The Lord’ s Prayer How does it fit into our lives?
Why is it called the Lord’s Prayer? -Jesus gave to us -it is also called the Our Father, after the opening words. -Jesus gave to us -it is also called the Our Father, after the opening words.
What is the Lord’s Prayer importance? -It’s a summary of all that we need to live the Christian life. -It is also taught that is a summary of the entire Gospel. -It’s a summary of all that we need to live the Christian life. -It is also taught that is a summary of the entire Gospel.
What the Lord’s Prayer shouldn’t be -It should not be repeated mechanically, because it asks God for all you really need.
The Structure of the Lord’s Prayer -The Lord’s Prayer begins with an address: “Our Father who art in heaven.” -Then 7 petitions follow -These petitions teach us what we really need to live holy, happy, moral lives. -The Lord’s Prayer begins with an address: “Our Father who art in heaven.” -Then 7 petitions follow -These petitions teach us what we really need to live holy, happy, moral lives.
The Address -The address helps us to place ourselves in the presence of God and in the proper frame of mind.
First 3 Petitions -are theological, which means they are oriented toward God, to help draw us closer to God and his glory.
Last 4 Petitions -oriented to human need -They teach us to ask for what we truly need, not just for ourselves but for the whole human family. -By studying each of these elements of the Lord’s Prayer, we can learn a lot about ourselves and about God. -oriented to human need -They teach us to ask for what we truly need, not just for ourselves but for the whole human family. -By studying each of these elements of the Lord’s Prayer, we can learn a lot about ourselves and about God.
Our -Has several meanings in the Lord’s prayer. -It is a profession of the Trinity. -It acknowledges that we pray with the whole Church -We are apart of a community -Has several meanings in the Lord’s prayer. -It is a profession of the Trinity. -It acknowledges that we pray with the whole Church -We are apart of a community
Father -Father is more than earthly image we might have. -Jesus helps us understand God. -Jesus is God. -Father is more than earthly image we might have. -Jesus helps us understand God. -Jesus is God.
Who Art in Heaven -Heaven has to do with being in God’s love. -These words are an expression of our desire to be in union with God. -We have a desire for God to dwell in our hearts and help us to love as he loves. -This also refers to our eternal destiny. -Heaven has to do with being in God’s love. -These words are an expression of our desire to be in union with God. -We have a desire for God to dwell in our hearts and help us to love as he loves. -This also refers to our eternal destiny.
Hallowed Be Thy Name -This first petition reminds us of the power of God’s name and of our responsibility to treat it with care. -We need to recognize God’s name as holy and to treat God in a holy way. -When you pray “hallowed be thy name,” reflect on how your life is holy. -This first petition reminds us of the power of God’s name and of our responsibility to treat it with care. -We need to recognize God’s name as holy and to treat God in a holy way. -When you pray “hallowed be thy name,” reflect on how your life is holy.
Thy Kingdom Come -The petition “thy kingdom come” primarily refers to this final coming of the Reign if God through Christ’s return. -For us we are saying that we are committing ourselves to Jesus’ mission here on earth. -The petition “thy kingdom come” primarily refers to this final coming of the Reign if God through Christ’s return. -For us we are saying that we are committing ourselves to Jesus’ mission here on earth.
Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven -God’s will is that we love everyone, even our enemies, with a love that includes serving, forgiving, and sometimes suffering, without receiving love in return.
Give Us This Day -This petition emphasizes our radical dependence on God. -Every day we must acknowledge our need for God’s bounty. -Material things can get in the way of recognizing our daily dependence on God. -This petition emphasizes our radical dependence on God. -Every day we must acknowledge our need for God’s bounty. -Material things can get in the way of recognizing our daily dependence on God.
Our Daily Bread -This petition is not just asking for bread but also for all the essential things we need to sustain our lives. -We need to share our gifts and talents to help each other. -This petition also ask us to share and call for spiritual nourishment as well -This petition is not just asking for bread but also for all the essential things we need to sustain our lives. -We need to share our gifts and talents to help each other. -This petition also ask us to share and call for spiritual nourishment as well
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses -We confess our sins and our need for God’s mercy.
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us -Forgive all those who hurt you. -Only when we forgive others and confess our own sins are our hearts softened and opened to God’s grace. -Forgive all those who hurt you. -Only when we forgive others and confess our own sins are our hearts softened and opened to God’s grace.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation -In this petition we ask God not to allow us to take the road that leads to sin. -With the Holy Spirit’s help we can avoid temptation -In this petition we ask God not to allow us to take the road that leads to sin. -With the Holy Spirit’s help we can avoid temptation
But Deliver Us From Evil -strengthen Us(church) from the pull of evil until the second coming of Christ.