DMK – week 6
Topics week 6 Tio Minor Digital Marketing Performance management; Online Research; User Generated Reviews; Social monitoring among other HootSuite, Tweetdeck,, Social mention; Funnelanalyse/clickpath analysis; Eye tracking; A/B testing; Multivariate testing; Rating/poll; Web Statistics Google analytics; Facebook Insights; WordPress statistics; Other social media and statistics.
Minor Digital Marketing Performance Management Performance management: the process of evaluating performance based on online research; The outcome is related to the strategy: KSF, KPI, targets The analyses provides information for adjusting, continuation and extending actions; Performance management provides direction to a company; Modern management is based on measuring performance.
Minor Digital Marketing Performance Management Performance management is set up based on objectives, KSF, KPI, Targets en actions; Performance Management is a management information system providing a helicopter view en direction
What is the situation….. Minor Digital Marketing
What is the situation….. Minor Digital Marketing
Take into account….. Minor Digital Marketing
Caution when measuring....
Take into account….. Minor Digital Marketing
Measuring: where do we stand?
What is our situation? Minor Digital Marketing
Take into account….. Minor Digital Marketing
Take into account….. Minor Digital Marketing
Take into account….. Minor Digital Marketing
1.Formulating measuring objectives 2.Deploying applicable methods 3.Internet is eminently the medium for starting conversations with the (potential) customers Stimulate reaction, opinion. reviews and commitment Research methods Minor Digital Marketing
Quantative research Web statistics A/B test and multivariate test (online) Survey Qualitative research User test (usability) Registering eye movements (eyetracking) Social media Customer assessments and feedback Research methods Minor Digital Marketing
Research methods Usability, eye tracking Expert research; Tips, comments an review of visitors; Benchmarking Behavioral targeting Minor Digital Marketing
DashboardIntegrationSources Web statistics Surveys Usability tests Visitor feedback Financial administration Expert research Management based on Measuring Minor Digital Marketing
Online reserach User generated review Qualitative analyses What is the content of the message? What is the value of the message to a reader? What are the visitor’s comments? What is the rating? What is the follow up action/behavior? CT postpone ignore What is the added value to the company/product? Does the analyses match to similar reviews on othe channels?
Social monitoring Minor Digital Marketing Google Alerts Google News Trendpedia Clipit Yahoo! Pipes Hootsuite Tweetdeck
Minor Digital Marketing Alerts en News
Minor Digital Marketing Trendpedia
Minor Digital Marketing Social Media Monitoring
Minor Digital Marketing Social Media Monitoring
Minor Digital Marketing Social Media Monitoring
Minor Digital Marketing Social monitoring
Minor Digital Marketing Funnel (clickpath) analysis Efflux of the customer journey and online customer life cycle
Minor Digital Marketing Funnel (clickpath) analysis Also in Google analytics
Minor Digital Marketing Funnel (clickpath) analysis Alsoin Google analytics And more……
Prototype test Online test Usability testing Minor Digital Marketing
Usability testing Minor Digital Marketing
Usability testing Minor Digital Marketing Usability testing is one the most important actions to provide good content with added value to a visitor. Positive for bounce rate and engagement. Testing is blind or instructed; Blind > intuitive providing organic result. Instructed > focus on functionalities Combined > deepen knowledge Online user testing Panel; Lab testing The USER is always right………..
Usability testing Minor Digital Marketing Create a test plan; What are the objectives of the test: Site; Campaign; Landing page; Process phases in the e-commerce flow; functionalities Compile a list with tester characteristics for selection of testers; Compile a list with (benchmark) criteria for controlled testing; Provide transparent instructions to a tester; Test blind online (experiment, a/b en multivariate testing) supporting the reliability of the research The USER is always right……… testing is actually listening l and acting to win success!
Objectives of homepage: Quick access to flight info Branding Minor Digital Marketing Usability testing
Eye Tracking Minor Digital Marketing
Eye Tracking Minor Digital Marketing
Eye Tracking Minor Digital Marketing
Eye Tracking Minor Digital Marketing
Which Homepage Sold More Homebrew Beer Kits During the Holidays? (Traffic Was Mainly PR-Driven.) Version B converted an average of 18.7% more sales from Nov 22-Dec 15th 2011; but, from Dec 16-Dec 23rd, it did even better, averaging 60.7% higher conversions than Version A. The only difference between the two Versions was the headline and body copy (or lack thereof) in the homepage’s main panel. Although in hindsight, it makes sense to adjust your copy length and benefits for your seasonal visitors’ perspective, the idea was a huge point of contention between the site’s execs, some of whom “hated” the winning version… before they saw the results data. Now, their 2012 design plans include tweaked homepage versions for all major holidays from Valentine’s Day on. B A A/B testing Minor Digital Marketing
Landing Page A/B Test: Which Version Increased Wedding Registry Sign-ups from 3% to 6%? Version A without top navigation netted 100% more conversions – visitors who signed up for a free wedding registry account – that the version with the navigation bar. Key: the test only ran on registry landing page. Traffic came from a wide array of sources, including Facebook ads, Google AdWords and SEO. The site didn’t run the test on a homepage, category pages or other pages that a regular shopper would encounter. That’s important because while reducing distractions can often help focused offer page results, it may be disastrous store-wide. B A A/B testing Minor Digital Marketing
A/B testing Minor Digital Marketing Also Google Analytics: Experiment where two varieties can be tested real time. Google offers random page to searches and provides information on the best results. Thanks to Tiostudent Daan van Boerdonk
A/B testing (experiment) in Google Minor Digital Marketing
Multivariate testing More than two varieties
Minor Digital Marketing Rating/Poll Quick and dirty research through the internet and user interactivity
Minor Digital Marketing Online Survey
The use of Google Analytics is free and closely connected to Google Adwords Minor Digital Marketing Web Statistics
Google Analytics: From what countries do my visitors originate? Minor Digital Marketing Web Statistics
Google Mobile: Analytics have been extended with info about the mobile devices of the visitor Minor Digital Marketing Web Statistics
Measuring social media and Facebook Insights Minor Digital Marketing
Other social statistics Most social applications provide statistics like Pinterest
Researching the use of correct search words? Minor Digital Marketing