Turpion Journals – Critical Russian Research in English Translation Lev Malov SLA, PAM Division, Vendor Update Session 15 June 2009
2 History History Core Journals of the RAS Core Journals of the RAS Historic Archive Historic Archive Partnership with IOP Publishing Partnership with IOP Publishing Physics-Online.ru Physics-Online.ru
3 History Turpion Ltd Not for profit publisher Not for profit publisher Established in 1990 by the RSC and Pion Ltd Established in 1990 by the RSC and Pion Ltd Pion – 50 years of involvement with the British Library for translation of the Russian journals Ownership changed in 2004 – IOPP acquired RSC stake in Turpion Ownership changed in 2004 – IOPP acquired RSC stake in Turpion Partner societies Partner societies Russian Academy of Sciences Founded by Peter the Great in 1724Founded by Peter the Great in 1724 The supreme scientific institution of RussiaThe supreme scientific institution of Russia The London Mathematical Society Founded in 1865Founded in 1865 Major British learned society for mathMajor British learned society for math
4 Core Journals (1) PHYSICS PHYSICS Physics-Uspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences) Translation of Russian review journal Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, first published in 1918 Editor in Chief, V L Ginzburg winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2003 Impact Factor 2007: 5-year IF = 2.344, 2-year IF = 2.032, the highest IF among all Russian journals in physics A special issue will be devoted to research provided by the Lebedev Physics Institute that celebrates 75 th anniversary in 2009 Quantum Electronics All aspects of laser research and its applications Founded in 1971 by the Nobel Prize laureate, Nikolay Basov IF = (2007), the highest IF among all Russian journals in physics applied category An exclusive special issue will be devoted to the 50 th anniversary of lasers, first developed in Russia A special series of invited articles will be published to mark the journal’s 40 th anniversary
5 Core Journals (2) CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Russian Chemical Reviews A leading Russian review journal in chemistry, founded in 1932 Impact Factor 2007: 5-year IF = 2.551, 2-year IF = 1.893, the highest IF among all Russian journals in chemistry multidisciplinary category More articles in hot-topic areas, such as materials science, with a focus on nanochemistry, nanostructures and nanotechnologies Special attention will be given to environment problems, and a special issue on Green Chemistry will be published in 2010
6 Core Journals (3) MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS Highly prestigious Russian math’s journals Published jointly with the London Math Society The number of submissions has risen greatly in the last three years Much more submissions from the Russian mathematicians who currently work in the West Sbornik: Mathematics Oldest Russian math journal – 1866 Izvestiya: Mathematics Founded in 1937 – the highest IF among all Russian math’s journals Russian Mathematical Surveys Founded in 1936 – the highest circulation. Edited by Professor S.P. Novikov (University of Maryland, College Park).
7 Turpion Historic Archive Golden Age of Russian Science Golden Age of Russian Science Functionality: Functionality: Fully searchable PDFs XML reference linking service Article cited by articles service Usage statistics, etc. Purchasing the archive ensures your institution has access to: Purchasing the archive ensures your institution has access to: Over 290 volumes Over 27,600 articles Over 277,000 pages of scientific research Permanent purchase cost: Permanent purchase cost: $0.33 per article or $0.03 per page
9 Partnership with IOPP is a milestone in the Turpion journals history Provides distribution, sales & marketing from 2007 Provides distribution, sales & marketing from 2007 Hosts Turpion electronic content (including historic archive) from 2008 Hosts Turpion electronic content (including historic archive) from 2008 All Turpion journals are available through IOPscience from 2008 All Turpion journals are available through IOPscience from 2008 A great progress for the journals visibility and usage statistics A great progress for the journals visibility and usage statistics
10 All Turpion journals participate in IOPscience You can now: Search within 6,000 subject classifications Program RSS feeds to keep you up-to-date with new content as it is added Register for alerts for any journal Employ social bookmarking from article abstract pages to services such as Connotea.org and del.icio.us Keep a record of your article downloads for up to 3 months Export article abstracts, references and citations from the article page Quickly and easily save permanent article links iopscience.org
11 IOPscience Libraries enjoy the following benefits: Electronic only Access to all IOP hosted content (current journals plus historic archive) Continual access (continual access rights to the years you license) Advanced functionality Tailored pricing (every customer has access to the content at a fair price)
12 Journal Usage Statistics (1)
13 Journal Usage Statistics (2)
14 A new website for physics online community A pilot project launched in April A pilot project launched in April It provides a forum for published and pre-published materials, daily news coverage, information about the conferences and seminars. It provides a forum for published and pre-published materials, daily news coverage, information about the conferences and seminars. It is the first online community in physics where researchers may discuss the problems in Russian. We plan to add the English version at a later stage. It is the first online community in physics where researchers may discuss the problems in Russian. We plan to add the English version at a later stage. The website provides the blog. The blog is for researchers who have published with our journals as well as for those who haven’t. The website provides the blog. The blog is for researchers who have published with our journals as well as for those who haven’t. All discussions and news are moderated and filtered by the experts appointed by the journals’ editors. All discussions and news are moderated and filtered by the experts appointed by the journals’ editors. Check Check
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