1 Andrew Howard UNFCCC secretariat Progress in implementing the international transaction log Consultations on registry systems prior to SBSTA 22 Bonn May 2005
2 Technical design work Applicability of the CITL for ITL development Development schedule Initialization of registries Overview
3 Basis for the ITL established in the standards Transaction types Checks to ensure conformity with rules Reconciliation to eliminate inconsistencies Electronic communications with registries Data records to be kept Administrative processes Version 1.0 of the technical specifications for the standards Data exchange standards
4 Version 1.0 (draft #7) of the ITL technical design specifications Database design and structure Logical flows for transaction and reconciliation processes Detailed specifications of coding components Detailed methods for ITL checks Links to other databases for reference information -Compilation and accounting database -CDM information system -JI information system (track 2) Detailed specifications for ITL notifications ITL technical design
5 Review ITL technical design Create database Develop programme code and an administrator interface Establish hardware environment Testing (individual components and overall functionality) ITL deployment in a production environment Initialization of secure communications with registries Documentation (plans, guides, training) Public website ITL development tasks
6 EU ‘Community Independent Transaction Log’ Performs checks on transactions under the EU trading scheme Modelled on Kyoto’s ITL Development based on ITL technical design CITL programme code provides a robust basis for the ITL Strong architecture for transactions, data integrity and checks Around half of required ITL functionality contained in CITL code Challenge is to safely and seamlessly adapt, remove and add code A head start through the CITL
7 EU transaction log (CITL) EU communications hub National registry EU Member State registries EU checks Current EU communications
8 Future Kyoto Protocol communications Kyoto international transaction log Kyoto communications hub EU transaction log (CITL) UN checks Other supplementary transaction logs Other checks National registry EU Member State registries National registry CDM registry National registry Other Kyoto registries EU checks
9 Create new database or modify CITL database Add web service communications (tCERs and lCERs, notifications, STL communications) Add functions to interact with STLs (routing and processing communications, reconciliation, data sharing) Add transaction types (replacement, expiry date change) Add ITL notification functions and running totals Modify existing checks and add ITL-specific checks (tCER and lCER checks, transaction-specific checks, reconciliation checks) Remove unneeded CITL code (account management, EU-specific checks, EU supplementary unit and transaction types) Adaptation of CITL code
10 Unit testing on individual code and database components Integration testing of compiled ITL code (with registries and STLs) -Cover all transaction, reconciliation and notification cases -Cover all ITL check cases Regression testing (after fixes made through earlier testing) Performance testing (for efficiency improvements) -In actual hardware/software environment -Under realistic load scenarios Testing the ITL
11 Indicative ITL development schedule Estimated completion Review of ITL technical design Establish development environment Creation/modification of databaseDec 2005 Programme code development and unit testingMar 2006 Administrator interface development and unit testingApr 2006 Establish hardware environment Integration and regression testing (non-STL case)May 2006 Integration and regression testing (STL case)Jun 2006 Performance testingJul 2006 ITL deployment (including prototype)Jul/Aug 2006 ITL administrator training
12 Administrator training Receipt and review of initialization documentation Establishment of VPN connection Transaction and reconciliation tests (web services tests) Tests for other data submission to ITL Full registry tests Activation of production environment connection Concentrate initially on registries not associated with an STL Initializing registries
13 CITL initialization Similar process as for registries Establishment of secure ITL-CITL connection Data migration schedule (coordinated with EU registry migration), including standardized data migration procedures and scripts Migration of registry connections from the CITL to the ITL One migration round or several? Coordination through the administrators cooperative forum The special EU case
14 Communications and planning through the cooperative forum ITL requirements Planning and schedules for development, testing, deployment, initialization (including data and registry migration in the EU case) Support for initialization Provision of ITL prototype VPN purchase/configuration support for registries Further guidance on documentation Initialization support being incorporated in contractor selection Communications with administrators