people delivering expertise Lagan Construction The Principal Contractor: How Have My Responsibilities Changed? By Neil McKenzie Contracts Manager Lagan Construction
people delivering expertise We deliver high quality, innovative civil engineering and building solutions for roads airports water defence marine power and rail… People delivering expertise A Lagan company
people delivering expertise Our expertise Our experienced teams work closely with clients and supply chain partners throughout every project, ensuring we consistently deliver best value and quality of service across all of our key sectors. Roads Marine Airports Power Water Rail Defence
people delivering expertise Our resources We operate in a number of global markets, delivering solutions to public and private clients through a network of local offices Our markets: Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland UK mainland Isle of Man Caribbean Our offices: Belfast Dunleer Kendal West Drayton, Healthrow Ramsey, Isle of Man Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Barbados
people delivering expertise Our projects A1 Loughbrickland to Beechill Dualling £18m DRD Roads Service
people delivering expertise Our projects Limerick Tunnel PFI Capital value £250m North Float Out Structure ~ €6M South Cut & Cover Cofferdam ~ € 7M
people delivering expertise Our projects Project Lunar London Luton Airport £12m
people delivering expertise Our projects Bristol International Airport £7m
people delivering expertise CDM 2007 and the contractor Luckily for us the duties of the Principal Contractor have not changed in any significant way. This should be the case for all companies if they were complying with the principal contractor requirement in the 1995 Regulations.
people delivering expertise CDM 2007 principles Co-operation between all parties. Involvement of the whole workforce in the management of health and safety.
people delivering expertise CDM 2007 The new regulations replace: The Construction Design & Management Regs. (NI) The Construction (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regs. (NI) They also amend the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regs. (NI) 1992.
people delivering expertise CDM the changes So how does CDM 2007 really affect the Principal Contractor?
people delivering expertise CDM Concept / design stage 2.0Tender stage 3.0Construction stage 4.0Post construction stage
people delivering expertise 1.0Concept / design stage Competency / experience Early contractor involvement Promotion of buildability Safer construction
people delivering expertise Ideal location for safe working?
people delivering expertise Location location …..
people delivering expertise 2.0Tender stage Pre-construction information as opposed to “Pre- Tender Health & Safety Plan”. Adequate provision of welfare facilities. Time required for setting up welfare facilities. Good information flow. The success or failure of these projects is down to good communication at all stages of the contract.
people delivering expertise 3.0Construction stage Ready to commence construction? Ensure the client is aware of his duties CDM Co-ordinator appointment. NI10 notification. Welfare facilities available from day 1. Construction phase health and safety plan in place.
people delivering expertise We also must touch on: Management Competency Time Information and training for the workforce Access to site Information to the duty holders The health and safety plan 3.0Construction stage
people delivering expertise Welfare facilities toilets (male & female) with hot and cold running water. hand cleansers and a means of drying hands. smoke-free canteens with adequate seating (which have backs). a means of boiling water and heating food ( kettle and microwave : £60 in Tesco). and a drying room to dry wet clothing. (full list available in the handouts)
people delivering expertise Isolated sites
people delivering expertise Isolated Sites
people delivering expertise Welfare on sites Before: After:
people delivering expertise Construction phase health & safety plan Who does what? Who is responsible? Hazards and risks? How the work will be controlled?
people delivering expertise Competency The minimum of paperwork is required to validate credentials. The Principle contractor must ensure that all contractors under his control have adequate and appropriate competences as well the resources to do the job in hand.
people delivering expertise Vendor assessments Their Health and Safety policy. Their Health and Safety plan. Their arrangements for managing Health and Safety. These should identify duties under CDM 2007 and any other relevant legislation (e.g. Work at Height). There should be a clear indication of how arrangements are communicated to other parties. The methods of determining training needs and meeting those needs. Details of qualifications and relevant expertise for key people (Board members, Key Project Staff, safety team members as examples) Monitoring and Audit arrangements (including any external audit bodies). How the Workers are consulted and involved. Arrangements for accident reporting and investigating accidents to avoid repeat occurrences. Arrangements for ensuring that providers in the supply chain (suppliers and subcontractors) are able to carry out their duties safely and with regards to health and safety. How the company will identify significant Health and Safety risks and how they will be managed
people delivering expertise Competancy In reality there is still a lot of information required to give you peace of mind.
people delivering expertise Time … Prepare & Plan
people delivering expertise Training and information Inductions – Method statements – Risk assessments – Emergency procedures – Typical list (next slide) available in the handout.
people delivering expertise Induction Introduction - e.g. welcome, a description of what the project is about & who it is for, how important is safety and who’s who. General requirements and approaches of the principal contractor and the client. What are the Site Rules - e.g. Reporting of accidents, demonstrating training & competence, wearing safety equipment, receiving a briefing on your safe system of work, hand-over of documentation such as permits to work, rules on access and parking, use of radios and mobile phones. What are the Site Emergency Procedures e.g. Medical, Fire, other Any particular hazards on site. – Live gas mains, overhead cables, asbestos, clients’ activities. What are the welfare arrangements -Toilet locations/mess rooms/drying rooms Where people can go for assistance/further information/help Office, notice board, worker safety reps, complaint lines. What’ll happen to those who don’t co-operate - Red/yellow cards, 3 strikes & out, company disciplinary procedure
people delivering expertise Risk assessments & method statements The workforce must be informed as to: how they are expected to perform their duties and the risks associated with it. All Demolition Activities must be recorded in writing prior to work starting.
people delivering expertise Emergency procedures Contacts with the local emergency services, ambulance, Fire Brigade, RNLI, etc… What to do and who to call / inform is different on every site
people delivering expertise Consultation Inform the workforce Toolbox talks, weekly safety meetings, safety walkabouts Their performance is the real test to a healthy, safe, motivated and hopefully profitable site.
people delivering expertise How accessible is your site? Prevent unauthorised persons from entering your site. Focus on “at-risk” groups, such as children, when assessing site security. Engage local schools e.g. Safety Sam
people delivering expertise Liaise with duty holders Additional work or scope changes must be discussed with the Designers and the CDM Co-ordinator to ensure they can perform their duties.
people delivering expertise The health and safety file The Principle Contractor must pass on all relevant information to the CDM Co-ordinator when requested so as he can complete the Health and Safety file.
people delivering expertise In summary …. If as Principle Contractor you have been complying with the old CDM and Construction Health Safety and Welfare Regulations you have very little to worry about from CDM If not I hope this talk will point you in the right direction!
people delivering expertise Time to talk… Your questions