Virginia Nurses Association Continuing Nursing Education: CE & Provider Application Workshop Sharon Broscious, DNS, RN Ann Rebera, RN, MSN, BC, ONC VNA CEA Committee September 23, 2010
Announcements Contact hours will not be provided Contact hours will not be provided No conflicts of interest have been disclosed by the planners and presenters of this activity No conflicts of interest have been disclosed by the planners and presenters of this activity Planners and presenters have no relevant financial relationships with any commercial companies pertaining to this workshop Planners and presenters have no relevant financial relationships with any commercial companies pertaining to this workshop There is no commercial support nor sponsorship for this activity There is no commercial support nor sponsorship for this activity The VNA and the ANCC does not endorse any product, service or company referred to in this activity The VNA and the ANCC does not endorse any product, service or company referred to in this activity This CNE activity does not include any unannounced information about off-label use of a product. This CNE activity does not include any unannounced information about off-label use of a product.
ANCC Accreditation Program (COA) Accredits Accredited Approvers *(i.e. VNA) Approve Approved Providers Educational Activities Contact Hours Accredited Providers Figure 1: Structure of the ANCC Accreditation Program (pg 2 ANCC manual)
Overview Nurses Association Virginia Nurses Association Accredited Approver of Continuing Education Accredited Approver of Continuing Education CE Committee: Peer reviewer process (volunteers) CE Committee: Peer reviewer process (volunteers) Approve single activity and provider applications Approve single activity and provider applications Germaine Forbes: CE Coordinator Germaine Forbes: CE Coordinator Contact: (804) Contact: (804) Application and instructions located at: Application and instructions located at: Nursing Continuing Education (left hand toolbar) Nursing Continuing Education (left hand toolbar) Electronically submit to: Electronically submit to:
Single activity application Objective: Identify the major elements required in the single activity application Identify the major elements required in the single activity application
Single activity application: Who is eligible to apply? New: Complete eligibility questions on pg 1 of application New: Complete eligibility questions on pg 1 of application Any healthcare association/organization is eligible to apply. Any healthcare association/organization is eligible to apply. For example: For example: Hospitals/acute care facilities Hospitals/acute care facilities Specialty organizations Specialty organizations Nursing professional organizations Nursing professional organizations Single activity programs (live or independent study) applying for a minimum of 1 contact hour are eligible Single activity programs (live or independent study) applying for a minimum of 1 contact hour are eligible Applicants targeting multiple regions or areas are eligible Applicants targeting multiple regions or areas are eligible
Eligibility: Activity meets the definition of CNE Continuing Nursing Education (CNE): ‘“Systematic professional learning experiences designed to augment the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nurses and therefore enrich the nurses’ contributions to quality health care and their pursuit of professional career goals”’ - (ANCC 2009 Manual, p. 71; Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development, ANA, 2000, p.24).
Applicants not eligible Commercial entities are not eligible to apply Commercial entities are not eligible to apply Applicants interested in obtaining contact hours for point of care/just in time activity/learner directed activities are not eligible to apply at this time Applicants interested in obtaining contact hours for point of care/just in time activity/learner directed activities are not eligible to apply at this time Basic “canned” programs Basic “canned” programs Presenters can not receive contact hours for their presentation, nor for their work for preparing for their presentation Presenters can not receive contact hours for their presentation, nor for their work for preparing for their presentation
Eligibility: Previous denials Eligibility question: Eligibility question: Has this activity been previously denied by the VNA or other ANCC accredited approver units? Has this activity been previously denied by the VNA or other ANCC accredited approver units? Indicate resolution of previous denials and who denial was given by Indicate resolution of previous denials and who denial was given by Previous denial does not preclude you from being eligible to apply to the VNA, however, it is strongly advised that you contact the VNA office either by or phone to assess eligibility before completing the rest of this application Previous denial does not preclude you from being eligible to apply to the VNA, however, it is strongly advised that you contact the VNA office either by or phone to assess eligibility before completing the rest of this application
Single activity application fees Effective 7/1/09 Fees are based on the number of contact hours reviewed, not the number of contact hours the participant will receive. Fees are based on the number of contact hours reviewed, not the number of contact hours the participant will receive. offering 1 to 6 contact hours: Programs offering 1 to 6 contact hours: Price will be $ Price will be $ Additional contact hours are $25.00 each additional hour Additional contact hours are $25.00 each additional hour Applications must be ed within 60 days of the program date. Applications must be ed within 60 days of the program date.
Late fees Programs sent less than 60 days prior to the program date will incur a late fee. Programs sent less than 60 days prior to the program date will incur a late fee. We will not accept any applications that are less than 30 days prior to the program date. We will not accept any applications that are less than 30 days prior to the program date. Late Fees: Late Fees: Programs 1 to 6 Contact Hours are $ Programs 1 to 6 Contact Hours are $ Programs greater than 6 Contact Hours are $ Programs greater than 6 Contact Hours are $400.00
Fees continued… Payment receipt prior to review process Payment receipt prior to review process Payment should be sent separately to: Payment should be sent separately to: Virginia Nurses Association Attn: CE Committee 7113 Three Chopt Road, Suite 204 Richmond, VA Virginia Nurses Association Attn: CE Committee 7113 Three Chopt Road, Suite 204 Richmond, VA (Please indicate on your check what activity each payment is for, date of activity and total number of contact hours to be reviewed) (Please indicate on your check what activity each payment is for, date of activity and total number of contact hours to be reviewed)
Revision fee Effective 11/1/09 No fee the first 2 times an application is sent back to the applicant for revision. No fee the first 2 times an application is sent back to the applicant for revision. After the second return: $25 per revision (each return to applicant for additional information) After the second return: $25 per revision (each return to applicant for additional information) Revisions complete and acceptable at minimum of 7 calendar days before the program date. Revisions complete and acceptable at minimum of 7 calendar days before the program date. Additional assistance will be offered to applicants as needed. Additional assistance will be offered to applicants as needed. This fee will apply in general to all applicants and incur on a case by case basis. This fee will apply in general to all applicants and incur on a case by case basis.
Refund of fee payment Once an application has been through the full review process and a decision has been made by the reviewers (approved, denied approval, deferred until additional material provided) a refund will not be given. Once an application has been through the full review process and a decision has been made by the reviewers (approved, denied approval, deferred until additional material provided) a refund will not be given. Applicant who fail to submit or late submission of requested revisions will not be given a refund. Applicant who fail to submit or late submission of requested revisions will not be given a refund. Applicants found ineligible to apply will receive a refund of fee payment Applicants found ineligible to apply will receive a refund of fee payment Contact the VNA office with any questions Contact the VNA office with any questions
Activity approvals Approvals for a period of 2 years Approvals for a period of 2 years Contact hours will not be granted retroactively nor after an activity has taken place Contact hours will not be granted retroactively nor after an activity has taken place Future: Repeat activities will be periodically monitored Future: Repeat activities will be periodically monitored
Application: Major elements 1.Assessment of eligibility and demographics 2.Planning committee 3.Target audience and needs assessment 4.Purpose/overall goal of the educational activity 5.Presenters/content specialists 6.Conflict of interest (COI) 7.Educational design (Objectives, content, time frame, presenter, method) 8.Evaluation
Application: Major elements continued… 9.Verification of participation and successful completion 10.Record keeping system 11.Contact hours calculation 12.Advertising material 13.Sponsorship, commercial support, educational grant, financial or in-kind contributions 14.Disclosures provided to activity participants 15.Co-providership
1). Assessment of eligibility and demographics Eligibility questions as discussed previously Eligibility questions as discussed previously Demographics: Demographics: Date of repeat presentations Date of repeat presentations Maximum number of contact hours participants can earn Maximum number of contact hours participants can earn Total number of contact hours to be reviewed Total number of contact hours to be reviewed Type of activity: face to face, independent study Type of activity: face to face, independent study Human resources: Person administratively responsible, contact information Human resources: Person administratively responsible, contact information
2). Planning committee Nurse planner: 1 RN, minimum BSN Nurse planner: 1 RN, minimum BSN Oriented to ANCC criterion for educational design Oriented to ANCC criterion for educational design Directly involved in planning the educational activity (from beginning to end) Directly involved in planning the educational activity (from beginning to end) At least one nurse planner and one other planner At least one nurse planner and one other planner Represent 3 areas: Content expert, target audience, responsibility for ANCC criteria Represent 3 areas: Content expert, target audience, responsibility for ANCC criteria Planner may represent more than 1 area listed above Planner may represent more than 1 area listed above Bioform completed for all planners Bioform completed for all planners New: Ensure presenters/faculty meet qualifications New: Ensure presenters/faculty meet qualifications New: If more than 1 nurse planner, identify Lead Nurse planner and how ensures others are oriented to ANCC criteria and updated New: If more than 1 nurse planner, identify Lead Nurse planner and how ensures others are oriented to ANCC criteria and updated
3). Target audience and needs assessment Determine the target audience (types and geographical area) Determine the target audience (types and geographical area) Identify the gaps in knowledge, skills and practice Identify the gaps in knowledge, skills and practice Annual needs assessment Annual needs assessment Learners/mgmt requested Learners/mgmt requested Quality studies Quality studies Trends in literature Trends in literature Needs assessment should include the learner. Needs assessment should include the learner. Develop teaching objectives, content, methods in response to the needs assessment Develop teaching objectives, content, methods in response to the needs assessment
4). Purpose/overall goal of the educational activity Identify the purpose of the educational activity Identify the purpose of the educational activity Overall learning goal = purpose Overall learning goal = purpose Purpose should be appropriate for the target audience and congruent with learner objectives and content Purpose should be appropriate for the target audience and congruent with learner objectives and content
5). Presenters/content specialists Bioform: Declare vested interest & off- label Do not send CVs Qualifications of the presenter/ faculty Planning committee assures qualifications of the faculty are appropriate and accurate
6). Conflict of interest (COI) Planners and presenters declare presence or absence of any potentially biasing relationship of (Form C: Bioform): Planners and presenters declare presence or absence of any potentially biasing relationship of (Form C: Bioform): Financial Financial Professional Professional Personal nature Personal nature Indicate how potential COI resolved prior to planning, implementing or evaluation of the continuing nursing education. Indicate how potential COI resolved prior to planning, implementing or evaluation of the continuing nursing education.
7). Educational Design Consistency!!!!andCongruency!!!
7). Educational design: In-person activity, Form A Objective in behavioral terms and measureable Objective in behavioral terms and measureable Hint: Bloom’s taxonomy Hint: Bloom’s taxonomy Content is more than a repeat of objective Content is more than a repeat of objective Hint: Outline what will be presented Hint: Outline what will be presented Time frame Time frame Hint: Should be consistent with agenda/brochure Hint: Should be consistent with agenda/brochure Presenter presenting on the objective Presenter presenting on the objective Hint: Make sure this presenter is listed on the application and bioform given Hint: Make sure this presenter is listed on the application and bioform given Method of teaching congruent with objective Method of teaching congruent with objective Submit Form A for all contact hours applied for Submit Form A for all contact hours applied for
7). Educational design: Independent learning, Form B Objectives in behavioral terms and measureable Objectives in behavioral terms and measureable Content: More than a restatement of objectives. Outline content Content: More than a restatement of objectives. Outline content Teaching methods, strategies, materials and resources Teaching methods, strategies, materials and resources Congruency! Congruency!
8). Evaluation Evaluation form required for all events (submit copy) Evaluation form required for all events (submit copy) A clearly defined evaluation method and category of evaluation A clearly defined evaluation method and category of evaluation Evaluation should address objectives of the activity Evaluation should address objectives of the activity Describe how evaluation will be used Describe how evaluation will be used How feedback will be provided to learner How feedback will be provided to learner Higher level evaluation: skill and attitude change, change in practice/performance, relationship of practice change to quality of service Higher level evaluation: skill and attitude change, change in practice/performance, relationship of practice change to quality of service
9). Verification of participation and successful completion Identify how you will verify participation Identify how you will verify participation Criteria for successful completion Criteria for successful completion Option: Submission of evaluation form Option: Submission of evaluation form The number of evaluation forms returned need to match the number of certificates given to participant The number of evaluation forms returned need to match the number of certificates given to participant Option: Number of hours of the activity at minimum to be completed (i.e. attend 90% of the activity; attend no later than 5 minutes of start of activity and remain until end) Option: Number of hours of the activity at minimum to be completed (i.e. attend 90% of the activity; attend no later than 5 minutes of start of activity and remain until end) How learners informed of completion How learners informed of completion
9). Sample certificate Name and address of applicant Name and address of applicant Line for name of learner Line for name of learner Title and date of activity Title and date of activity Number of contact hours Number of contact hours Approval number from VNA (optional) Approval number from VNA (optional) Official approval statement (required word for word, stand alone) Official approval statement (required word for word, stand alone) NO CEU language NO CEU language Difference between them: 10 contact hours = 1 CEU Difference between them: 10 contact hours = 1 CEU
9). Official Approval Statement This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Virginia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Revised 9/20/2010 by ANCC
Incorrect Approval Statement This activity has 2 contact hours. This CE activity was approved by the Virginia Nurses Association Continuing Education Approval Committee, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. VNA Approval ###. This activity has 2 contact hours. This CE activity was approved by the Virginia Nurses Association Continuing Education Approval Committee, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. VNA Approval ###.
10). Record keeping system Keep records on file for 6 years Keep records on file for 6 years Records are confidential, stored and secured in a safe, logical and consistent manner Records are confidential, stored and secured in a safe, logical and consistent manner Items required to be on file are listed under ANCC operational requirements (Criteria document) Items required to be on file are listed under ANCC operational requirements (Criteria document)
11). Contact hour calculation Logical and defensible manner Logical and defensible manner 60 min = 1 contact hour 60 min = 1 contact hour Minimum of 1 contact hour per activity Minimum of 1 contact hour per activity Round down if using decimals (1/10 th, 1/100 th ) Round down if using decimals (1/10 th, 1/100 th ) In-person/live activity: In-person/live activity: Provide a schedule with time for welcome, introduction, lunch, breaks, evaluation (Excel Form F) Provide a schedule with time for welcome, introduction, lunch, breaks, evaluation (Excel Form F) Pre-test, post-test, demonstration and evaluation is included in the contact hour calculation Pre-test, post-test, demonstration and evaluation is included in the contact hour calculation
11). Contact hour calculation Independent study: Independent study: Method used to calculate contact hours Method used to calculate contact hours Pilot study with target learners (can receive contact hours after activity approved) Pilot study with target learners (can receive contact hours after activity approved) Peer review (can receive contact hours after activity approved) Peer review (can receive contact hours after activity approved) Historical data Historical data Complexity of content and data Complexity of content and data Supportive documentation/rationale Supportive documentation/rationale
11). Contact hour calculation Poster session: Poster session: Need to come up with a method of measuring time reviewing poster sessions Need to come up with a method of measuring time reviewing poster sessions Describe the method used Describe the method used Needs to be logical and defensible manner Needs to be logical and defensible manner
12). Advertising material Brochures, registration, agenda, website, etc. (submit copy) Brochures, registration, agenda, website, etc. (submit copy) Consistent with application Consistent with application If advertising released prior to activity approval, use NEW PENDING statement and not approval statement If advertising released prior to activity approval, use NEW PENDING statement and not approval statement Statement stands alone Statement stands alone Include contact hours Include contact hours NO CEU language NO CEU language
12). Advertising material Pending approval statement for advertisements: This activity has been submitted to the Virginia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. The Virginia Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Incorrect Pending Approval Statement This activity has been submitted to the Virginia Nurses Association for approval to award 6 contact hours. The Virginia Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Please register by May 1, 2010.
13). Sponsorship, commercial support, educational grant, financial or in-kind contributions Pending information in this section will delay approval Pending information in this section will delay approval Provide name of company, representative, amount, if commercial support or non-profit sponsor Provide name of company, representative, amount, if commercial support or non-profit sponsor Commercial support agreement (Form D) signed by all parties Commercial support agreement (Form D) signed by all parties Content integrity and precautions to prevent bias Content integrity and precautions to prevent bias Written or verbal disclosure of commercial support (support and no support) Written or verbal disclosure of commercial support (support and no support)
14). Disclosures provided to participants The following disclosures (presence or absence) will be made to learners at each and every activity in advance of or at the time of the event: Notice of requirements for successful completion Notice of requirements for successful completion Conflicts of interest Conflicts of interest Disclosure of relevant financial relationships and mechanism to identify and resolve conflicts of interest Disclosure of relevant financial relationships and mechanism to identify and resolve conflicts of interest Sponsorship or commercial support Sponsorship or commercial support Non-endorsement of products* Non-endorsement of products* Off-label use Off-label use Expiration date for awarding contact hours for enduring materials* when applicable Expiration date for awarding contact hours for enduring materials* when applicable
14). Disclosures provided to participants Describe how the disclosures will be made to the audience/learners Describe how the disclosures will be made to the audience/learners Disclosures need to be made to the learners either in writing, verbally or both (writing and verbally). Disclosures need to be made to the learners either in writing, verbally or both (writing and verbally). If disclosure is only made verbally, Form E Verbal Disclosure form must be completed by a representative of the provider who was in attendance at the time of the verbal disclosure. If disclosure is only made verbally, Form E Verbal Disclosure form must be completed by a representative of the provider who was in attendance at the time of the verbal disclosure.
15). Co-providership 2009 ANCC manual allows co-providership 2009 ANCC manual allows co-providership New section New section Commercial entities or commercial supporters are not eligible to be co-providers Commercial entities or commercial supporters are not eligible to be co-providers Establish responsibilities: Co-provider Agreement Form G Establish responsibilities: Co-provider Agreement Form G Co-providing with approved providers or accredited providers Co-providing with approved providers or accredited providers
You are approved, now what? Evaluation summary and participant summary Evaluation summary and participant summary Submit changes to Germaine Forbes within 30 days of change Submit changes to Germaine Forbes within 30 days of change Major changes to an activity will have to re- apply for approval Major changes to an activity will have to re- apply for approval Monitoring of repeat activities Monitoring of repeat activities
Commercial support Objective: Describe the ANCC Commercial Support Standard requirements. Reference: ANCC 2009 manual, Appendix B
What is commercial interest? Decide if the entity has a commercial interest Decide if the entity has a commercial interest Standard 1.1. An entity has commercial interest if it is: Standard 1.1. An entity has commercial interest if it is: “An entity that produces, markets, sells or distributes health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients; OR “An entity that produces, markets, sells or distributes health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients; OR An entity that is owned or operated, in whole or in party, by any entity that produces, markets, sells or distributes health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients.” ( pg 81 ANCC manual; pg 1) An entity that is owned or operated, in whole or in party, by any entity that produces, markets, sells or distributes health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients.” ( pg 81 ANCC manual; pg 1)
A commercial interest is not… “An entity is NOT a commercial interest if it is “An entity is NOT a commercial interest if it is 1. A government entity 1. A government entity 2. A non-profit (503 ©) organization; or 2. A non-profit (503 ©) organization; or 3. A non-healthcare related entity” (Pg 81 ANCC manual, pg 1) 3. A non-healthcare related entity” (Pg 81 ANCC manual, pg 1) Standard 3.1: Lists the organizations not considered a commercial interest and eligible and free to control the content of CNE. (Pg 83 ANCC manual, pg 2, 3) Standard 3.1: Lists the organizations not considered a commercial interest and eligible and free to control the content of CNE. (Pg 83 ANCC manual, pg 2, 3)
Commercial entities Examples: Pharmaceutical company, device manufacturer Examples: Pharmaceutical company, device manufacturer Question: Question: If my organization is a for-profit hospital, am I considered a commercial entity (i.e. for applicant eligibility requirements)? If my organization is a for-profit hospital, am I considered a commercial entity (i.e. for applicant eligibility requirements)? No, the ANCC does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be commercial interests. Eligible. Standard 3.1 No, the ANCC does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be commercial interests. Eligible. Standard 3.1
Commercial entities Question: If my parent organization or “sister company” is a commercial entity and appropriate firewalls are in place to prohibit their influence or control over the continuing education program, am I eligible to apply to the VNA CEA committee? If my parent organization or “sister company” is a commercial entity and appropriate firewalls are in place to prohibit their influence or control over the continuing education program, am I eligible to apply to the VNA CEA committee? Yes, see standard 1.1. Eligible. Yes, see standard 1.1. Eligible. If my organization is a commercial entity, can I apply to the VNA CEA committee? If my organization is a commercial entity, can I apply to the VNA CEA committee? No No
What is commercial support? “…financial, or in-kind, contributions given by a commercial interest, which is used to pay all or part of the costs of a continuing nursing education activity.” (standard 3.1, pg 83, ANCC manual, pg 2) “…financial, or in-kind, contributions given by a commercial interest, which is used to pay all or part of the costs of a continuing nursing education activity.” (standard 3.1, pg 83, ANCC manual, pg 2)
Well then…what is sponsorship? Support (financial or in-kind services) for a learning activity from another group- one that does not fit the definition of commercial support entity. Support (financial or in-kind services) for a learning activity from another group- one that does not fit the definition of commercial support entity. Examples: TV studio, federal grant, meeting space from a church, vendor exhibits Examples: TV studio, federal grant, meeting space from a church, vendor exhibits
I have commercial support, now what? What are the responsibilities? Standard 1.2 (pg 81 ANCC manual, pg 1) What are the responsibilities? Standard 1.2 (pg 81 ANCC manual, pg 1) Ensure the following decisions were made free from the control of commercial interests: Ensure the following decisions were made free from the control of commercial interests: Identification of continuing nursing education needs Identification of continuing nursing education needs Educational design (objectives, content, presenters/ planners, methods) Educational design (objectives, content, presenters/ planners, methods) Selection of those who will be in position to control the content of the continuing education activity Selection of those who will be in position to control the content of the continuing education activity Evaluation of the activity Evaluation of the activity Single Activity Application section L (precautions to maintain content integrity & prevent bias; commercial agreement form D) Single Activity Application section L (precautions to maintain content integrity & prevent bias; commercial agreement form D) Question: Can a commercial interest co-provide with me? Question: Can a commercial interest co-provide with me? No No Do I have to use Form D or can I use my own form? Do I have to use Form D or can I use my own form? It is preferred that you use our Form D because the standards are noted It is preferred that you use our Form D because the standards are noted
How can I use my commercial support? What am I suppose to do? Standard 3 (pg 83, ANCC manual, pg 2, 3) : Standard 3 (pg 83, ANCC manual, pg 2, 3) : 3.1: The provider must make all decisions regarding commercial support. 3.1: The provider must make all decisions regarding commercial support. 3.2: Can not be required by a commercial supporter to accept advice or services regarding speakers, content, or other educational matters as a condition of getting the funds or services 3.2: Can not be required by a commercial supporter to accept advice or services regarding speakers, content, or other educational matters as a condition of getting the funds or services 3.3: Commercial support given with full knowledge and approval of the provider 3.3: Commercial support given with full knowledge and approval of the provider 3.4: Agreement. Must include provider even though support is given directly to the provider’s educational partner (i.e. CME office) or co-provider 3.4: Agreement. Must include provider even though support is given directly to the provider’s educational partner (i.e. CME office) or co-provider
Commercial support: What am I suppose to do? 3.5: Agreement specifies the entity that is the source of commercial support. 3.5: Agreement specifies the entity that is the source of commercial support. 3.6: Agreement signed by both by supporter and provider 3.6: Agreement signed by both by supporter and provider 3.7: Policies and procedures regarding honoraria and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses of planners and presenters/authors 3.7: Policies and procedures regarding honoraria and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses of planners and presenters/authors 3.8: Provider, co-provider or partner must directly pay the presenter/authors or reimbursement according to the policies and procedures as in : Provider, co-provider or partner must directly pay the presenter/authors or reimbursement according to the policies and procedures as in : No other payments shall be given 3.9: No other payments shall be given 3.10: Reimbursed for only their role as a teacher or author 3.10: Reimbursed for only their role as a teacher or author
Commercial support: How can I use it? 3.11: Social events or meals can not compete with or take precedence over the educational activity. 3.11: Social events or meals can not compete with or take precedence over the educational activity. 3.12: May not use support to pay for non-teachers or non-authors of a CNE activity. May use for travel, lodging, honoraria or personal expenses of employees, volunteers of the provider, co-provider or educational partner (only to nurses whose residence is in US) 3.12: May not use support to pay for non-teachers or non-authors of a CNE activity. May use for travel, lodging, honoraria or personal expenses of employees, volunteers of the provider, co-provider or educational partner (only to nurses whose residence is in US) 3.13: Accountable for accurate documentation detailing receipt and expenditure of commercial support 3.13: Accountable for accurate documentation detailing receipt and expenditure of commercial support
Management of commercial promotion Standard 4 (pg 85 ANCC manual, pg 4) : Standard 4 (pg 85 ANCC manual, pg 4) : Is the money received from commercial exhibits and advertisements considered commercial support? Is the money received from commercial exhibits and advertisements considered commercial support? No, however, you are expected to fulfill standard 4 requirements and use sound fiscal and business practices No, however, you are expected to fulfill standard 4 requirements and use sound fiscal and business practices 4.1: Arrangements for commercial exhibits or advertisement cannot influence planning or interfere with presentation, nor be a condition for receipt of support 4.1: Arrangements for commercial exhibits or advertisement cannot influence planning or interfere with presentation, nor be a condition for receipt of support
Management of commercial promotion 4.2: Advertisements are prohibited in or during the CNE activity. Must be kept separate. 4.2: Advertisements are prohibited in or during the CNE activity. Must be kept separate. Print: Can not interleaf within the educational content. May face first or last pages of printed CNE content as long as unrelated to CNE content they face and not paid for by a commercial interest/entity in the CNE. Print: Can not interleaf within the educational content. May face first or last pages of printed CNE content as long as unrelated to CNE content they face and not paid for by a commercial interest/entity in the CNE. Computer-based: Not visible with content and not interleafed between window screens of content. Computer-based: Not visible with content and not interleafed between window screens of content.
Management of commercial promotion 4.2: Audio and video recording: Advertisement not included with in the CNE and no commercial breaks 4.2: Audio and video recording: Advertisement not included with in the CNE and no commercial breaks 4.2: Live-face to face: Advertisements and promotional materials shall not be displayed or distributed in educational space, before, during or after a CNE activity. Representatives can not engage in selling or promotion in the CNE space. 4.2: Live-face to face: Advertisements and promotional materials shall not be displayed or distributed in educational space, before, during or after a CNE activity. Representatives can not engage in selling or promotion in the CNE space.
Management of commercial promotion So, can the back of the last page of my handbook have an advertisement on it? So, can the back of the last page of my handbook have an advertisement on it? Yes, because the back of the last page is not facing any content Yes, because the back of the last page is not facing any content But I have to disclose the name of the commercial supporter to the audience, can I have their name listed at the beginning of our presentation on a slide? But I have to disclose the name of the commercial supporter to the audience, can I have their name listed at the beginning of our presentation on a slide? Yes. Disclose the commercial supporter but do not promote them (i.e. their slogan). Coming up in standard 6.4 Yes. Disclose the commercial supporter but do not promote them (i.e. their slogan). Coming up in standard 6.4
Management of commercial promotion 4.3: Educational materials such as slides, abstracts and handouts shall not contain any advertising, trade name or product group message. 4.3: Educational materials such as slides, abstracts and handouts shall not contain any advertising, trade name or product group message. 4.4: Print or electronic materials, such as schedules, content descriptions, not directly related to the transfer of educational content to the leaner may include promotion material or product specific advertisement 4.4: Print or electronic materials, such as schedules, content descriptions, not directly related to the transfer of educational content to the leaner may include promotion material or product specific advertisement 4.5: Commercial interest can not be the one to distribute or arrange electronic access to CNE activity. 4.5: Commercial interest can not be the one to distribute or arrange electronic access to CNE activity.
Well then…what is conflict of interest (COI)? Perceived potentially biasing relationship of a financial, personal or professional nature that could impact the integrity of an educational activity. Perceived potentially biasing relationship of a financial, personal or professional nature that could impact the integrity of an educational activity. Standard 2.5: COI exists when an individual has the opportunity to affect the CNE content in relation to a commercial interest with which he/she has a financial relationship (pg 83 ANCC manual, pg 1, 2) Standard 2.5: COI exists when an individual has the opportunity to affect the CNE content in relation to a commercial interest with which he/she has a financial relationship (pg 83 ANCC manual, pg 1, 2) Examples: Stock holder, speakers bureau, has a spouse/family who works at a pharmaceutical company that may influence the content of your presentation; instructor/student relationship; book author Examples: Stock holder, speakers bureau, has a spouse/family who works at a pharmaceutical company that may influence the content of your presentation; instructor/student relationship; book author
Conflict of interest COI is declared on the bioform (Form C) (New sections: financial, personal, professional COI) COI is declared on the bioform (Form C) (New sections: financial, personal, professional COI) Standard 2.1: An individual must disclose any financial relationships with an entity with a commercial interest Standard 2.1: An individual must disclose any financial relationships with an entity with a commercial interest Standard 2.3: Standard 2.3: If a presenter/planner refused to disclose, can they still be a presenter/planner? If a presenter/planner refused to disclose, can they still be a presenter/planner? No, disqualified from being a planning committee member, a teacher or author and can not have control of, responsibility for any part of the CNE activity No, disqualified from being a planning committee member, a teacher or author and can not have control of, responsibility for any part of the CNE activity
COI: Financial relationships Standard 2.2: ANCC defines financial relationships as: Standard 2.2: ANCC defines financial relationships as: Benefits from “salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interests (i.e. stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds) or other financial benefit.” pg 82 Benefits from “salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interests (i.e. stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds) or other financial benefit.” pg 82 Contracted research grant Contracted research grant Employment, management position, independent contractor, consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership Employment, management position, independent contractor, consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership Financial relationship of a spouse/partner that can influence the activity Financial relationship of a spouse/partner that can influence the activity
Conflict of interest Question: What if the financial relationship does not amount to a lot of money? Do I still need to disclose this? What if the financial relationship does not amount to a lot of money? Do I still need to disclose this? Any amount of money within the past 12 months of activity as relevant Any amount of money within the past 12 months of activity as relevant What if I no longer have a financial relationship with a commercial interest? Do I still need to disclose this? What if I no longer have a financial relationship with a commercial interest? Do I still need to disclose this? Relationship no longer exists with COI, but you must disclose this for 12 months after the end of the relationship (standard 2.5) Relationship no longer exists with COI, but you must disclose this for 12 months after the end of the relationship (standard 2.5) If I have a mutual fund, is this a conflict of interest? If I have a mutual fund, is this a conflict of interest? No, because this is managed by another group. Individual stock holders who can control what they buy (i.e. shares in a pharmaceutical company) is considered conflict of interest. No, because this is managed by another group. Individual stock holders who can control what they buy (i.e. shares in a pharmaceutical company) is considered conflict of interest.
Ok, I have COI, now what? Standard 2.4: Have a mechanism to identify and method to resolve all conflicts of interest before the educational activity is given. Standard 2.4: Have a mechanism to identify and method to resolve all conflicts of interest before the educational activity is given. Declare COI of personal, professional and financial nature on the bioform (Form C- new version to come reflecting this) Declare COI of personal, professional and financial nature on the bioform (Form C- new version to come reflecting this) Section E of single activity application. Identify how any potential conflict of interest was resolved prior to the planning, implementing or evaluation of the continuing nursing education? Section E of single activity application. Identify how any potential conflict of interest was resolved prior to the planning, implementing or evaluation of the continuing nursing education?
Content and format without commercial bias Standard 5 (pg 86 ANCC manual, pg 4, 5) : Standard 5 (pg 86 ANCC manual, pg 4, 5) : 5.1: Content of CNE should promote improvements or quality in health care and not a specific commercial interest 5.1: Content of CNE should promote improvements or quality in health care and not a specific commercial interest 5.2: Presentations give a balanced view of treatment options (i.e. generic names, trade names from several companies and not just one when possible) 5.2: Presentations give a balanced view of treatment options (i.e. generic names, trade names from several companies and not just one when possible) Off-label discussion, investigational use Off-label discussion, investigational use
Disclosures relevant to potential commercial bias Standard 6 (pg 86, 87 ANCC manual, pg 5): Standard 6 (pg 86, 87 ANCC manual, pg 5): When disclosed verbally only, complete written verification that verbal disclosure was completed at time of activity (verbal disclosure Form E). Disclose also resolution. When disclosed verbally only, complete written verification that verbal disclosure was completed at time of activity (verbal disclosure Form E). Disclose also resolution. 6.1: Disclose name of individual, name of commercial interest and nature of relationship 6.1: Disclose name of individual, name of commercial interest and nature of relationship 6.2: Disclose no relevant financial relationships to learners if none are present 6.2: Disclose no relevant financial relationships to learners if none are present
Disclosures relevant to potential commercial bias 6.3: Source of support from entities with commercial interests must be disclosed to learners. Nature of support should be disclosed if not monetary (i.e. meeting space, in-kind) 6.3: Source of support from entities with commercial interests must be disclosed to learners. Nature of support should be disclosed if not monetary (i.e. meeting space, in-kind) 6.4: Disclosure should not include trade name or product group message 6.4: Disclosure should not include trade name or product group message 6.5: Disclosures made to learners prior to or in beginning of CE 6.5: Disclosures made to learners prior to or in beginning of CE
Wrap up trivia Is money provided by a federally funded grant commercial support? Is money provided by a federally funded grant commercial support? No. It is considered sponsorship No. It is considered sponsorship If commercial support is handled through a grant office or through CME, do I still have to get a commercial support agreement? If commercial support is handled through a grant office or through CME, do I still have to get a commercial support agreement? Yes Yes
Wrap up trivia Can a vendor provide notepads with a company’s logo in the conference room? Can a vendor provide notepads with a company’s logo in the conference room? No; Can have this in the vendor room but not in the room the activity is held. No; Can have this in the vendor room but not in the room the activity is held. Can the hotel provide notepads and pens with their logo on it in the conference room? Can the hotel provide notepads and pens with their logo on it in the conference room? Yes; This is not considered a commercial interest. Yes; This is not considered a commercial interest. What if a participant picks up items from the vendor hall and brings this into the conference room? What if a participant picks up items from the vendor hall and brings this into the conference room? This is fine; Can’t have vendor hand out in the conference room This is fine; Can’t have vendor hand out in the conference room
Wrap up trivia Can a commercial supporter or exhibitor attend your continuing education session? Can a commercial supporter or exhibitor attend your continuing education session? Yes, but they can’t interfere with the educational activity, speak or promote in the conference room. Yes, but they can’t interfere with the educational activity, speak or promote in the conference room. Can a co-provider be in charge of commercial support? Can a co-provider be in charge of commercial support? No, the provider has the responsibility to manage any commercial support or sponsorship No, the provider has the responsibility to manage any commercial support or sponsorship Can you award contact hours for viewing vendor exhibits? Can you award contact hours for viewing vendor exhibits? No. Can do for poster presentations, but not for vendors No. Can do for poster presentations, but not for vendors
Wrap up trivia Can a commercial supporter’s logo may appear on your certificate? Can a commercial supporter’s logo may appear on your certificate? No No Can a commercial supporter’s logo appear on your marketing materials? Can a commercial supporter’s logo appear on your marketing materials? Yes Yes Is paying for food considered commercial support or sponsorship? Is paying for food considered commercial support or sponsorship? Yes Yes
Wrap up trivia When introducing a speaker and their credentials, is it okay to mention that they have published a book? When introducing a speaker and their credentials, is it okay to mention that they have published a book? Ok. But can’t advertise the book or that they will be available for a book signing Ok. But can’t advertise the book or that they will be available for a book signing Is it bad to have commercial support or COI? Is it bad to have commercial support or COI? No. Just disclose this in your application and to the participants/learners. No. Just disclose this in your application and to the participants/learners.
Conclusion Decision making guides and resources Decision making guides and resources ccreditation/How-to-Apply/CommercialSupport.aspx ccreditation/How-to-Apply/CommercialSupport.aspx ccreditation/How-to-Apply/CommercialSupport.aspx ccreditation/How-to-Apply/CommercialSupport.aspx Does it make me feel uncomfortable? Does it make me feel uncomfortable? Is there a potential for bias? Is there a potential for bias? Keep CE separate from commercial support and advertisements Keep CE separate from commercial support and advertisements Have policies and procedures in place to cover you Have policies and procedures in place to cover you When it doubt, call us. When it doubt, call us.
Provider application Objective Objective Identify the four criterion involved in the provider application. Identify the four criterion involved in the provider application.
Announcements Contact hours will not be provided Contact hours will not be provided No conflicts of interest have been disclosed by the planners and presenters of this activity No conflicts of interest have been disclosed by the planners and presenters of this activity Planners and presenters have no relevant financial relationships with any commercial companies pertaining to this workshop Planners and presenters have no relevant financial relationships with any commercial companies pertaining to this workshop There is no commercial support nor sponsorship for this activity There is no commercial support nor sponsorship for this activity The VNA and the ANCC does not endorse any product, service or company referred to in this activity The VNA and the ANCC does not endorse any product, service or company referred to in this activity This CNE activity does not include any unannounced information about off-label use of a product. This CNE activity does not include any unannounced information about off-label use of a product.
ANCC Accreditation Program (COA) Accredits Accredited Approvers *(i.e. VNA) Approve Approved Providers Educational Activities Contact Hours Accredited Providers Figure 1: Structure of the ANCC Accreditation Program (pg 2 ANCC manual)
Why apply to be a provider? Approved providers may provide contact hours for activities in their organization Approved providers may provide contact hours for activities in their organization Providers do not approve activities nor do they provide contact hours to other organizations Providers do not approve activities nor do they provide contact hours to other organizations Providers are responsible for following the ANCC criteria and ensuring that activities follow the criteria Providers are responsible for following the ANCC criteria and ensuring that activities follow the criteria Depends on the needs of your organization (apply to VNA for every single activity vs. approved provider) Depends on the needs of your organization (apply to VNA for every single activity vs. approved provider) 3 year approval period for providers 3 year approval period for providers Provider may offer an unlimited number of educational activities during approval period Provider may offer an unlimited number of educational activities during approval period
Provider application: Who is eligible to apply? In order to be eligible: In order to be eligible: Must have planned, implemented and evaluated at least 3 separate educational activities approved by the VNA Must have planned, implemented and evaluated at least 3 separate educational activities approved by the VNA Direct involvement of a designated nurse planner Direct involvement of a designated nurse planner Adhere to the relevant criteria of the ANCC accreditation program Adhere to the relevant criteria of the ANCC accreditation program Each learning activity at least 1 hour in length Each learning activity at least 1 hour in length Co-provided activities may not be counted as 1 of the 3 activities Co-provided activities may not be counted as 1 of the 3 activities
Provider application: Who is eligible to apply? In order to be eligible: In order to be eligible: Demonstrate established provider unit in your organization Demonstrate established provider unit in your organization Single focused organization devoted to offering continuing education OR Single focused organization devoted to offering continuing education OR A distinct, separately identified unit within a complex, multi-focused organization A distinct, separately identified unit within a complex, multi-focused organization Provider unit must have been operational for a minimum of 6 months Provider unit must have been operational for a minimum of 6 months New: Can not be a commercial entity New: Can not be a commercial entity
Provider application: Who is eligible to apply? NEW eligibility: NEW eligibility: Organizations targeting more than 50% of their educational activities in the previous calendar year to nurses in multiple regions (DHHS regions) are not eligible to apply to be an approved provider with the VNA. Organizations targeting more than 50% of their educational activities in the previous calendar year to nurses in multiple regions (DHHS regions) are not eligible to apply to be an approved provider with the VNA. Must apply through the ANCC as an accredited provider. Must apply through the ANCC as an accredited provider.
Provider application: Who is eligible to apply? New eligibility: In other words… New eligibility: In other words… Organizations targeting more than 50% of their activities in the previous calendar year to nurses in a single state or region (contiguous region) may apply to the VNA for approval as a provider. Organizations targeting more than 50% of their activities in the previous calendar year to nurses in a single state or region (contiguous region) may apply to the VNA for approval as a provider. Internet is considered multi-region Internet is considered multi-region
Eligibility: Previous denials Eligibility question: Eligibility question: Have you been previously denied by the VNA or other ANCC accredited approver units? Have you been previously denied by the VNA or other ANCC accredited approver units? Indicate resolution of previous denials and who denial was given by Indicate resolution of previous denials and who denial was given by Previous denial does not preclude you from being eligible to apply to the VNA, however, it is strongly advised that you contact the VNA office either by or phone to assess eligibility before completing the rest of this application Previous denial does not preclude you from being eligible to apply to the VNA, however, it is strongly advised that you contact the VNA office either by or phone to assess eligibility before completing the rest of this application
Provider application: Getting ready to apply… Complete pg 1 of application assessing eligibility Complete pg 1 of application assessing eligibility Confirm you are eligible before you start the process Confirm you are eligible before you start the process Contact Germaine Forbes for assistance if you are planning on applying Contact Germaine Forbes for assistance if you are planning on applying Tips: Tips: Clearly outline and appropriately and correctly reference the attached page numbers Clearly outline and appropriately and correctly reference the attached page numbers Address all sections and do not leave any sections blank Address all sections and do not leave any sections blank Each section may sound repetitive, but complete each section in reference to that element Each section may sound repetitive, but complete each section in reference to that element
Provider application fee New provider fee: $1,250 New provider fee: $1,250 Renewal fee: $1,075 Renewal fee: $1,075 Submit application to VNA electronically Submit application to VNA electronically Apply for renewal 90 days before approval expires Apply for renewal 90 days before approval expires Same application process for renewal, only difference is the fee Same application process for renewal, only difference is the fee Late fee $480 if application received less than 90 days before expiration of provider status Late fee $480 if application received less than 90 days before expiration of provider status
Revision fee Effective 11/1/09 No fee the first 2 times an application is sent back to the applicant for revision. No fee the first 2 times an application is sent back to the applicant for revision. After the second return: $25 per revision (each return to applicant for additional information) After the second return: $25 per revision (each return to applicant for additional information) Additional assistance will be offered to applicants as needed. Additional assistance will be offered to applicants as needed. This fee will apply in general to all applicants and incur on a case by case basis. This fee will apply in general to all applicants and incur on a case by case basis.
Approved Provider Criterion 1). Mission statement 2). Educational design 3). Unit operations 4). Provider unit evaluation
Criterion 1: Mission statement Key element 1: Key element 1: Describe the provider unit and how linked to the larger organization Describe the provider unit and how linked to the larger organization Submit the beliefs and goals (mission statement) of the provider unit Submit the beliefs and goals (mission statement) of the provider unit If part of a multi-focused organization, describe how mission statement of provider unit links with the total organization If part of a multi-focused organization, describe how mission statement of provider unit links with the total organization Key element 2: Key element 2: Organizational structure: Organizational chart, name and credentials Organizational structure: Organizational chart, name and credentials VNA criteria: VNA criteria: Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development (ANA, update in 2010) incorporated into the Approved Provider Unit’s functions Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development (ANA, update in 2010) incorporated into the Approved Provider Unit’s functions Operational requirements pg 8-12 Operational requirements pg 8-12
Criterion 2: Educational design Design elements as described in single activity application Design elements as described in single activity application Provide 3 sample activities Provide 3 sample activities At least 1 hour in length At least 1 hour in length Activity not co-provided Activity not co-provided If sample activity is more than 3 contact hours (180 minutes), submit documentation for at least 3 contact hours. And keep documentation for complete activity on file and accessible. If sample activity is more than 3 contact hours (180 minutes), submit documentation for at least 3 contact hours. And keep documentation for complete activity on file and accessible.
Criterion 2: Educational design Educational activities in the past 3 years Educational activities in the past 3 years Provide application, advertising, bioforms, certificate, summative evaluation for each activity (everything you would submit for a single activity application) Provide application, advertising, bioforms, certificate, summative evaluation for each activity (everything you would submit for a single activity application) Make sure the 3 activities are complete and not deficient (complete with application revisions requested etc.) Make sure the 3 activities are complete and not deficient (complete with application revisions requested etc.)
Criterion 2: Educational design First time applicants should submit all 3 activities. First time applicants should submit all 3 activities. First time applicants should submit a sample certificate for use as an approved provider, with the following approval statement (stands alone): First time applicants should submit a sample certificate for use as an approved provider, with the following approval statement (stands alone): [Name of approved provider] is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Virginia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. [Name of approved provider] is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Virginia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Renewing applicants submit 1 sample activity and identify the previous activities submitted with your annual report Renewing applicants submit 1 sample activity and identify the previous activities submitted with your annual report
Criterion 2: Educational design Describe process for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of continuing education activities Describe process for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of continuing education activities Describe record keeping process, storage, confidentiality and retrieval (check as instructed) Describe record keeping process, storage, confidentiality and retrieval (check as instructed) Describe how responsibilities are assigned and maintained for co-provided activities, if any Describe how responsibilities are assigned and maintained for co-provided activities, if any
Criterion 3: Unit operations Nurse planner Nurse planner Contribute oversight and must be actively involved in planning, implementing, and evaluation of a continuing education activity. Contribute oversight and must be actively involved in planning, implementing, and evaluation of a continuing education activity. RN with a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing RN with a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing Knowledge of: Knowledge of: Accreditation program and requirements Accreditation program and requirements Adult learning theory Adult learning theory Policies and procedures of accreditation program Policies and procedures of accreditation program Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development (ANA, 2000). Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development (ANA, 2000).
Criterion 3: Unit operations Lead nurse planner Lead nurse planner Criteria of nurse planner AND Criteria of nurse planner AND Education or experience in the field of education or adult learning Education or experience in the field of education or adult learning Assures all nurse planners are appropriately prepared, oriented and trained to function in their role and meet the ANCC Accreditation program requirements Assures all nurse planners are appropriately prepared, oriented and trained to function in their role and meet the ANCC Accreditation program requirements Describe how the provider unit ensures that the performance of each Nurse Planner meets the requirements of the provider unit and expectations of the ANCC and VNA Describe how the provider unit ensures that the performance of each Nurse Planner meets the requirements of the provider unit and expectations of the ANCC and VNA
Criterion 3: Unit operations Resources Resources Sufficient human, material and financial resources are available Sufficient human, material and financial resources are available Submit descriptions of the above Submit descriptions of the above Human resources – list names and provide bioforms Human resources – list names and provide bioforms Submit a report identifying the amount and frequency with which commercial support is received for educational activities Submit a report identifying the amount and frequency with which commercial support is received for educational activities Business practices: Sign attestation (compliance with laws and regulations) Business practices: Sign attestation (compliance with laws and regulations)
Criterion 4: Provider unit evaluation Provider unit evaluation addresses the entire provider unit and not just the evaluation of a single activity. Provider unit evaluation addresses the entire provider unit and not just the evaluation of a single activity. Provider unit evaluation process Provider unit evaluation process Process used in evaluating the provider unit. Process used in evaluating the provider unit. Written plan for evaluation describes what was evaluated, when it occurs and who participates. Written plan for evaluation describes what was evaluated, when it occurs and who participates. Describe how provider unit will be evaluated (i.e. learning activities, unit goals, resources, planning process, informal or formal) Describe how provider unit will be evaluated (i.e. learning activities, unit goals, resources, planning process, informal or formal) Give an example of how you have used the evaluation process described to improve unit Give an example of how you have used the evaluation process described to improve unit
Criterion 4: Provider unit evaluation Provider unit evaluation participants Provider unit evaluation participants Lead nurse planner Lead nurse planner Identify other participants to include Identify other participants to include Provider unit evaluation results Provider unit evaluation results Results used to confirm, expand and improve the unit operations Results used to confirm, expand and improve the unit operations Provider unit goals for improvement Provider unit goals for improvement How goals addressed How goals addressed Changes and progress with goals Changes and progress with goals New goals identified for improvement New goals identified for improvement Operational plans for implementation with the goals identified Operational plans for implementation with the goals identified
Additional information Describe the strengths and areas for improvement associated with each criterion Describe the strengths and areas for improvement associated with each criterion Operational requirements attestation Operational requirements attestation Provider unit’s responsibilities Provider unit’s responsibilities Record keeping (what needs to be on file) Record keeping (what needs to be on file) Verify participation and requirements for completion Verify participation and requirements for completion Timely communication w/VNA CEA committee Timely communication w/VNA CEA committee Notify w/in 30 days of changes (i.e. name changes, ownership or structural change, contact person, bioforms, new nurse planners) Notify w/in 30 days of changes (i.e. name changes, ownership or structural change, contact person, bioforms, new nurse planners)
Additional information Operational requirements attestation: Operational requirements attestation: Appropriate language- approved provider approval statement Appropriate language- approved provider approval statement ANCC contact hour credit calc, 2 decimals, round down ANCC contact hour credit calc, 2 decimals, round down Provide but not approve activities Provide but not approve activities Provide activities only which a provider unit nurse planner has actively participated in, from planning through evaluation Provide activities only which a provider unit nurse planner has actively participated in, from planning through evaluation Ensure all continuing education free from bias, declare vested interest Ensure all continuing education free from bias, declare vested interest Commercial support Commercial support
Co-provided activities If co-providing with an accredited provider, the accredited provider is the provider, approved provider is a co-provider If co-providing with an accredited provider, the accredited provider is the provider, approved provider is a co-provider If co-providing with another approved provider, must determine who will retain responsibilities If co-providing with another approved provider, must determine who will retain responsibilities If co-providing with a non-provider, approved provider is responsible If co-providing with a non-provider, approved provider is responsible Co-provider written agreement Co-provider written agreement
Co-provided activities When the approved provider is the designated “provider”, the following responsibilities apply: When the approved provider is the designated “provider”, the following responsibilities apply: Determine objectives and content Determine objectives and content Selection of planners and presenter Selection of planners and presenter Awarding of contact hours Awarding of contact hours Recordkeeping Recordkeeping Evaluation methods and categories Evaluation methods and categories Management of any sponsorship or commercial support Management of any sponsorship or commercial support
Now that you are approved... Provider annual report Submit provider annual report before your annual anniversary to VNA Submit provider annual report before your annual anniversary to VNA Record program in report every time a session was given (i.e. pain assessment given 4 times, record 4 different times) Record program in report every time a session was given (i.e. pain assessment given 4 times, record 4 different times) Independent activity- record once for each person Independent activity- record once for each person Brief evaluation of program (not individual evaluation summary) Brief evaluation of program (not individual evaluation summary) Future: Periodic monitoring Future: Periodic monitoring
References American Nurses Credentialing Center (2009). Accrediting excellence in continuing nursing education: Application manual, accreditation program. Silver Spring: MD: ANCC. American Nurses Credentialing Center (2009). Accrediting excellence in continuing nursing education: Application manual, accreditation program. Silver Spring: MD: ANCC. American Nurses Credentialing Center (2009). Accreditation Symposium: The Changing CNE Environment. American Nurses Credentialing Center (2009). Accreditation Symposium: The Changing CNE Environment. US Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.). Regions. Retrieved on July 22, 2009 from: US Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.). Regions. Retrieved on July 22, 2009 from:
Questions??? Questions???