Greet Greet (Verb) Greet (Verb) Definition: To say something friendly or welcoming to someone when you meet him or her. Definition: To say something friendly or welcoming to someone when you meet him or her. Sentence: My teacher greets me in the morning. Sentence: My teacher greets me in the morning.
Encourage En *cour *age (Verb) En *cour *age (Verb) Definition: To give someone confidence by praising or supporting the person. Definition: To give someone confidence by praising or supporting the person. Sentence: The teacher encouraged us to do our best. Sentence: The teacher encouraged us to do our best.
Island Is * land (Noun) Is * land (Noun) Definition: A piece of land surrounded by water. Definition: A piece of land surrounded by water. Sentence: I want to visit the Bahama islands. Sentence: I want to visit the Bahama islands.
Growl Growl (Verb) Growl (Verb) Definition: To make a deep, low, angry sound. Definition: To make a deep, low, angry sound. Sentence: When an animal growls, it makes a low, deep noise, usually because it is angry. Sentence: When an animal growls, it makes a low, deep noise, usually because it is angry.
Quilt Quilt (Noun) Quilt (Noun) Definition: A warm, usually padded, covering for a bed. Definition: A warm, usually padded, covering for a bed. Sentence: I love to sleep with a quilt in the winter. Sentence: I love to sleep with a quilt in the winter.
Lawn Lawn (Noun) Lawn (Noun) Definition: An area covered with grass, usually next to a house. Definition: An area covered with grass, usually next to a house. Sentence: The house has a beautiful lawn. Sentence: The house has a beautiful lawn.
Pride Pride (Verb) Pride (Verb) Definition: A feeling of satisfaction in something that you or someone else has achieved. Definition: A feeling of satisfaction in something that you or someone else has achieved. Sentence: Sarah takes pride in her work. Sentence: Sarah takes pride in her work.
Salute Sa * lute (Verb) Sa * lute (Verb) Definition: To honor in a formal manner by raising the hand to the head. Definition: To honor in a formal manner by raising the hand to the head. Sentence: When soldiers salute, they raise their right hands to their foreheads as a sign of respect. Sentence: When soldiers salute, they raise their right hands to their foreheads as a sign of respect.
Shiver Shiv * er (Verb) Shiv * er (Verb) Definition: To shake with cold or fear. Definition: To shake with cold or fear. Sentence: The cold snow made me shiver. Sentence: The cold snow made me shiver.
Keeper Keep * er (noun) Keep * er (noun) Definition: Someone who looks after or guards something. Definition: Someone who looks after or guards something. Sentence: The zookeeper looks after the animals at the zoo. Sentence: The zookeeper looks after the animals at the zoo.
Voyage Voy * age (noun) Voy * age (noun) Definition: A long trip or journey. Definition: A long trip or journey. Sentence: The voyages of Christopher Columbus played a significant role in world history. Sentence: The voyages of Christopher Columbus played a significant role in world history.
Queen Queen (noun) Queen (noun) Definition: A woman from a royal family who is the ruler of her country. Definition: A woman from a royal family who is the ruler of her country. Sentence: Queen Elizabeth II has ruled her country since Sentence: Queen Elizabeth II has ruled her country since 1952.
Earnest Ear * nest (adjective) Ear * nest (adjective) Definition: Serious and eager. Definition: Serious and eager. Sentence: Beverly showed that she was an earnest worker by going to work early every day. Sentence: Beverly showed that she was an earnest worker by going to work early every day.
Daisy Dai * sy (noun) Dai * sy (noun) Definition: A flower with white, pink or yellow petals and a yellow center. Definition: A flower with white, pink or yellow petals and a yellow center. Sentence: My favorite flower is the daisy. Sentence: My favorite flower is the daisy.
Root Root (verb) Definition: To cheer or support a team. Sentence: I like to root for my favorite football team.
Ancestor An * ces * tor (noun) Definition: A member of your family who lived a long time ago, usually before your grandparents. Sentence: Many pictures of my ancestors are in black and white.
Trousers Trousers Trou * sers (noun) Definition: A two- legged outer article of clothing reaching from the waist to the ankles; pants. Sentence: I wore my black trousers to school.
Hoarse Hoarse (adjective) Definition: Having a rough voice. Sentence: A bad cold can make your voice hoarse.
Co * zy (adjective) Definition: Comfortable or snug. Sentence: The cabin was small but cozy. Cozy