Instructor: Mary Spalding, MA, MLIS Medical Librarian, Western Maryland Area Health Education Center (AHEC) This program is sponsored in whole or in part by the National Library of Medicine
After this brief presentation, attendees will be able to: ◦ Identify reliable Internet-based disaster health resources relevant to faith leaders in the Western Maryland region.
Mary Spalding, MA, MLIS Western Maryland AHEC Program Coordinator and Medical Librarian Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from University of South Carolina; Master’s Degree in English from West Virginia University with additional PhD course work; Medical Librarian for WMAHEC since 1999, either full time or on contract; Serves as medical library consultant for Western Maryland Health System and Somerset Hospital. Writer/co-writer/coordinator for numerous federal grants and contracts involving health care and library services from funders such as the National Library of Medicine, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, Appalachian Regional Commission, and others. She wrote and served as project investigator of a 1999 National Leadership Grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) that provided training in emerging library technologies for rural librarians in three states.
Western Maryland Area Health Education Center Learning Resource Center in partnership with: Allegany College of Maryland Health Continuing Education Department Allegany County Health Department Emergency Preparedness Caucus, WMAHEC Frostburg State University Pre-Medical Society Garrett County Health Department Meritus Health Medical Library and Education Department Social Work Caucus - Allegany/Garrett Counties, WMAHEC Social Work Caucus - Washington County, WMAHEC Washington County Health Department Western Maryland Health System Parish Nurse and Health Minister Program The goal of Safe Seniors: Appalachian Disaster and Emergency Health Information Outreach is to improve disaster medicine and public health information access for health professionals, first responders and others (paid or volunteer) who play a role in health- related disaster preparedness, response, and recovery in three rural Appalachian counties in Maryland, with a focus on the elderly population.
Please! ◦ Be sure to complete the WMAHEC Participant Information Form and, after the presentation, the Evaluation Form and turn them in to the instructor after the presentation ends, and ◦ Sign in on the sign-in sheet. THANK YOU! These materials help WMAHEC plan better programs!
A Google search will return resources from all types of organizations and individuals. How do you know which ones are reliable? Know how to evaluate Web sites! See these evaluation strategies on evaluating medical Web sites:
Today’s focus will be on the National Library of Medicine’s Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC). For more information on the site, go to: DIMRC provides links to resources that have been evaluated by the National Library of Medicine’s medical librarians who are experts in disaster literature. Resources linked to by DIMRC have been produced by organizations deemed reliable on the topic, including government, educational, non-profit, faith-based, and other organizations. Evaluation criteria used in selecting these resources can be found here: At the end of the presentation is a list of additional resources from national organizations.
But we know that disasters and community-wide emergencies are happening more frequently these days, and we must do all we can to be prepared. Each individual and family should have a disaster plan, as should each community and each place of business or worship—anywhere people gather together. The faith-based community plays an integral role in disaster aftermath and can serve as a point of education and information for its congregation. Many choose to open their buildings as shelters in the event of emergencies. The DIMRC offers links to an array of disaster health (in a broad sense) free resources from reputable sources, including toolkits, online videos/Webinars, tips and checklists, sample plans and forms, research and best practices, and links to the professional literature.
Each category contains a variety of resources related to that type of disaster and ends with a link to the relevant peer-reviewed literature. Disaster Topics are categorized, with relevant resources for each. Examples include Animals in Disasters, Personal Preparedness, Special Populations, and more.
Disaster Types
Disaster-Related Topics Animals in Disasters Disaster Apps and Mobile Optimized Web Pages Community Preparedness Coping with Disasters, Violence, and Traumatic Stress Disaster Recovery Ethics in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Personal Preparedness Mass Gatherings Special Populations Disaster-Related Competencies for Healthcare Providers Sources of Emergency and Disaster Information from the U.S. Government
2013 March 21 Disability Inclusive Emergency Management Marcie Roth, Senior Advisor on Disability Issues for FEMA, spoke about integrating the needs of the whole community into all aspects of emergency preparedness and disaster response, recovery and mitigation efforts. Recording Slides (PDF, 4 MB) Recording Slides (PDF, 4 MB) See more topics on the Disaster Information Specialist Program Meetings/Conference Calls page at these are free for you to download and watch
Resources About Coping with Disasters, Violence, and Traumatic Events
A searchable Resource Guide is available on the DIMRC Home Page
National Disaster Interfaiths Network Competency Guidelines for sheltering persons of varying faiths, including Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs.
Strengthening the Strengtheners: A Toolkit in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response for Congregations, National Association of County and City Health Officials, downloadable at Guidance on Planning for Integration of Functional Needs Support Services in General Population Shelters, Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Sheltering from the Storm: Collaborative Shelter Creation and Management in 2011, New Jersey Public Health Training Center, ?peid=2f7ee0262ab14d2b8ff63803b0266c451d ?peid=2f7ee0262ab14d2b8ff63803b0266c451d This (free) webinar, approximately one hour and 38 minutes long, reviews the current and proposed standards of public health sheltering, both for natural (i.e., flood) and man-made (i.e., nuclear/radiation) events. It covers facility selection, disease prevention and control, and child needs. It also discusses the current local public health experience in New Jersey with sheltering, a joint emergency evacuation program, and what can be expected in the future. Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management Toolkit, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. The toolkit provides a guiding framework and tools for constructing a scalable, adaptable communication process built on a network of agencies from public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Together, these partners will form interconnected communication channels with the ability to carry out the function of emergency communication not necessarily possible by working alone. A PowerPoint slide show, which summarizes the toolkit, is available online. slide show
Show Me: A Communication Tool for Emergency Shelters, Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services me-tool.pdf me-tool.pdf This 42-page graphic communication tool has been tested and co-created by public health professionals and the populations it is designed to help, including people who have cognitive disabilities, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, people who have limited English proficiency, and anyone who may struggle to communicate verbally during an emergency.
Sample from Show Me: A Communication tool for Emergency Shelters docs/dph/emergency- prep/risk- communication/show-me- tool.pdf
NATIONAL VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVE IN DISASTER This one-page document lists 10 points of consensus for mass care providers about mass care services. Mass care services in a disaster are intended to minimize the immediate, disaster-caused suffering and address the urgent needs of people through the provision of food, shelter, supplies and other support services. These provisions are intended to be supplemental to individual preparedness. This is also available in Spanish at points-of-consensus. points-of-consensus For example: “6. Provide a safe place for individuals and families. Respect for the cultural and religious differences of residents will be maintained. Consideration will be given for the care of household pets.”
National Disasters Interfaith Network Disaster Tips Sheets for U.S. Religious Leaders
National Disasters Interfaith Network Disaster Tips Sheets for U.S. Religious Leaders
Advocacy Chaplaincy / Spiritual Care Clergy / Religious Leaders Communications Consulting Services Development / Fundraising Donations Management Faith-Based Resources Government / Homeland Security Health House of Worship Resources Mental Health Natural Disasters Non-Profit Governance Preparedness Products and Services Recovery Research Technology / Web-Based Terrorism Training & Credentialing Volunteer Management gov/dimrc.html
Resources to help you develop your own disaster plans and resources within your congregation, such as: Local Church Disaster Planning Guide Prepared by the Disaster Recovery Ministry of the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church This is a useful guide for churches in other regions and denominations, not just for Florida Methodist churches! soft_Word_-_Local_Church_Planning_Guide_Rev_ pdf soft_Word_-_Local_Church_Planning_Guide_Rev_ pdf
Consulting, Speakers & Training Services Free Electronic Library of Best Practices & Resources Free tip sheets on the following topics: Disaster Tip Sheets & Trainings for U.S. Religious Leaders; Disaster Basics for Faith Communities; The Disaster Lifecycle: Where Do Religious Leaders Fit In?; The Role of Faith Communities in Disasters; How to Use Your House of Worship in a Disaster; Disaster Backlash: Bias Crimes & Mitigation; Active Shooter in a House of Worship; Continuity of Operations Planning; Self-Care for Religious Leaders Links to the National Disaster Interfaiths Network can be found at
TCRP A-33 Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management Toolkit Vulnerable populations represent significant elements of our communities. All of us are vulnerable at some point in our lives. Many of us have children or grandchildren, elderly parents, siblings, spouses, partners, friends, who may need extra assistance in emergencies. When we are planning for vulnerable populations we are also planning for ourselves and our loved ones.
For links to resources for vulnerable populations including seniors, Go to DIMRC: Disaster Topics; Click on Special Populations, and choose from these categories
Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; URL: Disaster Planning Tips for Older Adults and their Families (PDF, 105 KB) U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; URL: Disaster Preparedness for Seniors; State of Florida, Department of Elder Affairs; URL: Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors (PDF, 2.2 MB); American Red Cross; URL: dness_for_Srs-English.revised_7-09.pdf dness_for_Srs-English.revised_7-09.pdf Emergency Assistance Guide (PDF, 81 KB); U.S. Administration on Aging; URL: Emergency Preparedness Tips for Older Adults; American Geriatrics Society Emergency Preparedness Tips for Older Adults Guidelines for Mainstreaming the Needs of Older Persons in Disaster Situations in the Caribbean (PDF, 1.5 MB); URL: Just In Case: Emergency Readiness for Older Adults and Caregivers (PDF, 874 KB) U.S. Administration on Aging; URL: ks.pdf ks.pdf Nursing Home Emergency Prepardedness and Response During Recent Hurricanes (PDF, 1.2 MB); Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services; URL: Older Adults and Fire (PDF, 131 MB) ; U.S. Fire Administration, FEMA; URL: Older Americans (PDF, 545 KB); FEMA Brochure; URL:
Each Disaster topic ends with links to PubMed/ MEDLINE citations on that topic with the search already done for you! MEDLINE (searched with PubMed) is the National Library of Medicine’s index of virtually all reliable medical/health professional literature published in the U.S. and from some places abroad.
A literature search on this topic was created for this presentation; a copy of selected peer- reviewed articles is in your folder. If you would like a copy of any of these articles (or any others on PubMed/MEDLINE, please contact the instructor, Mary Spalding, at Articles will be free until September 15, 2013, after which there may be a charge.
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita reminded us that personal emergency readiness needs to be a priority for everyone, including older adults and caregivers. This supplement to Aging in Stride – Plan Ahead, Stay Connected, Keep Moving recommends a simple, three-step approach: Step 1 – Know the basics. Learn about the risks your particular community faces; know how to do things like turning off your gas and electricity; get to know your neighbors. Step 2 – Have your emergency supplies ready. This includes items you would need to survive in your home until help arrives; it should also include a personal evacuation bag, partially packed and ready to go. Step 3 – Make a personal plan. Many older persons have special needs relating to medications, medical equipment, mobility, and support services; making a personal emergency readiness plan increases the likelihood that essential needs will still be met, even in an emergency situation _links.pdf
Complete your evaluation form and participant information form and return them to the instructor today. Contact Mary Spalding for further information and copies of peer-reviewed articles (free until September 16) – or , Ext. STAY SAFE!