Mobile HCI IS 698/800 Spring 2013 Shaun Kane Week 2: Project
Welcome back! Syllabus review ( Finding research papers Project planning 2
If you missed last class Read this: /01/31/so-you-missed-the-first-class/ /01/31/so-you-missed-the-first-class/ 3
Revisit web site / calendar 4
Syllabus update Added app presentations (for extra credit) Clarified assignment due dates Posted full assignment descriptions / grading rubrics 5
Any questions? Comments? 6
Finding research papers Finding good papers to discuss is a key part of this course We’ll spend a few minutes exploring research tools 7
Starting points Most useful: The ACM Digital Library: IEEE XPlore: HCIBib: Microsoft Academic Search: Google Scholar: 8
Good papers Research papers Focus on HCI and mobile 8-15 pages … if in doubt, ask ahead of time 3 candidates Sunday the week before (10 days before); we’ll pick one 9
Accessing readings off-campus UMBC library article search See library help guide oteaccess.php oteaccess.php 10
Class project Big part of this course (25%) Group design project: designing a mobile application to solve a specific problem –Interview potential users –Paper prototyping –Refine design –Present a video demonstrating your prototype 11
Project ideas Choose basic projects as described here –But customize based on your group’s interests –Must be feasible to code (even if you don’t code it) Shaun projects –Minimal attention texting –Accessible camera –Blind radio From students: –Art identification 12
Minimal attention texting The problem: How can we send and receive messages without looking at the device? –Assume no magic hardware, and no headset –Touch screen, vibration motor, other device sensors –How to input without looking (in the pocket, under the desk) –How to receive useful messages without looking (and no headset) 13
Accessible photography Traditional cameras are hard to use for lots of people –Older adults, kids, people with motor impairments: aiming the camera is hard hard to take clear pictures –Blind people Hard to know what’s in the photo Hard to aim at a target Pick a group, design a solution 14
Blind radio Interesting things are all around us –Some are useful, some are just interesting Design an audio interface that tells the user about things in the environment –Useful, interesting, and both Could be useful for blind people, tourists, etc. Must be safe to use while walking around 15
Art discovery (from Jen B.) Camera-based app –Take pictures of art, and learn more about the art –Take pictures of other things in the environment to learn about art –??? 16
Group finding algorithm Project ideas on board Who are you? (pick one) –A hacker –A project manager –A designer Pick a project –Then, form a group 17
Group activity Generate some ideas Start working on G1 18