Do Social Networking Sites have a place in modern social work? Fiona Hopkin Staffordshire County Council Funke Adebare Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Students based in adoption team for Staffordshire County Council Leaflet for prospective and approved adoptive parents Presentations to adoption and adoption support teams Presentations to prospective and approved adoptive parents Continued by adoption team Previously…
Birmingham Practice Symposium 2011 Social networking and children’s social work as a whole Further development of the project Stockholm International Social Work Conference Feature in Professional Social Work magazine Previously …
Working party established Professional boundaries Universal UK policy Support the use of SNS Now…
Free Controlled communication Mass market 900,000,000+ Facebook users 450,000,000 Facebook users access Facebook on a mobile device 7,500,000 Facebook users under 13 years old 5,000,000 Facebook users under 10 years old Social Networking Sites
Technological developments Reactive vs. Proactive Confidence as practitioners Communicate to service users But why???
Privacy and confidentiality Professional boundaries Social Networking Sites & Ethics
Support Advocacy Immediate help Empowering Opportunities
Service users Vulnerable children and young people Isolation Contact Social workers Disciplinary action Registration Risks
Thank you. Fiona Hopkin Staffordshire County Council Funke Adebare Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council