“Lesson 11: The Restored Church of Jesus Christ Is Organized,” Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants: Church History, (1997),52
To strengthen each child’s testimony that through revelation the true church was restored to the earth. Purpose
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God’s plan. I’ll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I’ll honor his name. I’ll do what is right; I’ll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim. Words and music: Janice Kapp Perry, b © 1989 IRI The Church of Jesus Christ
Our Opening Prayer will be given by (Enter Name Here)
Let’s review the events in the life of Joseph Smith that led to the restoration of the true church on the earth. We’re going to show you a picture and we want you to tell us about what was happening to Joseph Smith in that picture. Attention Activity
The First Vision
Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith in His Room
Joseph Smith Receives the Gold Plates
Joseph Smith Translating the Gold Plates
John the Baptist Conferring the Aaronic Priesthood
Melchizedek Priesthood Restoration
Let’s read the following quotation from Gordon B. Hinckley: This day of organization was … the graduation for Joseph from ten years of remarkable schooling. … All of these [events] were preliminary to that historic April 6.” “This day of organization was … the graduation for Joseph from ten years of remarkable schooling. … All of these [events] were preliminary to that historic April 6.” Attention Activity
Why did all these events happen in Joseph Smith’s life? You need to understand that these events prepared Joseph Smith for his most important work, helping the Lord restore the church of Jesus Christ to the earth. Attention Activity
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It was almost time for the Church of Jesus Christ to be on earth again. It was almost time for the Church of Jesus Christ to be on earth again. Jesus gave Joseph Smith a revelation so the people would be ready for His Church. Jesus gave Joseph Smith a revelation so the people would be ready for His Church.
Jesus revealed more about His gospel and about other things the people needed to know before His Church was organized. Jesus revealed more about His gospel and about other things the people needed to know before His Church was organized.
Jesus said the Book of Mormon teaches His gospel and testifies of God and His work. Jesus said the Book of Mormon teaches His gospel and testifies of God and His work. Jesus promised blessings to those who receive the book in faith— and punishment to those who reject it. Jesus promised blessings to those who receive the book in faith— and punishment to those who reject it.
Jesus told about His life on earth. Jesus told about His life on earth. Heavenly Father sent Him here to be our Savior. Heavenly Father sent Him here to be our Savior. Satan tempted Him, but Jesus would not listen to him. Satan tempted Him, but Jesus would not listen to him.
Jesus felt great sorrow for the bad things people do. Jesus felt great sorrow for the bad things people do. Toward the end of his life, He suffered and bled for all people. Toward the end of his life, He suffered and bled for all people. People will not suffer like He did if they repent. People will not suffer like He did if they repent.
Wicked people put Jesus on a cross and killed Him. Wicked people put Jesus on a cross and killed Him.
Jesus’ friends put His body in a tomb. Jesus’ friends put His body in a tomb.
After three days, Jesus was resurrected. After three days, Jesus was resurrected. He was alive again He was alive again
Because Jesus was resurrected, all people will be resurrected. Because Jesus was resurrected, all people will be resurrected. Because He suffered and died for the sins of all people, we can be forgiven if we repent. Because He suffered and died for the sins of all people, we can be forgiven if we repent.
We will return to live with Heavenly Father if we have faith, repent, are baptized, and do our best to keep the commandments. We will return to live with Heavenly Father if we have faith, repent, are baptized, and do our best to keep the commandments.
Jesus also taught the people about baptism. Jesus also taught the people about baptism. He said they must be baptized to become members of His Church. He said they must be baptized to become members of His Church.
Those who want to be baptized must repent. Those who want to be baptized must repent. They must love and obey Jesus. They must love and obey Jesus. They must also be at least eight years old. They must also be at least eight years old.
Jesus taught the right way to baptize. Jesus taught the right way to baptize. He said a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood or a man who has the Melchizedek Priesthood may baptize a person. He said a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood or a man who has the Melchizedek Priesthood may baptize a person.
The man takes the person into the water and says a special prayer. The man takes the person into the water and says a special prayer. The man who is baptizing puts the person down under the water. The man who is baptizing puts the person down under the water. Then he brings the person out of the water. Then he brings the person out of the water.
When people are baptized, they promise to obey Jesus. When people are baptized, they promise to obey Jesus. They also promise to say and do good things. They also promise to say and do good things.
Jesus told about blessing babies. Jesus told about blessing babies. Men who have the Melchizedek Priesthood can bless babies. Men who have the Melchizedek Priesthood can bless babies. The men hold the baby in their arms, and one man gives the baby a name and a blessing. The men hold the baby in their arms, and one man gives the baby a name and a blessing.
Jesus told about the sacrament. Jesus told about the sacrament. He said we should take the sacrament often. He said we should take the sacrament often. But if we do something bad, we should not take the sacrament until we have repented. But if we do something bad, we should not take the sacrament until we have repented.
We take the sacrament to remember Jesus. We take the sacrament to remember Jesus. The bread helps us think of His body. The bread helps us think of His body. We remember that He died for us on the cross. We remember that He died for us on the cross.
The water helps us think of the blood of Jesus. The water helps us think of the blood of Jesus. We remember that he suffered and bled for us in the Garden of Gethsemane. We remember that he suffered and bled for us in the Garden of Gethsemane.
We make covenants when we take the sacrament. We make covenants when we take the sacrament. A covenant is a promise. A covenant is a promise. We promise that we will try to be like Jesus. We promise that we will try to be like Jesus. We promise that we will always remember Him. We promise that we will always remember Him.
We also promise to obey His commandments. We also promise to obey His commandments. If we keep our covenants, we are promised that His Spirit will be with us. If we keep our covenants, we are promised that His Spirit will be with us.
Joseph Smith was living in the town of Fayette in the state of New York. Joseph Smith was living in the town of Fayette in the state of New York. Jesus told Joseph it was time for His true Church to be on earth again. Jesus told Joseph it was time for His true Church to be on earth again. He told Joseph to organize the Church. He told Joseph to organize the Church.
On 6 April 1830, Joseph held a meeting to organize the Church. On 6 April 1830, Joseph held a meeting to organize the Church. Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel Smith, David Whitmer, and Peter Whitmer came to help him. Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel Smith, David Whitmer, and Peter Whitmer came to help him.
They had all been baptized. They had all been baptized. Other people also came to the meeting. Other people also came to the meeting.
The men prayed to Heavenly Father. The men prayed to Heavenly Father. Joseph ordained Oliver an elder in the Church. Joseph ordained Oliver an elder in the Church. Then Oliver ordained Joseph Then Oliver ordained Joseph.
Joseph and Oliver blessed the sacrament. Joseph and Oliver blessed the sacrament. They gave it to the men. They gave it to the men.
Joseph and Oliver put their hands on each man’s head to confirm him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost. Joseph and Oliver put their hands on each man’s head to confirm him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Joseph and Oliver ordained some of the other men to the priesthood. Joseph and Oliver ordained some of the other men to the priesthood. These men were very happy. These men were very happy. They said they loved God and told how He had blessed them. They said they loved God and told how He had blessed them.
Jesus gave a revelation to Joseph Smith at the meeting. Jesus gave a revelation to Joseph Smith at the meeting. Jesus said Joseph was a prophet. Jesus said Joseph was a prophet. A true prophet speaks for Jesus. A true prophet speaks for Jesus. When a prophet speaks for Jesus, members of the Church should listen to him and obey him. When a prophet speaks for Jesus, members of the Church should listen to him and obey him.
After the meeting, many people were baptized, including Joseph Smith’s mother and father. After the meeting, many people were baptized, including Joseph Smith’s mother and father. What a wonderful day! What a wonderful day! The Church of Jesus Christ was on the earth again. The Church of Jesus Christ was on the earth again.
Discussion Time
The state of New York required a church to have six official members before it could be legally organized. The state of New York required a church to have six official members before it could be legally organized.
After a prayer, Joseph asked the people at the meeting if they accepted him and Oliver as their teachers and spiritual leaders. After a prayer, Joseph asked the people at the meeting if they accepted him and Oliver as their teachers and spiritual leaders. Everyone said yes by raising their hands (as we do in the Church today when we sustain people to callings). Everyone said yes by raising their hands (as we do in the Church today when we sustain people to callings).
When was the Church organized? (D&C 21:3.) When was the Church organized? (D&C 21:3.)D&C 21:3D&C 21:3 What was Joseph Smith called to be in the Church? (D&C 20:2; 21:1.) What was Joseph Smith called to be in the Church? (D&C 20:2; 21:1.)D&C 20:2; 21:1D&C 20:2; 21:1 What was Oliver Cowdery called to be? (D&C 20:3.) What was Oliver Cowdery called to be? (D&C 20:3.)D&C 20:3D&C 20:3 Who gave Joseph and Oliver these callings? (D&C 20:4.) Who gave Joseph and Oliver these callings? (D&C 20:4.)D&C 20:4D&C 20:4 Who calls men to be apostles and prophets today? Who calls men to be apostles and prophets today? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.
Who should be baptized? (D&C 20:37, 71.) Who should be baptized? (D&C 20:37, 71.)D&C 20:37, 71D&C 20:37, 71 What does it mean to be accountable? What does it mean to be accountable? What is the age of accountability? (D&C 68:27.) What is the age of accountability? (D&C 68:27.)D&C 68:27D&C 68:27 How should we be baptized? (D&C 20:72–74.) How should we be baptized? (D&C 20:72–74.)D&C 20:72–74D&C 20:72–74
When should we partake of the sacrament? (D&C 20:75.) When should we partake of the sacrament? (D&C 20:75.)D&C 20:75D&C 20:75 Why do we partake of the sacrament? Why do we partake of the sacrament?
What were the early members of the Church taught about the Prophet Joseph Smith? (D&C 21:4–5.) What were the early members of the Church taught about the Prophet Joseph Smith? (D&C 21:4–5.)D&C 21:4–5D&C 21:4–5 Who tells us what Jesus Christ wants us to do today? Who tells us what Jesus Christ wants us to do today? The living prophet. The living prophet. Where can we hear or read about the teachings of the living prophet? Where can we hear or read about the teachings of the living prophet? Why should we learn what the living prophet is teaching us today? Why should we learn what the living prophet is teaching us today?
Why is it important that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the same as the church Jesus established when he lived on the earth? Why is it important that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the same as the church Jesus established when he lived on the earth? Why do we need Jesus Christ’s church on the earth today? Why do we need Jesus Christ’s church on the earth today? What blessings do you receive by being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? What blessings do you receive by being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
Let’s take a quiz to see how much you can remember. Enrichment Activity 1
On what day was the Church organized? June 1828 2. 6 April 1830 September 1944 Enrichment Activity 1
On what day was the Church organized? June 1828 2. 6 April 1830 September 1944 Enrichment Activity 1
In what state of the United Stated was the Church organized? 1. Missouri 2. Ohio 3. New York Enrichment Activity 1
In what state of the United Stated was the Church organized? 1. Missouri 2. Ohio 3. New York Enrichment Activity 1
How many members did the Church need to have to be legally organized? 1. 6 Enrichment Activity 1
How many members did the Church need to have to be legally organized? 1. 6 Enrichment Activity 1
List three ways in which the restored Church is the same as the church Jesus Christ organized when he was on the earth. 1. 2. 3. 4. Enrichment Activity 1
List three ways in which the restored Church is the same as the church Jesus Christ organized when he was on the earth. 1. Baptism by Immersion 2. Living apostles and prophets 3. Current Revelation 4. Sacrament Enrichment Activity 1
Jesus Christ told Joseph Smith exactly how the Church should be organized. He even told Joseph what the name of the Church should be (although this revelation came in 1838, eight years after the Church was organized). Enrichment Activity 2
What did Jesus Christ tell Joseph Smith the name of the Church should be? Enrichment Activity 2
Let’s read Doctrine and Covenants 115:4 aloud. 4 For thus shall a my b church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day c Saints. Enrichment Activity 2
The name of the Church means that it is Jesus Christ’s church restored to the earth in our time, the latter days. Enrichment Activity 2
We’re going to divide the class into two groups. Enrichment Activity 3
The first group is going to be looking at Enrichment Activity 3 Jesus Christ’s church when he was on the earth
Jesus Christ’s restored church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The second group is going to be looking at Enrichment Activity 3
Jesus Christ’s restored church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Look up the following scriptures based on your group to see what these references say about the church of Jesus Christ. Enrichment Activity 3 Jesus Christ’s church when he was on the earth
Jesus Christ’s restored church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Matthew 3:13, 16 Ephesians 2:19–20 Amos 3:7 Luke 22:19–20 Enrichment Activity 3 Jesus Christ’s church when he was on the earth D&C 20:72–74 D&C 21:1 D&C 21:5 D&C 20:75
Jesus Christ’s restored church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Matthew 3:13, 16 Ephesians 2:19–20 Amos 3:7 Luke 22:19–20 Enrichment Activity 3 Jesus Christ’s church when he was on the earth D&C 20:72–74 D&C 21:1 D&C 21:5 D&C 20:75 Baptism by immersion Living apostles and prophets Current Revelation Sacrament
It’s important that you understand that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized the same way that Jesus Christ’s church was organized when he was on the earth. Enrichment Activity 3
In order to have a testimony of Jesus Christ and his restored Church you must believe – Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Son and our Savior. Joseph Smith is the prophet of God through whom the gospel was restored. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ’s true church. We are led by a living prophet of God today. Enrichment Activity 4
Through study and prayer you can gain a testimony that these things are true. Can you thing of ways you can gain or strengthen your testimony of these important principles? Enrichment Activity 4
Living apostles are an important part of Jesus Christ’s church. Enrichment Activity 5
Let’s read Matthew 10:2-4 to read the name of the original 12 appostles: 2 Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; 3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the a publican; James the son of Alphæus, and Lebbæus, whose surname was Thaddæus; 4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also a betrayed him. Enrichment Activity 5
These are the current Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Enrichment Activity 5 Elder Neil L. Andersen Elder D. Todd Christofferson Elder Quentin L. Cook Elder David A. Bednar Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Elder Robert D. Hales Elder Richard G. Scott Elder M. Russell Ballard Elder Dallin H. Oaks Elder Russell M. Nelson Elder L. Tom Perry President Boyd K. Packer
Does anyone know the sixth article of faith? Enrichment Activity 6
6 We believe in the same a organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, b prophets, c pastors, d teachers, e evangelists, and so forth. Enrichment Activity 6
The Church today has all the positions mentioned in this article of faith, although we use different names for some of them ( bishops instead of pastors and patriarchs instead of evangelists ). Enrichment Activity 6
Our Closing Prayer will be given by (Enter Name Here)
D&C 21:3 3 Which a church was b organized and established in the year of your Lord eighteen hundred and thirty, in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month which is called April. Return
D&C 20:2; 21:1 2 Which commandments were given to Joseph Smith, Jun., who was a called of God, and b ordained an c apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the d first e elder of this church; 1 Behold, there shall be a a record kept among you; and in it thou shalt be called a b seer, a translator, a prophet, an c apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ, Return
D&C 20:3 3 And to Oliver Cowdery, who was also called of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the a second elder of this church, and ordained under his hand; Return
D&C 20:4 4 And this according to the a grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom be all glory, both now and forever. Amen. Return
D&C 20:37, And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism —All those who a humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and b contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the c name of Jesus Christ, having a d determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their e works that they have received of the f Spirit of Christ unto the g remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism into his church.
D&C 20:37, No one can be received into the church of Christ unless he has arrived unto the years of a accountability before God, and is capable of b repentance. Return
D&C 68:27 27 And their children shall be a baptized for the b remission of their sins when c eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. Return
D&C 20:72–74 72 a Baptism is to be administered in the following manner unto all those who repent— 73 The person who is called of God and has authority from Jesus Christ to baptize, shall go down into the water with the person who has presented himself or herself for baptism, and shall say, calling him or her by name: Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 74 Then shall he a immerse him or her in the water, and come forth again out of the water. Return
D&C 20:75 75 It is expedient that the church a meet together often to b partake of c bread and wine in the d remembrance of the Lord Jesus; Return
D&C 21:4–5 4 Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give a heed unto all his words and b commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all c holiness before me; 5 For his a word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith. Return