The Christian & Modesty
I. The Meaning of “Modesty.” A. Kosmios (adj.). 2 in NT. Trans. in KJV “modest, good behavior.” 1. I Timothy 2:9,10 - “modest apparel” with… “propriety” - aidos “1) a sense of shame or honour, modesty, bashfulness, reverence, regard for others, respect” “moderation” - sophrosune “1) soundness of mind, 2) self-control, sobriety” 2. I Timothy 3:2,3 - “good behavior”
The Christian & Modesty I. The Meaning of “Modesty.” B. Kosmeo (vb.). 10 times in NT. Translated in KJV “adorn (5), garnish (4), trim (1).” 1. I Timothy 2:9 - “order with orderly apparel” 2. In the sense of order - “put in order” (Matthew 12:44, Luke 11:25); Of lamps “trimmed” (Matthew 25:7). 3. In the sense of adornment. Of tombs. (Matthew 23:29). Of buildings. (Matthew 25:7, Luke 21:5, Revelation 21:19). Of people. As a bride. (fig, Rev. 21:2); with the doctrine of Christ. (Titus 2:10); with the hidden person of the heart. (I Peter 3:4,5).
The Christian & Modesty II. Considerations & Applications A. What does the Lord consider to be modest? 1. Genesis 2:25 - at first no shame. 2. Genesis 3:7 - fig leaves an insufficient covering (I Cor 12:23,24; Lev 18:18). 3. Genesis 3:21 - God made tunics of skin. “Tunic” - kuttonet “a long shirt-like garment.” 4. Exodus 28: the priest’s garments. 5. I Peter 3:3,4 - showy adornment. B. Are we responsible for what others think? 1. Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own thoughts (James 1:13,14). 2. Christians must never put stumbling blocks before others (Romans 14:7-13).