{ Characters in the Odyssey You will need to know who all these guys and gals are so that you can match them with a brief character description
King of the Phaeacians to whom Odysseus tells his story Alcinous
King of Ithaca Odysseus
Sea goddess who loved Odysseus Calyspso
Enchantress who helped Odysseus Circe
King of the gods Zeus
God of music, poetry, prophesy, and medicine Apollo
King and leader of the Greek forces Agamemnon
God of sea, earthquakes, horses, and storms at sea Poseidon
Goddess of wisdom, skills, and warfare Athena
The Cyclops who imprisoned Odysseus Polyphemus
A member of Odysseus’ crew Eurylochus
Blind prophet who advised Odysseus Tiresias
Wife of hades Persephone
Odysseus and Penelope’s son Telemachus
Creatures whose songs lure sailors to their deaths Sirens
Sea monster of gray rock Scylla
Enormous and dangerous whirlpool Charybdis
Nymph Lampetia
Herald and messenger of the gods Hermes
Old swineherd and friend of Odysseus Eumaeus
Leader among the suitors Antinous
Housekeeper for Penelope Eurynome
Odysseus’ wife Penelope
Suitor Eurymachus