The Blended Family Romans 14:19
What Is a Blended Family? The blended family is a family unit in which one or both of the spouses have been previously married and bring a child or children to the relationship
Blended means: "mixed together." It suggests a combining of separate units into an integrated whole
The stepfamily at least one spouse has a parental relationship with a child based on marriage, not blood. "You're not my mother.“ "You are so right. However, I am the mother in this home." "You're not my dad. I don't have to do what you say.“ "Your mother and I have talked about this, and we have agreed that this decision is best for you."
Nuclear Family The nuclear family is a traditional family unit composed of... one husband and one wife one marriage one or more children from one union
Follow after Peace Col. 3:12-15 Prov. 24:3 Is 43:18 Prov. 16:3 Gen 2:24
The Realization that a blended family is not ideal; there will always be a unique set of family problems that mistakes will be made, but God uses mistakes to build character and strengthen the family unit
Realization that it is going to take the cooperation of both partners to overcome difficulties and make the marriage work that it takes time, and it may be years before there are any signs of unity or smooth functioning relationships
Realization that God will use this blended family as a source of spiritual growth, a means of healing the past and a demonstration of His unconditional love
Battles Child rearing Financial difficulties Relatives Value systems Sharing tasks
Bonding Build a solid relationship with your spouse. Base your relationship on Christ. Face difficulties with a united front. Amos 3:3
Bonding Observe family traditions and holidays with flexibility. Be aware of various family expectations. Be considerate of children who are caught in the middle. Be willing to sacrifice personal expectations for holidays. Romans 12:10
Bonding Nurture the children's nuclear family relationships. Respect the missing parent's rights. Encourage communication with all grandparents and relatives. Encourage holiday cards, birthday gifts and thank-you notes. Ex. 20:12
Bonding Determine to stand firm. Don't relax your standards. Don't be sensitive to rejection. Don't expect a problem free family. Prov. 29:15,17
Bonding Initiate family structure. Work toward a Biblical authority structure. Have well-defined boundaries. Maintain consistent discipline. Be united in decisions. Prov. 3:12
Bonding Negotiate mutual ground. Encourage open and honest communication. Have frequent family meetings and devotions. Talk, talk, talk with each other! 1 Cor 1:10
Bonding Grow in dependence upon Christ. Col. 2:6-7