HV Cable Suitable to sustain up to 15 kV Cable characteristics: 1.According CERN safety instruction IS 23 2.Single conductor- = 0.16 mm 3.Conductor 20°C = 147 /Km 4.Core- = 3 mm 5.Screen wire- =0.2 mm (for 10 conductors) 6.Overall diameter = 8.4 mm (for 3 conductors) 7.Price: /Km (for 10 Km and 3 conductors cable)
HV connector 2 high voltage pins to supply –12 kV 1 pin for signal return insulating material Polietilene HDPE (Eraclene Polimeri Europa (57%) Masterbatch (GPO1246 Viba) (43%) (Conforming to TIS Rules) Metal cover connected to external chamber aluminium frame ZAMA (UNI 3717 G-Zn A14 Cu1) Electrical characteristics: Operating voltage: 15 kV Testing conditions: 20 kV Possibility to stack it up
HV connector By CPE ( Schedule: 1.The connector has passed CERN tests for chemical analysis 2.Made electrical test performance (before and after radiation exposure) 3.We are waiting for the final quotation before final order Price: 3 CHF/contact/ pieces