Birthdays… Koly Segupta
CAREER FAIR February 21st! Langford A Lobby 8:00 am Name Tags : $3 MONTHLY MEETING Wear Business Attire Bring Resume Business Cards – Order Now! Professional Photo Day! Photo Room. February 12 th 4:30 pm.
PROGRAM ACCREDITATION: SURVEY MONTHLY MEETING Accreditation Visit February 25th- 26th!
CHINESE NEW YEAR POT LUCK STYLE! Dr. Xiao’s house 711 Brussels Dr. Born in Asia? Bring your favorite dish! NOT Born in Asia? Bring drinks, appetizers or desserts. Dumplings will be provided! MONTHLY MEETING February 8 th 6:00 pm !
MONTHLY MEETING Future Meetings: February 20 th Rik Adamski. Tactital Urbanism. 11:30 ARC C 111 February 25 th Room Arc C 111, 12:45 pm. (Accreditation Visit) March 19 th Guest Lecture: Emergency Planner meets City Planner. Room Arc C 205, 12:45 pm March 23th Big Event 8:00 am. April 2 nd Room Arc C 205, 12:45 pm. April 23 rd Room Arc C 205, 12:45 pm. Upcoming events: FLUP Galveston visit, Feb 8 th. Contact Emily Tedford NOW! Young Professionals in Transportation HOUSTON Chapter Happy Hour Meeting, Feb 7 th 5-8 p.m. AIGA Portfolio, $5 Feb 9 th. 9 am- Noon in the MAC lab.
MONTHLY MEETING Spring Dues! $20
NATIONAL APA CONFERENCE : Chicago Hotel Fees and Reservations Travelodge Chicago Downtown Free Wi-Fi Internets Non-smoking rooms Remote control television Around $40-50 per night per person 5 nights = $225 6 nights = $270 Depends on how many rooms have four people MONTHLY MEETING
NATIONAL APA CONFERENCE : Activities MONTHLY MEETING Wrigley Field Saturday, April 13 th Approximately $15-20 Gold Glove Giveaway! Bleacher seats! Baseball!
NATIONAL APA CONFERENCE : Activities MONTHLY MEETING Architectural Boat Tour ture-river-cruise $35 in advance, $38 day of 90 minute tour; other options available Art Institute of Chicago Museum with art things $17 for Out-of-state Students
NATIONAL APA CONFERENCE : Transportation MONTHLY MEETING Chicago Transit Authority! $28 for a 7 day pass Our hotel will be two blocks from a train station Conference will be 3-4 blocks from another one on same line Flight! Airline tickets are about $300 for a round trip right now
NATIONAL APA CONFERENCE : Volunteering DEATHLINE : February 14th $ 100 cash per shift 8 hour shift Response by March 6th through the 13 th. Register at conference/studentassistant.htm MONTHLY MEETING