations Process ADRP 2-0 Intelligence ADRP 3-05 Special Operations ADRP 3-09 Fires ADRP 3-37 Protection ADRP 4-0 Sustainment ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADRP 6-0 Mission Command All ADPs are supported by an ADRP with details on the fundamentals “to ensure a common understanding of the fundamentals across the force” A 10 page ADP obviously leaves out a lot of information that is still necessary for the conduct of operations. For example, FM 3-0 included information on what specific tasks were associated with each warfighting function. ADRP 3-0 will include this information. Such issues of which warfighting function is responsible for EW, internment and resettlement, etc. that used to be in FM 3-0, are now in ADRP 3-0. Thus, the ADRP provides a more fully developed discussion of fundamentals and captures key information not possible in a ten page document. These manuals are generally less than 100 pages. Each ADRP will have an accompanying interactive media instruction program that will guide the reader through the key points of the ADP and ADRP through graphics, videos, voice-overs, and quizzes to test knowledge of the subject. ADPs are supported by an ADRP - “detailed explanation of all doctrinal principles which provide the foundational understanding so everyone in the Army can interpret it the same way.” Army Doctrine (Department of the Army Publication) of less than 100 pages and approved by the CAC CG. 4
Field Manuals (FM) Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Army Doctrine (Department of the Army Publication) that lays out tactics and procedures: Main body (maximum of 200 pages) contains tactics -“The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other (JP 1-02).” Appendices contain procedures - “standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks (JP 1-02”). Procedures require stringent adherence to steps without variance. Describes how the Army executes operations described in ADP. FMs are approved by the CAC CG as the TRADOC proponent for Army Doctrine. There will be 50 FMs. Next tier consists of 50 Field Manuals In the body of the manual (limited to 200 pages), the FMs contain primarily tactics – the ordered arrangement and employment of forces on operations, but also allows some other types of important information. The appendices for the FMs contain procedures – prescriptive ways of doing things that must be standardized across the Army (examples - five paragraph field order format, nine-line MEDEVAC format, other reports and message formats, control measures, etc.) One of the major features of Doctrine 2015 will be a Doctrine Knowledge Map that will present all of the information contained in Doctrine in an easy to access, intuitive program available either on the Web or in a DVD. It will provide easy access to information, graphics depicting the major ideas in doctrine, and access to all unlimited distribution manuals in one convenient location. Links will be provided to video books, IMIs, professional forums, and other websites related to doctrine. The next slide shows the current slate of 50 FMs. 5
Doctrine 2015 FMs Decisive Action Warfighting Functions Stability Operations FM 3-90/1 Offense And Defense FM 3-90/2 Recon, Security and Enabling Tasks FM 2-0 Intelligence FM 3-05 Army Special Operations FM 3-09 Field Artillery Operations FM 4-95 Logistics Operations FM 6-0 Commander and Staff Officer Guide Decisive Action FM 3-95 Infantry Brigade Operations FM 3-96 Heavy Brigade Operations FM 3-97 Stryker Brigade Operations FM 3-98 Recon and Security Organizations FM 5-02 Operational Environment FM 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare FM 6-99 Report and Message Format FM 7-15 Army Universal Task List Warfighting Functions Reference Publications FM 1-0 Human Resources Support FM 1-04 Legal Support to the Operational Army FM 1-05 Religious Support FM 1-06 Financial Management Operations FM 3-01 Air and Missile Defense Operations FM 3-04 Aviation Operations FM 3-11 CBRN Operations FM 3-34 Engineer Operations FM 3-39 Military Police Operations FM 3-55 Information Collection FM 3-81 Maneuver Enhancement BDE FM 3-53 Military Information Support Operations FM 3-57 Civil Affairs FM 3-61 Army Public Affairs FM 4-01 Transport-ation FM 4-02 Army Health System FM 4-30 Ordnance Operations FM 4-40 Quarter-master Operations FM 6-02 Signal Operations FM 3-94 Echelons Above Brigade Other Echelons Branches FM 2-22.3 HUMINT Collector Operations FM 3-13 Inform and Influence Activities FM 3-14 Army Space Operations FM 3-16 Multinational Operations FM 3-22 Army Support to Security Cooperation FM 3-24 Counter- insurgency FM 7-22 Army Physical Readiness Training FM 3-27 Army Global Ballistic Missile Defense Operations FM 3-38 Cyber- Electromagnetic Activities FM 3-50 Personnel Recovery FM 3-52 Airspace Control FM 3-63 Internment and Resettlement FM 3-99 Airborne and Air Assault Operations Special Category Types of Operations/Activities
Army Techniques Pubs (ATP) Departmental Publication On Wiki Site – Feeder for changes to approved pub Draft Techniques Draft Techniques Draft Techniques Draft Techniques Draft Techniques Draft Techniques Publications that contain techniques - “Non-prescriptive ways or methods used to perform missions, functions, or tasks (JP 1-02).” Each authenticated techniques pub has a draft version on a Wiki site: Wiki version allows input from the field to rapidly change approved publication Each technique pub has an assigned proponent responsible for monitoring input via Wiki and making changes to the authenticated publication. No limit on the size of techniques or how many separate documents. Approval authority is the proponent. Biggest change is in techniques. Have separated these out for two reasons. First, they are the most dynamic and changeable and least prescriptive – need to highlight that they are adaptable to rapidly changing enemy actions. Each ATP will have an authenticated (Departmentally approved ) version of the ATP posted on the official Army doctrine site run by the Army Publishing Directorate. For each authenticated ATP, there is a mirror image version on MilWiki site and open to input by any soldier with a CAC card, thus taking advantage of most professional and experienced force in our history. Every ATP has a proponent responsible for initially creating and then monitoring input to ensure consistency [with doctrine where necessary, not all ideas are good ideas, OPSEC issues, etc.] When proposed changes are input through the Wiki version, an email is generated to the proponent, who reviews the suggestions and decides whether and when to cut a change to the authenticated version. 7
ADRP − Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) Education and Accessibility Integrating doctrine with digital applications allows doctrinal resources to be readily available to Soldiers and provides a new approach to how doctrine is used to support education, training, and operations. ADP − Video Book ADRP − Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) ATP − MilWiki Draft Techniques ADRP 1 The Army MilWiki - a collaborative website that enables Soldiers to participate in doctrine development by allowing them the opportunity to provide recommended changes to Army Technique Publications. Video Book – A Single comprehensive video that guides Soldiers through the key Army fundamental principles that are contained in each of the 15 Army Doctrine Publications. IMI – Paired with each Army Doctrine Reference Publication, the IMI provides Soldiers with an interactive computer based training that incorporates audio, video and vignettes in each instruction to help enhance Soldiers understanding of doctrinal knowledge Doctrine Knowledge Map ADP Box Set The Doctrine Knowledge Map (DKM) is an unclassified comprehensive tool that enables users to access Army doctrinal publications and links users to various Army, multiservice, and joint doctrinal resources from a centralized location on the DKM’s online site or portable data storage device (CD-ROM) The Doctrine 2015 Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) box set contains 15 ADPs and the DKM. This collection of publications provides leaders with a comprehensive set of fundamental principles. ADRP 1 The Army FM 7-15 Army Universal Task List Finally apps will be developed to cover a wide range of topics derived from the operational information. Apps can be used for the conduct of: Operations Training Self development, or Education. Not all apps derive from doctrine and techniques, but doctrine and techniques will generate many of them. Have already demonstrated this with a APP for the nine-line MEDEVAC which includes instruction, fill in the blanks format, training scenarios, and supporting documents. Apps will be governed by Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications FORWARD FACING WEBSITE Allows Soldiers to access doctrinal publications without the use of a Common Access Card (CAC) and from a Smartphone platform 8
Doctrine 2015 Transition Timeline 31 Aug 2012: ADP/ADRPs complete 31 Dec 2013: All Doctrine 2015 FMs complete 31 Dec 2015: All remaining knowledge transitioned to Army Techniques Publications with a draft version of each on a milwiki site This slide shows a tentative timeline. While aggressive, this program has been fully supported by the TRADCO CG who has directed all TRADOC doctrine agencies to resource their doctrine writers to a level that will allow execution of this timeline. Further, we are working with FORSCOM to bring in folks from the operating force to take a direct hand in evaluating and adjudicating doctrine. This will ensure even better collaboration and input from practitioners. 9