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Presentation transcript:


You must be able to look at your own work and your peers work and analyze it in a way that is constructive and improves your work as well as theirs. Purpose

Learning Targets 1) I will able to recall and list terminology related to publishing and broadcasting for use in describing my ideas during an in-class critique of student videos. 2) I will be able to respectfully and effectively evaluate my peer’s videos using film terminology, listing areas for improvement, and areas that were innovative/good. 3) I will be able to use a rubric to critique student videos in order to provide feedback and evaluate the quality of the product created. 4) I will be able to describe what effective communication skills are.

Opener – On a sheet of paper, you’re going to free write and answer these questions based on your understanding/learning. (5-8 mins) Learning Targets: All of the above. 1) What are the terms/vocabthat you learned or can think of that describe what makes a good video/clip? 2) What does effective communication mean to you? How should co-workers communicate? 3) What do you think a critique is and when do you use it? Opener!

Discussion  Now lets talk as a group about the answers you provided.

Reflection apres discussion  Below the questions you answered, or on the other side of that paper, you’re going to write down notes about what you observe during the lesson regarding our three learning targets. These must be your own thoughts and not necessarily a regurgitation of what I am saying in class. This includes:  How does what we learned in class today differ from what you already knew/thought at the beginning of class?  What new things have you learned? (At least 3)  Why do you think a critique is important in the field of making videos/producing broadcasts/publishing?

What makes a video good/bad?  Technique  Message  Engaging  Composition, camera angles, movement, etc.  Is the message clear?  Is the work entertaining/engaging /informational? Three areasHow?

What is effective communication?  Effective communication takes place only when the listener clearly understands the message that the speaker intended to send.  But… how do you know if the listener “clearly” understood your message?

What makes an effective communicator?  The ability to understand the situation, the message, the listener, and the quality of the communication.  The ability to frame a message clearly, concisely, and directly.  The ability to say something or disagree with someone in a respectful way.  The capacity to listen actively -> because you can’t respond and clarify without understanding why someone doesn’t understand you.  The ability to be attentive and observant -> This includes observing non-verbal communication, how cultural norms shape ideas, etc.  The confidence to be sure of the message and convincing in relaying it -> People won’t believe you if you’re unsure of what you’re talking about.


Think-Pair-Share Similarities of communication when you communicate to a co- worker vs. customers Differences of communication when you communicate to a co- worker vs. customers 1 st :2 nd :

Class Discussion - What is a critique? The Critique

A critique is:  An oral or written discussion strategy used to analyze, describe, and interpret works of art.  Critiques help users hone their a) persuasive oral and writing, b) information-gathering, and c) justification skills.  (note handout)

Rubric for use in your own critique Assignments:  Your exit slip from today.  In-class critiques will be starting next week.  One written critique using the rubric due the end of the last day on finals week.