Collaborating Across Campus Organizing a Successful Program without Grant Funding SUNYLA Annual Conference Presentation by Katrina Frazier & Lisa Errico Nassau Community College June 13 th 2014
GRANT APPLICATION AND PROGRAM PLANNING “nothing ventured, nothing gained” -Benjamin Franklin
GRANT APPLICATION planning, applying & contingency plans
FUNDING “Ask and you shall receive”
Funding sources : $ Vendors $ Campus Bookstore (Barnes & Noble) $ NCC Foundation $ NCC Cultural Program $ Bake Sale $ Library Budget $ Library Faculty Donations
CROSS CAMPUS COLLABORATION “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” -Helen Keller
1.NCC Grants Office 2. Public Safety 3. Facilities/Physical Plant 4. Public Relations 5. Dean of Students 6. Library Faculty and Other Academic Departments 7. WHPC College Radio 8. Vignette (College Newspaper ) CAMPUS PARTICIPANTS:
LESSONS LEARNED (PROS AND CONS) “A man's errors are his portals of discovery” -James Joyce
PROS *Greater visibility on campus *Increased awareness of censorship for both students and faculty *Organizing this event fostered new campus relationships * “Out of the box” thinking for space needs led to creative use of existing Library space
CONS Time consuming – interfered with daily workflow September timing of program made planning more challenging as most faculty were not on campus Procurement Department difficulties Over-estimated time allocation of activities and events Complaints of increase noise level on Plaza from staff and faculty in nearby offices
In Summary…. Don’t let a rejection of Grant money stop you from proceeding with a well thought out program A campus-wide event fosters greater Library visibility. Be careful not to over plan. Be prepared for anything!!!!
us Katrina Frazier Lisa Errico Additional questions or comments?
Thank you!