Find your voice and Inspire others To find theirs The 8th Habit Find your voice and Inspire others To find theirs
The 7 Habits Be Proactive Begin with the end in Mind Put First Things First Think Win-Win Seek First to Understand than to be understood Synergize Sharpen the saw
The Seven Habits and the 8th Habit
Habit lie at the intersection of knowledge, attitude and skill
Three Hardwired Birth-Gifts : Choice, Principles, 4 Intelligences Choices Principles 4 Intelligences
The Iceberg of Vision, Discipline, Passion and Conscience
The Iceberg of Vision, Discipline, Passion and Conscience
The voice lies at the nexus of talent, passion, excite, need and conscience
Find Your Voice : With the manifestations of four intelligences
WHOLE PERSON NEEDS INTELLIGENCES ATTRI-BUTES VOICE Express Your Voice : WHOLE PERSON NEEDS INTELLIGENCES ATTRI-BUTES VOICE BODY To live Physical (PQ) Discipline Need (See meeting needs) MIND To learn Mental (IQ) Vision Talent (Disciplined Focus) HEART To love Emotional (EQ) Passion (Love to do) SPIRIT To leave a legacy Spiritual (SQ) Conscience (Do what’s right)
Inspiring Others to Find Their Voice
Inspire Others to Find Their Voice : 4 Roles of Leadership
Leadership in Management Practice and Whole-person Model of Leaders
People make choices based upon how well the four areas of their nature are respected and engaged
The 8th Habit and the Sweet Spot
The New Holistic Selling Model